
时间:2022-10-29 08:17:53


选修7 Unit2 Robots是一篇介绍机器人的文章,属科幻小说,讲述某公司试验机器人托尼的故事。托尼来到克莱尔的家,帮她做家务,为她排忧解难,不但使她的家变得更有品位,而且帮助克莱尔克服心理障碍、重塑自身形象。更不可思议的是,在三周的试验期内,机器人托尼竟让克莱尔对他产生了感情上的依恋!故事细致入微地显露了克莱尔矛盾恍惚的内心世界,栩栩如生地描绘了托尼某些富有人性化的细节,这种亦真亦幻的故事情节充分反映出科幻文学作品的独特魅力,引起学生的极大兴趣。我在教学中将淡化语言点和语法知识的简单传授,采用任务型教学法和小组合作探究学习法,从而扩大课堂的语料输入量及学生的语言输出量。

Step 1.Warming-up

Ask the students to read a robot poem.


Step 2.Fast reading

1.Jigsaw(拼图游戏):The teacher cuts each paragraph of the text into a littlestrip.shuffles the strips.and gives each group a strip.The goal is for students to de-termine where each of their paragraphs belongs in the whole context of the story.tostand in their position once it is determined,and to read off the reconstructed story.

2.Ask Ss to find the relationships between the characters in the text,

Larry Belmont――employed in a company that made robots,

Claire Belmont――Larry's wife,a housewife

Tony the robot

Gladys Claffern――a woman that Claire envies

3.Let the students skim the text quickly and then answer these questions below,see if they can catch the main idea of the text and choose the best answer for each ofthe fellowing questions:

1)We can infer that the passage is probably――.

A.a science fiction

B.an introduction to a new product

C.a real-life report

D.a page from a person's diary

2)The world“elegant”in bold in paragraph 2 means――.


B.pleasingly neat and simple

C.nice and lovely

D.having the qualities of grace and beauty

Key:1)A 2)D


Step 3,Intensive reading

1.Claire's feelings towards Tony changed as the story developed.Read the storyand fill in the occasions when Claire had these feelings.

Suggested Answers:

a.Before he arrived

b.When he offered to help her dress

c.When he offered to help her improve her house and herself

d.When he helps her with the salesman

e.When she fell 0ff a ladder and caught by Tony

f.When she heard Gladys whispering

g.She remembered Tony was just a machine

2.Ask Ss to look through the following sentences and try to find whether they aretrue or false according to the text.

(1)On the second morning,Tony brought Claire breakfast and then dressed her.

(2)Tony wanted to please Claire by borrowing books from the library.

(3)Tony gave Claire a new haircut and made her up.

(4)When Claire fell off a ladder,Tony caught her.

(5)At last,people managed to have women falling in love with machines.

Suggested Answers:(1)F(2)F(3)T(4)T(5)F



Step 4,Discussion in groups

1).List Tony's characteristics that were similar to those of a human being and different from those of a human being.

Suggested Answers:

1、a human being 2、warm 3、realistic 4、a human's 5、never change 6、reaction 7、make suggestions 8、make a plan 9、communication 10、appropriate

21).Do you think it is a good idea to have a robot like Tony to work in your family?



Step 5,Homework

Suppose you are working for a robot company.Design a robot on the paper.andintroduce it to your classmates.Your robot can be used:

(1)In the home(2)In a workplace(3)In the street

(4)In the natural environment(5)In space or anywhere else



上一篇:高中英语自主学习者对教师角色的期待 下一篇:情感教育中的初中英语教学