
时间:2022-10-17 09:06:31

摘 要:以系统功能语言学为理论框架,讨论英语使役结构表达直接与间接使役意义的问题。首先从功能语义的角度对英语使役结构进行了新的描述,确立了“以施动者为中心”以及“以中介为中心”的两大范式,文章接着对各类使役结构进行了分析。分析结果表明,两大范式的英语合成式使役结构均表达直接使役意义,但仍有程度上的区分,而“以中介为中心”的分解式英语使役结构并非都表达间接使役意义,其决定因素在于不同的“使因”。语料来自于英国国家语料库,力图较全面、客观地描述英语使役结构,在一定的语境中揭示其功能语义的差异,并期有助于英语学习者更准确的表达。


中图分类号:H030 文献标识码:A 文章编号:08-273(2008)04-0022-06

1. 引言

使役结构表达使役情形,生成语义学派以及词汇-语义学派语言学家(McCawley,1968; Shibatani,1976)一般将英语使役结构作两类划分:兼语/句法使役结构(periphrastic/productive causatives)和词汇使役结构(lexical causatives);认为前者,如例(1a)和(1b)所示,带有使役助动词make, have, cause等,结构表达“间接”使役意义,而后者,如例(2a)和(2b)所示,带有表达使役意义的动词,结构表达“直接”使役意义。本文旨在对英语使役结构表达直接使役与间接使役的问题进行重新审视,研究的理论框架基于系统功能语言学。本文认为,以往的研究,包括系统功能学派的相关研究(Halliday,1985, 1994: 161-175; 285-288; Halliday & Matthiessen,2004: 280-306; Matthiessen,1995: 232-249; 315-317; Fawcett,1980: 140, 1995; Downing & Locke,1992: 118-120; 程琪龙,1994; 黄国文,1998),都还没有一个对英语使役结构较为全面的语义以及句法方面的描述,因而有关直接使役与间接使役问题的讨论也较片面。因此,本文首先将从功能语义的角度对英语使役结构进行新的描述,并根据结构所表达的功能语义以及其词汇语法体现的不同来划分不同的类型,然后基于真实语料对结构表达直接与间接使役功能语义的情况展开讨论。

(1)a. John made Bill move.

b. John had the child stand up.

(2) a. John moved the chair.

b. John sat up the child.

2. 英语使役结构的重新分析

系统功能语言学(Eggins,1994; Fawcett,1980, 2000; Halliday,1985, 1994; Halliday & Matthiessen,1999, 2004; Matthiessen,1995; 胡壮麟等,1989, 2005)认为,语言是功能性的,表达概念、人际以及语篇意义,因而研究语言要以功能为导向,从表达的意义入手;同时,语言又是有层次的符号系统,包括语义层,词汇语法层和音系层,层次间具有体现关系:各系统网络之间意义的选择最终体现为结构,即功能成分的配置/组合,结构再由词汇语法的选择体现,而词汇语法层面选择的最精细的结果为词汇实体项,因此,研究语言的焦点在于探讨意义如何通过形式得以体现。

基于此理论思想,英语使役结构可界定为英语小句层面上表达使役意义的功能成分的配置;而所谓使役意义则属于概念意义的范畴,表达的是现实世界中的使役情形,即两个事件之间的因果关系;这种因果关系致使种种变化,例如引发事物动作的产生或事件的发生,事物性质或状态的变化,以及事物处所的变动。根据上述使役情形所呈现的意义,笔者认为,可以将使役结构必要的功能语义成分,也即适用于不同过程类型使役结构的必要参与者角色,确定为 “使因”(Causer)、“受影响者”(Affected) 以及 “影响”(Effect),而结构表达一个事物或事件(“使因”)致使另一事物或事件(“受影响者”)发生变化(“影响”);这三个功能语义成分在英语小句的词汇语法层上有分解式和合成式两种体现模式:前者,如例(3)所示,为三个成分各自有形式上的体现,而后者,如例(4)所示,则因小句的过程由表达使役意义的动词充当,故“影响”和过程得以重合体现。观察英语小句表达过程的特点,

笔者还发现,英语使役结构呈现出“以施动者为中心”(Agent-centered)和“以中介为中心”(Medium-centered)的两大范式:前者的过程由一般及物动词或表达使役意义的及物动词体现,后者的过程则由使役链接动词或作格动词?充当;在“以施动者为中心”的英语使役结构中,如例(3a)、(4a)所示,“施动者”Andy Melville、which modern masters是动作/事件的发出者,结构的核心是“Andy Melville kicked”、“modern masters inspire”,而其产生的影响是“it moved into the net”、“you feel confident”,“中介”it、you是“施动者”所发出动作延及的对象,是受影响者;与此相对照,在“以中介为中心”的英语使役结构中,如例(3b)、(4b)所示,“中介”people、it一方面是受影响者,但另一方面更是动作的实际施行者,结构的核心是“people feel…”、“it rolls away”,而“施动者”drugs、they只是引发动作。



