For Jeff Bezos, a New Frontier 杰夫·贝索斯:不按常理出牌的亚马逊总裁

时间:2022-10-19 12:19:57

One summer day as a kid riding in the back seat of his grandparents’ car, the young Jeff Bezos, a natural at math, made a morbid1) calculation. How much was his grandmother’s life expectancy diminished by her cigarette smoking? As he had heard it, every puff took two minutes or so off your life. Multiply that by the number of puffs per cigarette. Multiply that by the number of cigarettes per day. Divide the minutes to get hours, and then days, and then years. He tapped her on the shoulder. “At two minutes per puff, you’ve taken nine years off your life!” He expected appreciation for his arithmetic. But his grandmother burst into tears and an excruciating2) silence followed. His grandfather pulled the car off the highway. “Jeff, one day you’ll understand that it’s harder to be kind than clever,” he said.

The inquisitive child has since become the creator of , a virtual retail empire built of that same determination and cleverness. He is now a billionaire. Others had thought of selling things online; Bezos perfected the business with attention to low prices, Web site design, a technologically advanced warehouse operation and devoted customer service.

In one sense, because of his success, he is a well-known figure. His face has peered out from the cover of national magazines. He has sat for interviews on Charlie Rose3) at least four times. The Harvard Business Review4) has listed him as the best living chief executive. But on August 5th, 2013, the announcement that he was acquiring The Washington Post5) for $250 million invited another level of scrutiny, one that goes well beyond what attends being a business titan.

But exactly why he is acquiring The Post—and what he plans to do with it once he owns it—remains mostly a mystery. For now, the best anyone can do to divine his motives is to look at his past.

Controversy behind Success

What emerges from dozens of interviews with friends and colleagues from every stage of his life is a portrait of a curious mind attracted to grand schemes. He is a tenacious6) businessman, too, tough on employees who don’t measure up, ruthless with competitors and willing to take risks.

“One thing that makes him different is he does have his mind in the future,” said Danny Hillis, a California inventor and futurist. “Jeff has some vision about how he’d like the world to be different, how he’d like the world to be better.” But the daring, drive and single-mindedness that have defined these ventures have also spawned rounds of criticism.

While the company has attracted legions of grateful customers, some publishers view him as a bully who has unfairly used Amazon’s scale to deprive them of profits. Competing retailers say he has used tax advantages to decimate7) their businesses. Within Amazon, moreover, some former employees say his intensity could at times escalate into tirades8) that humiliated colleagues. Workers at some of his warehouses have complained of relentless demands for efficiency.

Even some of his fans paint a complex picture. “Bezos could be a royal …” said Ellen Ratajak, one of the company’s early employees. She was referring primarily to the way he could chew out9) subordinates at a meeting. “But I do see a heart in Jeff,” said Ratajak. “Jeff didn’t want to just please customers or build loyalty. He wanted to delight customers.”

Life of a Young Genius

Even from childhood, people could tell there was something different about Jeffrey P. Bezos. His mother said that one day she found her toddler son trying to take apart his crib with a screwdriver. He was a garage tinkerer, inventing a solar cooker using tinfoil and an umbrella. He was a Trekkie10), too.

After one summer toiling at McDonald’s during high school, he and his girlfriend at the time decided to start a summer camp for science-inclined children. They called the camp the Dream Institute. The children read selections from books such as Gulliver’s Travels, Dune11) and Watership Down12). They studied black holes. They wrote simple programs on an Apple computer that made their names scroll down the screen.

Camp was “inspiring for a lifetime,” said James Schockett, 41, who attended when he was 9. “Imagine spending virtually all day with, Jeff Bezos—an incredibly brilliant, incredibly knowledgeable person, and talking about anything.” Now an assistant treasurer at a company in North Carolina, Schockett has a line about it on his résumé:“Introduced to computers by Jeff Bezos.”

Bezos was also determined to be the best in high school academics. “He wasn’t a nerd—he moved easily from some group to some group—but he was very focused on being number one in our class,” said Joshua Weinstein, a close friend from high school. There were a few other people in the running, “but Jeff was certainly the most competitive,” Weinstein said.

But in college, the young Bezos must have come to a disheartening realization: He no longer could consider himself the smartest kid in the class, at least in his chosen field. He had gone to Princeton for physics, but when the classes turned to quantum mechanics13) he noticed he was being outdone. “One of the great things Princeton taught me is that I’m not smart enough to be a physicist,” he later recalled, clearly in awe of his betters. “There were three or four people in the class whose brains were so clearly wired differently to process these highly abstract concepts.” He graduated instead with a BS in electrical engineering and computer science.

His first years after Princeton marked a somewhat restless time. Bezos worked for a start-up and then a financial firm in New York. He got married, too. He had a good job. He could have become comfortable. But the emerging possibilities of the Internet and its rapid growth tantalized14) the entrepreneurial garage inventor. He wanted in on the revolution.

Founding the Amazon Empire

The origins of the empire he began in Bellevue, Wash. are part of the company’s well-known lore. What’s less known are the differences in the visions that Bezos and some of the earliest employees had for the company. They encapsulate15) the ambition that distinguishes Bezos.

