
时间:2022-10-30 12:05:05












Susan Larson,美国99S国际女飞行员组织前任主席、直升机驾驶员

我经常驾驶直升机往返于我公司的厂区所在地太阳河谷(Sun River)和我在加州圣何塞(San Jose)的家,这两地公路距离大约700多公里。幸亏有直升机,因为我不想忍受驾车的长途劳累,又不想每天在太阳河谷(Sun River)居住。我是1977年参加俄勒冈州太阳谷的一次商务会议时第一次发现使用直升机的便利的。驾驶汽车在迂回的公路上行驶了一天,到达目的地后,我发现那边的停机坪上有一架刚刚停稳的直升机,从飞机上走下来两个精神抖擞的人。而此刻的我已经被驾驶汽车弄得精疲力竭了。那一刻我下定决心,一定得学习驾驶直升机。而最终的结果是,我发现直升机完全可以成为一种常规交通工具。





Akon在检查直升机,他的妻子Marina在准备行李。他们马上要启程前往圣卡塔利娜岛,庆祝他们结婚10周年。这样不长不短的旅行有点尴尬,长途旅行可以乘坐民航,市内交通可以开车,但Akon和Marina到达这次出行的目的地需要数个小时车程,而且还需乘船。好在他们是Sierra Sky Park飞行社区的居民,他们有直升机。




Martha Philips,美国99S国际女飞行员组织现任主席





















杰森·霍克斯(Jason Hawkes),英国著名航空摄影师




性能之选——AS350 B3:一款单发高性能直升机,其强劲的动力、灵活的用途、低采购成本和维护费用,全面领先所有其他6座直升机。AS350 B3标准型还创造了一项历史纪录——成功在珠穆朗玛峰上进行了起降,所以它也是一款适合探险的座驾。


TOP1 新西兰罗托鲁瓦:在这里,直升机载着你飞越塔拉威拉山,罗托鲁瓦神奇的自然火山景色会毫无保留地展现在你眼下。你还可以在罗托鲁瓦最热的地热公园 “地狱之门”降落,或者在新西兰最活跃的火山白岛降落,感受火山心脏的跳动。

TOP2 巴西伊瓜苏瀑布:比尼加拉瀑布还要好看,水量充沛地像个水龙头。直升机可以让你暂时停滞在令人眼花的瀑布中心“魔鬼之喉”上空。该瀑布早些年被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然遗产,直升机观光的出现也引起了一些争议。

TOP3 夏威夷群岛:直升机可以载你去毛伊岛、考艾岛和大岛,飞越活火山、熔岩地和雨林瀑布。此外,高尔夫爱好者可以乘坐直升机在这里寻觅到钟爱的球场,海滩行走爱好者也可以乘着直升机猎奇自己的胜地。

TOP4 赞比亚维多利亚瀑布:直升机载你去看这个俗称“雷之雾”的瀑布。你可以近距离观察赞比西河勇敢跃入巴托卡峡的景象。当你在赞比西国家公园的上空向下俯瞰时,大象、河马、犀牛、长颈鹿比比皆是。

TOP5 美国阿拉斯加州朱诺:朱诺的冰川虽然在短期内还不会消失,但日渐融化却是不争的事实。直升机可以载你在四个截然不同的浮冰上空盘旋,近距离识别不同种类的冰川,勇敢的话,甚至可以亲身去冰川上体验一把行走的感觉(公司提供特制的冰川行走靴)。

Some people don’t like helicopters, saying they are noisy, slow, costly, hard to pilot, and could not give them the thrill of flying.

The question is, we cannot judge helicopters by the standards of fixed wing aircraft. Because from another perspective, these weaknesses are actually strengths. Helicopters are slow, but that makes them perfect for aerial photography, especially as they can hover. Helicopters are convenient for short trips within 200 miles such as flying over traffic jam, going to golf, or picking up your child. And they give you a thrilling experience not with its speed, but with its flexible movement in all dimensions.

Want to know how to better enjoy helicopters, read on to find out.

At the beginning of Apprentice, American estate magnate Donald Trump steps out of a private helicopter on a Manhattan office building and walks straight to the show. That is how business tycoons enjoy the convenience of helicopters.

In New York where most of the tall buildings have a rooftop ramp, there are more than 2,000 big or small business tycoons who own a helicopter. Businessmen, statesmen, and celebrities often take helicopters in and out of the city for privacy and less public appearance. Tom Cruise for example choose to take his private helicopters when the news of his divorce with Katie Holmes was widely reported.

In most metropolitan cities around the world, you can fly anywhere anytime without applying for permission from the government. It is as casual as driving. You also have the right to use any civil airport on a “first come, first serve” basis. The government only offers navigation and air traffic control.