3.1英语合成式使役结构 两大范式的英语合成式使役结构(对应于所谓的英语词汇使役结构)均表达直接使役意义:结构中的主要动词表达使役意义,体现“过程”和“影响”,而“使因”为产生“影响”的直接因素。当然,正如上一节已提到的,两大范式表达的语义核心不同:“以施动者为中心”的英语使役结构为“施动者-过程”,表达的焦点在于对另一实体/事件产生影响的具体或抽象的动作,而“以中介为中心”的英语使役结构则为“中介-过程”,表达的焦点为过程带来的变化或影响。

对于“以施动者为中心”的英语合成式使役结构,当表达致使具体动作的产生时,也即表达使役物质过程时表达中shiengdeentnetcontinuing ,结构中的“使因”一般为有生实体,如例(5)所示,“使因”为I和 IRA gunmen;而当结构所表达的致使动作趋于抽象时,如例(6)所示的使役关系过程,或结构表达的是致使情感/认知的变化时,如例(7)所示的使役心理过程,结构中的“使因”多为给另一实体/事件带来某种影响的品质、动作或事件,它们通常由名词词组(见例句中的dispute and enmity, public events, memories of my hospital stay)或名词化(如例句中的these cohabitations)体现,表达能产生影响的一个过程,这时,结构所表达的焦点则由具体的致使动作趋于动作所产生的影响。

(5) a. Well, I always feed the birds.

b. IRA gunmen kill wrong man in street attack.

(6) a. Disputes and enmity endanger it.

b.…, these co-habitations enrich our understanding of modern art.

c. Public events sometimes confirm these viewpoints, as has appeared in the continuing joint catholic ―― protestant political opposition to the abolition of the criminalization of homosexuality.

(7) This, as you can imagine, was a terrifying experience, and memories of my hospital stay still frighten me.


(8) a. Readers can confirm these results by selecting suitable discount rates from the table provided in appendix 5. 1.

b. Only the riders who endanger the whole group are left behind… includes all sorts of riders: champions, people who go well in the flat, the injured, the suffering, the defeated. [BNC2: B35 (411-412)]

关于“以中介为中心”的合成式使役结构,正如本节已提到的,其表达的焦点为使役过程带来的变化或影响而非影响产生的方式或途径。当这类结构表达致使位置移动时,结构中的“使因”一般为有生实体,也即使役物质过程的直接“发起者”,而影响产生的方式或途径仅能通过结构所在小句的环境成分或小句上下文获知;如例(9)虚线所示,“her friend marched away”是伴随“Susan grabbing Maggie’s arm”而进行、“the whole continuity of conversation broke”是缘于“he waved his ten fingers ten times in front of her”。

(9) a. Susan grabbed Maggie’s arm and marched her friend away.[BNC2: AN7 (1728)]

b. He then broke the whole continuity of the conversation by waving his ten fingers ten

times in front of her![BNC2: C9R (2720)]

而当“以中介为中心”的合成式使役结构表达致使状态/属性变化时,“使因”则一般为有生实体、行为/事件或关系,其中,后两类表达的使因更直接;如在例(10)中,“使因”为“my kids”,结构清晰表达的是“their stockings empty out/their stockings become empty”,而有关孩子们是如何做的结构并没有交代,但在例(11a)和(11b)中,“使因”“genetic recombination”为产生影响的行为/事件、“it”为产生影响的(联姻)关系,展现的是更为直接的致使因素。

(10) But that won’t be any consolation on Christmas morning when my kids empty their stockings and find no trace of the Tracys. [BNC2: CBC (9911)]

(11) a. Genetic recombination, in turn, enormously expands the possibilities of evolutionary change, as was illustrated in Figure 6.[BNC2: AE7 (435)]

b. On the other, there were a number of different meanings for parallel-cousin marriage. It could, for example, solidify the lineage. [BNC2: GWF (1642-1643)]


3.2“以施动者为中心”的英语分解式使役结构 “以施动者为中心”的英语分解式使役结构在以往的研究中少有涉及,但它们也表达直接使役意义,结构中主要动词为一般及物动词,它们并不表达使役过程,但结构中的过程与“影响”成分的互动促成使役意义的表达,而“使因”为产生影响的直接因素。

当这类结构表达致使位置移动时,“影响”由表达移动的方位的介词短语体现,而“使因”绝大多数为有生实体,为动作直接的施行者,结构则表达物质过程,而表移动方位的环境成分为此类使役结构的必要成分,如例(12)所示;不过,此类使役结构也有以一情形或非生实体作为“使因”的情况,分别见例(13)和例(14),其中例(13)的使役结构表达的是一心理过程引发受影响者位置的移动,“使因”为一现象“the dog barking loudly at the donkey”。