Some of the early Amazonians have said they thought they were creating the virtual equivalent of a quirky independent bookstore—not crushing existing bookstores. “To this day, whenever I walk into a bookstore I like I hang my head in secret shame,” said one of the earliest employees. Another early employee, Nicholas Lovejoy, has questioned the company’s mission to become the “Wal-Mart of the Internet.”

But Bezos had always aimed for a vast retail empire, pursuing that vision relentlessly. Once, when an employee wanted to plan a barbecue to celebrate the company’s first $5,000 day, Bezos’ response was, “We don’t do that. We needed to be bigger and better. We needed to deliver more.”

Even those early Amazonians who had not held vast ambitions for the company said they eventually had to concede that the empire had its social virtues. “We started getting these e-mails from people thanking us—the woman in the Midwest who was 200 miles from the nearest bookstore, the military people stationed overseas—who could suddenly get any book they wanted,” one recalled. “We all—Bezos included—celebrated this. People being able to get books they want to read is great.”

The fledgling16) Amazon would soon prosper, carried aloft in part by the Internet boom as much as its own efficiency. Just a few years after its founding, the company earned millions in revenue, though not yet profits. But then the Internet bubble popped and companies that had been lifted up by the tech enthusiasm were suddenly in free fall. In one day, the company lost $3 billion in stock value. Analysts derided the company as “Amazon. toast.”

Inside the company, employees were growing worried. Some wanted to head for the exits. “When we were declared ‘Amazon.toast,’ I think we had 150 employees and Barnes & Noble17) had 30,000 employees,” Bezos recalled during one of his Charlie Rose appearances. “And someone wrote an article that said Amazon has had a great two-year run but now the big boys have shown up and they’re going to steamroll18) them.”

Bezos called an employee meeting. “I said: ‘Look, you should wake up worried, terrified every morning. But don’t be worried about our competitors because they’re never going to send us any money anyway. Let’s be worried about our customers and stay heads-down focused.’ ”

He projected a similar sang-froid19) to the outside world. When a BusinessWeek20) reporter asked a question about Amazon’s lack of profits and doubts about its business model, Bezos was succinct. “Can I give you a one-word answer?” Bezos said, “Baloney21).” Indeed, since then Bezos has outdistanced the naysayers and the company has grown to become a colossus22), with more than 90,000 employees and $61 billion in revenue last year.

Beyond Amazon

Bezos is now 49, and the life of the once-curious child seems remarkably full. His wife, MacKenzie, is a novelist whose books have earned admiring reviews. They have four children. As one of the world’s wealthiest men, moreover, Bezos can indulge his rampant curiosity in a number of ways.

With Blue Origin23), his spaceflight company, Bezos is seeking to advance human exploration of the solar system. He also has invested tens of millions in the “Clock of the Long Now,” a piece of machinery supposed to work for 10,000 years.

This spring, Bezos’ curiosity led him into the rapidly changing world of journalism. Since his deal to purchase The Washington Post was announced, newspaper readers who have found Bezos’ e-mail address have started to pepper him with questions, and Bezos, true to his reputation for customer service, has been responding. A number of customers have e-mailed him this past week and “he has responded to everyone,” said Post publisher Katharine Weymouth.

A man who had paid several hundred dollars to place a marriage announcement did not like how the paper treated him. He wrote to Bezos saying, “Thank god you’re getting involved. You understand customer service!” Weymouth wrote back to the man, but within “two seconds,” so did Bezos. “Thank you for your input,” Bezos told him. “Keep your ideas coming!”































1. morbid [?m??(r)b?d] adj. 病态的

2. excruciating [?k?skru??i?e?t??] adj. 极痛苦的;难忍受的

3. Charlie Rose:《查理·罗斯访谈录》,美国公共电视网的一档议题节目

4. Harvard Business Review:《哈佛商业评论》,哈佛商学院的标志性杂志

5. The Washington Post:《华盛顿邮报》,美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区最有声望、历史最悠久的报纸

6. tenacious [t??ne???s] adj. 顽强的;固执的

7. decimate [?des?me?t] vt. 大量毁灭;大大削弱……的力量

8. tirade [ta??re?d] n. 长篇的指责性发言

9. chew out:〈美口〉严厉责骂

10. Trekkie [?treki] n.《星际迷航》迷;对星球旅行感兴趣者

11. Dune:《沙丘》,美国科幻文学巨匠弗兰克·赫伯特(Frank Herbert, 1920~1986)的代表作

12. Watership Down:《沃特希普荒原》,英国小说家理查德·亚当斯(Richard Adams, 1920~)的处女作

13. quantum mechanics:[物]量子力学

14. tantalize [?t?nt?la?z] vt. 逗弄,使……备尝可望而不可即之苦

15. encapsulate [?n?k?psj?le?t] vt. 概括;概述

16. fledgling [?fled?l??] adj. 羽翼未丰的,刚创办的

17. Barnes & Noble:巴诺书店,美国最大的实体连锁书店

18. steamroll [?sti?m?r??l] vt.〈口〉以势压倒,压垮

19. sang-froid [?s???frwɑ?] n. 冷静,镇定,沉着

20. BusinessWeek:美国《商业周刊》,全球最大的商业杂志

21. baloney [b??l??ni] n.〈美俚〉(尤指唬人的)胡扯,鬼话

22. colossus [k??l?s?s] n. 大企业

23. Blue Origin:蓝色起源公司,一家由贝索斯建立的私人航天企业

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