So it won’t be long before helicopters take over the airspace of congested metropolitan cities like Beijing and Shanghai. In fact, many top buildings in Beijing, including Pangu Plaza, CCTV, Eagle Run Plaza, BTV and WTC are equipped with rooftop ramps, although they are not used due to airspace restriction in the capital city. But the days of business tycoons flying to the big cities are not so far away.

Fly Helicopter to work

Susan Larson, former chairman of U.S. 99S International Organization of Women Pilots, Helicopter pilot

I often fly helicopter between my home in San Jose and my office at Sun River. Helicopter offers a perfect solution to my unwillingness to neither live in Sun River nor drive 700 km between the two cities. I first saw the convenience of helicopter in 1977 when I attended a business meeting in Sun River, Oregon. When I arrived exhausted after a long drive, I saw two men walked down a just landed helicopter looking refreshed and energetic. It is then that I decided to learn helicopter piloting. And now, I find helicopter a very useful commute vehicle.

Travel on a helicopter

Akon is checking on the helicopter while his wife Marina is packing luggage. They are about to take off for Santa Catalina in celebration for their 10th anniversary. It usually takes several hours by drive and ferry to get to there. But thanks to helicopter, they can save a lot of time on the journey.

They live in Sierra Sky Park, a flying community, where residents go to golf, outdoor barbecue or outing on helicopters. With helicopters, a trip within the 100 km radius of the community is as convenient as taking a walk within the community, a feat that can never be achieved by fix-wing aircraft. Especially in mountainous areas, helicopters can save a lot of trouble.

To save operating and maintenance cost, most of the residents fly standard configured helicopters.

I fly, I conquer

Zhang Junyan: Private flyer who flew all over U.S. on his Bell407 in 2011 and 2012.

Flying a helicopter is my childhood dream. But it comes with risks, I encountered several dangerous situations and an emergency landing once, but I survived with good skills and a calm mind. But it is just this uncertainty and sense of conquering that bonds me to flying. I enjoy the freedom of body and soul while flying among the clouds under the blue sky. It feels like I have conquered the miniature world beneath me. If I am exhausted, I would land a at an interim ramp, take a walk in the wild or in the bustling streets of a city, viewing and recording natural sceneries or local customs.

Adding Color to Life

Martha Philips, President of 99s International Organization of Women Pilots

My husband and I often go to travel by helicopter. We would fly from the east coast to the west or from the north to the south. With a filled tank and enough food and water, we would keep flying until we are about to run out of fuel. We do not set destinations so we always look forward to the next surprise. We take turns to fly. And we never get bored, because we enjoy looking down to the vast terrains of the country. Most importantly, flying changed my once monotonous life and expanded my social network. Today, we often fly to picnic with friends who shared the interest. It is quite convenient as it does not require an airport for take-off and landing.

Experience an Adrenaline Rush

Among all aircrafts, helicopters gives you the best adrenaline rush.

Unlike on a fixed aircraft where aircraft movement lags behind operation, on a helicopter, you can immediately feel the movement of flight. A slight change in force or direction, the helicopter would not be able to keep its position. This sensitiveness is what attracts flying enthusiasts. In fact, it is harder to pilot a helicopter that to fly a fixed wing aircraft. The loss of gravity and sense of direction makes it even more thrilling.

Some daring fliers would remove the gates on both side of a helicopter to feel the direct contact with air. On a light and small helicopter sensitive to the force of wing, you would feel the real fun of flying. Helicopters for sport flight do not need to be fast, but they must be stable, to which purpose, the lighter turboshaft engine is better than more complex and vibrant pistol engine.

A New Perspective

Jason Hawkes, Renowned British Ariel Photographer

Looking from a helicopter, the city seems no longer the familiar place I live or work in. Basked in the morning light, the Empire State Building is taller than viewed on the ground. At sunset, the World Trade Center is more serene than it is at day time. Helicopters give people an unique perspective from the sky that could not be reached on our own.

Sightseeing on a helicopter

If you stand at the edge of the Great Canyon, you would feel like you are at the end of the world. But if you take a helicopter down 1,000 km, you will find yourself on a new planet.

Or if you want to witness the migration of tens of thousands of gnu and the attack of crocodiles in Kenya, a bird’s view on a hovering helicopter will help you fully appreciate the most breathtaking aspect of nature.

Apart from fighters, helicopter is by far the only vertical take-off and landing vehicle. In places like Mount Everest, New Zealand, New York, India, Africa, or Iceland Blue Lagoon, helicopter tour has become the new fad. The enjoyment of helicopter lies not only in flying, but also in sightseeing and photo taking.

Single turbo-shaft engine helicopters with a big windshield or cockpit window is recommended for sightseeing and ariel photography, because they can operate at a high altitude at a low cost. If you love photography, you can attach more shooting equipments, just remember check with relevant authorities if that requires further airworthiness certification.

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