
时间:2022-10-25 12:12:45


Wife: “There is nothing left in the refrigerator. Peter, Can you go shopping with me?”

Husband: “Sorry, I can’t.”

Wife: “Why?”

Husband: “Because I haven’t finished reading the newspaper yet.”

Wife: “Then we can go after you finish reading it.”

Husband: “But I’m not sure how long it will take.”

Wife: “You don’t want to go with me, do you?”

Husband: “No, I don’t.”

Wife: “Why?”

Husband: “The supermarket is too far.”

Wife: “No road is far with your wife.”

Husband: “Actually, not everyone likes shopping.”

Wife: “But you said you liked shopping with me before we got married.”

Husband: “Since the fish has got hooked (上钩), why do I need the bait (鱼饵)?”

Wife: “What did you say?”

Husband: “No, nothing.”

Wife: “Even marrying a devil is better than marrying you.”

Husband: “It’s impossible. It’s forbidden for close relatives to get married.”


1. 助动词 + not


例如:You mustn’t let someone take advantage of your generosity or you’ll end up in the poorhouse. 不要让别人认为你的慷慨是理所当然,否则你将终老于救济院。

I didn’t use (=used not) to like music, but now I’m getting interested. 我以前不喜欢音乐,但是现在我很感兴趣。


2. 否定副词seldom, never, hardly, rarely, little, few, none, nowhere, neither在句中可构成否定句。

例如:Taking a breath is such a common thing that we rarely even notice we are doing it. 呼吸是一件再普通不过的事情,以至于我们几乎没有注意我们正在做。

3. 非谓语动词的否定

非谓语动词的否定直接在分词前加not即可(不定式的否定为not to + 动词)。

例如:It’s unnecessary to worry about the unknown things in the future. 没有必要为未来未知的事情担忧。

Not knowing the language, she failed to understand what they were talking about. 语言不通,她不知道他们在说些什么。

When my father passed away, I regretted not having spent more time with him. 爸爸去世后,我后悔没有多抽出时间陪他。

4. 部分否定

当all, both, every, everyone, every day, everything, everywhere, many, always, completely等词与not连用时,是对一部分的否定,意为“并非都是,不是每个都是”。

例如:Not all is gold that glitters. 发光的不都是金子。

I don’t agree with all of you. 我并不完全同意你们所有人。

5. 完全否定

no, never, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither... nor...表示完全否定。

例如:The man who saved her life was nowhere to be found. 救她生命的那个男人到处都不见踪影。

You will never know how much your mother loves you. 你永远都不知道你的妈妈有多爱你。

6. 双重否定

否定词not可置于带有否定前缀的单词前,构成双重否定;“not/never... without...”也可表示双重否定。

例如:It’s not uncommon for people to dream about their favorite film stars. 人们梦到他们最喜欢的电影明星是件很寻常的事情。

We can’t live without air or water. 没有空气和水我们无法存活。

7. 否定转移


例如:I don’t imagine that taxes will be reduced this year. 我认为今年不会降低税收。

8. 否定形式表示肯定意义的句型

(1) “can’t/couldn’t/never... too”表示“无论怎样也不过分”。

例如:A man can never have too many friends. 朋友越多越好。

(2) “can’t/couldn’t be... enough”表示“无论怎么都不够”。

例如:You can’t be careful enough when driving. 开车时越小心越好。

(3) “never too... to...”该句型是对“too... to...”的否定,实则表示肯定。

例如:It’s never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。

其他我们学过的“not... until”“hardly... when”“no sooner... than...”“would rather... than...”也都是常见的否定结构。只要在学习过程中善于观察和总结,掌握这些语言结构并不是难事。

上一篇:Stay Fit 下一篇:中国艺术意境之诞生