
时间:2022-10-20 10:08:44


"With a cup of tea, a cigarette and a newspaper, half a day passes." "You use the gold bowl to eat. The rice is very sweet." "You needn’t pay money for anything." …These are popular words that are used to describe the working conditions of civil servants. When civil servants become younger and younger and they have to bear more and more important responsibilities, the pressure of young civil servants also follows them.


The job of civil servant is not that perfect


Although the hot wave hasn’t faded, under the bright appearance, civil servants are experiencing multiple pressures such as "working pressure", "promotion pressure", "economic pressure" and "pressure from public opinion". It is understood that in order to improve efficiency in Switzerland, some states have canceled the call of civil servants and use the name of "governmental employees since 2002." This means that the government's relationship with employees is no longer permanent. Through employment by contract, the government may at any time dismiss government employees of poor performance. In Singapore, the level of civil servants’ income is lower than that of private enterprises’ employees. The discipline and the financial constraints are extremely strict. In addition, according to Japanese media reports, compared with ten years ago, the number of Japanese local civil servants who take annual leaves for a long time due to mental illness has increased 2.4 times in 2012, which made a record in the investigation since 1992. According to the minister of propaganda department of the Chinese Communist Youth League of Guizhou Province Jiang Yunli, in the survey of 900 young civil servants in Guizhou in March 2013, it was found that part of the young civil servants lacked self-confidence. Only 15.42% felt very confident. 23.91% felt unconfident. 27.37% thought that civil servants around them were full of passion and confidence. The non-confidence mainly came from their abilities, learning, training, selection, cultivation and etc.

Just as the saying goes, people who drink water know by themselves whether the water is warm or cold. "When people are not civil servants, they feel that civil servants are good jobs. They desire to be civil servants. But when they become civil servants, they find the jobs are not so good." "Besides, in recent years, civil servants are very popular. Chinese people follow the hot wave blindly." Xiao Gao who now works in an unit in Xiangtan in Hunan Province, China believes that many young people don't know why they register for the examination of civil servants.

"It is harder and harder to be an official". "People say civil servants are idle. But I work so busily and I am so tired". "The monthly income is only more than 1000 yuan with no benefits"... At present, as the policies and regulations of the welfare and promotion mechanisms are adjusted, public opinions on the work and life of young civil servants in China can be heard without end. A lot of people also begin to think about options of their ways of life.




Xiao Chen is a civil servant in a customs office in Sanya, Hainan, China. He was from an excellent school. In 2011, with the dream to do something for the people, he participated in the national civil service exam. After the difficulties, he became a civil servant successfully. "I come from the countryside. I am not afraid of bitterness and tiredness. I just want to actually do something for the people." "Civil servants should provide wealth for the society, shouldn’t they?"

At first, Xiao Chen was just like most civil servants at the grass-roots level. He sent newspaper, typewrote and sent water or tea... In his words, he did not do any things associated with the dream. After two years’ work, Xiao Chen said, "Now most of my job is to write speeches for leaders and write work reports. It is really hard to do some practical work. Perhaps someday I will go to the business sector." The half-true answers made people not know whether to laugh or cry. Xiao Chen’s experiences may be an individual case. But it also reflects that the young civil servants’ working conditions and mentalities are in urgent need of guidance and adjustment.



Every trade has its masters


“Pressure is common in every age and in every group. If the policy is proper, youth civil servants' growing pains will be transformed into the deep motivation for the future development of the state," said Tao Lianghu, Executive Vice President of School of Administration in Hubei province in China.

In 2014, a paper entitled “Problems of Civil Servants Are in Urgent Need to Be Solved” on China Science Daily pointed out that only by establishing a more scientific and reasonable mechanism of employment of civil servants, letting the right people stay in the team of civil servants, and proving those who want to seek a broader stage system a new chance to make their own choices, could young civil servants break through the siege and have a correct understanding of themselves and cognitive career.

As China uses the system of employment under contracts of civil servants, the secure jobs suddenly lose much attraction. "The generation after 80s grew up after the reform and opening up. They generally have a strong sense of self-awareness and personal dream are more eager to obey the call of their hearts and engaged in to do what they like and are good at," said China Workers’ Daily. From the phenomenon of the resignation of civil servants, we can see that people with independent consciousness and personal ideals recognize the urgency of realizing their own value and seek the new stages suitable for themselves.




We have learned that in Russia, many young people don't think a job is a lifetime career, they think different work experiences can let one develop better. Even if they have the jobs of civil servants which are admired by many people, as long as they find their abilities, interests and jobs do not conform with them, many of them will choose to find other jobs according to their own development needs.

Xia Taotao from Sichuan, China, is a typical "post-85". After graduating from a college in 2009, Xia Taotao decided to return to his hometown to start his own businesses of developing the cultivation of local chickens after serious thoughts. Xia Taotao’s major in the university was science. At first he didn’t know anything about the technology of raising chickens. In order to realize his dream, he bought a lot of books about raising chickens. He learned while doing. Everything comes to him who waits. In August 2013, Xia Taotao and his girlfriend successfully opened an exclusive shop of local chickens. Xia Taotao’s entrepreneurial success makes us believe that as long as young people set up the correct employment view and have good career planning, many jobs besides civil servants can lead to success.

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