(12) But Nicholas Knight and Don Topley got the target down to six off the last over, and Knight hit the first ball into the crowd. [BNC2: AK6 (104)]

(13) Finally the farmer asked his dog to bark loudly at the donkey and thereby frighten him into the shed.[BNC2: GVA (898)]

(14) ... puffs of wind sweep the ashes from roofs and awnings, and blow them into rooms, the windows of which have imprudently been left open. [BNC2: ASR (519)]


(15) Will an old broom sweep EPA clean? [BNC2: B7N (360)]

(16) If you wish to have plants, choose freshly-leaved varieties and plant them in individual pots. [BNC2: C97 (2167)]

(17) European languages chop the world up into small and manageable units ―― often into nouns. [BNC2: HH3 (7450)]

(18) The Russians label it ‘Plasma’; ...[BNC2: CB9 (963)]

3.3“以中介为中心”的英语分解式使役结构 “以中介为中心”的分解式使役结构对应于所谓的兼语/句法使役结构,语料显示它们并非都表达间接使役意义,其决定因素在于不同的“使因”。此类使役结构的“使因”可为有生实体、非生实体、动作/事件或品质特征,除有生/非生实体作为“使因”的情况外,其余类别的“使因”都可理解为产生影响的明确的直接因素,如例(19)中的“使因”similar considerations为名词化的心理过程,例(20)为一动作buffing,例(21)为自传的特点the honesty and humour with which this autobiography is laced,这些使因皆表明了使役物质过程或使役关系过程产生的具体成因或途径。

(19) Similar considerations make me sometimes decline to examine students from foreign parts.[BNC2: A1A (938)]

(20) Apart from giving your nails a natural-looking lustre, buffing regularly can help them grow long and strong by stimulating the blood supply to each nail.[BNC2: A70 (1028)]

(21) The honesty and humour with which this autobiography is laced make it entertaining.

[BNC2: A67 (1422)]

4. 英语间接使役功能语义的表达


借助使役结构所在小句的环境成分或语篇上下文,我们可以理解例(22)中非生实体this book因其所含的图片直接引发了影响;而例(23a)中使役结构所表达的动作是由he 亲自完成,虽然动作完成的细节没有明确的描述;在例(23b)中,是Roger Vadim 自己通过婚姻的方式让女主人翁摆脱了约束,三个使役结构实际上传递的都是直接使役意义。

(22) ‘We had one customer who looked at the book, which has in it some really nasty colour pictures of legs and arms half eaten by sharks,’ said Ainslie Thin. ‘This customer went over to our cash till and said to one of our staff Maggie Rodan: ‘This book could almost make you faint’.[BNC2: H46 (830)]

(23) a. His plastic sandals are swept out into the waves and float jauntily on the surface of the pool… we chase them with him as they catch the wind like paper balls. Eventually, once he has them firmly under his rounded arm, he wishes us farewell. [BNC: HHO (359)]

b. Her picture on the cover of Elle magazine, when she was still a schoolgirl of fifteen from a strict bourgeois family, led her to Roger Vadim, who let her out of her birdcage by marrying her in 1952 despite parental reluctance.[BNC2: ACS (734)]

与此相对照,在例(24a)中,使役结构所在的下文表明,使役物质过程的产生是人们专业技能以及行为带来的结果,而不是来源于个人具体的、有意识的动作;与此相似,例(24b)中使役结构的上文表明,使役心理过程是由Bonard 的一番言谈而产生的效果,并非他有意劝说而致,两个使役结构传递的是间接使役意义。

(24) a. For Milton Goldman was truly one of those people who, for their friends, make the world go round. Nothing was too much trouble, no call left unanswered. Bringing people together, tirelessly fixing up dates and appointments, putting in just the right word at the crucial moment, helping to an extraordinary degree of caring.

[BNC2: A3V (98)]

b. ‘It is a good principle, you know,’ Bonard continued, warming to his theme, ‘especially for mature students, to leave the classroom and work in the environment.’... ‘Your good friend Iris, she shares my philosophy. Each day, she takes her class out of doors to experience Nature and learn from her wisdom. Today, for example, they are down by the river, observing the wildlife, the vegetation, the reflections in the water.’ He sat back in his chair, beaming with pride as he added, ‘The pure water of our French rivers is unsurpassed in the entire world!’ ‘You almost make me wish I had enrolled on your course,’ said Melissa, with a certain lack of sincerity. Patriotism was all very well, but she felt this was going over the top.[BNC: GVP (622)]


5. 结语



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