
时间:2022-10-13 11:09:52

Wreck-It Ralph


In the arcade game1) of Fix-It Felix, Jr., Ralph, serving as the game's antagonist2), is in rage of his forest home being destroyed by construction of a new apartment building, the Niceland. Ralph shouts out "I'm gonna wreck it" and begins to demolish3) the building by destroying the windows, as revenge. As Felix, the hero of the game, comes in to save the day, Ralph throws down bricks, attempting to stop Felix from undoing his immense4) damage. However, Felix succeeds in repairing the apartment building. In the end of the game, the Nicelanders who live in the apartment throw Ralph off the top of the building, sending him falling into a puddle of mud.


Fix-It Felix, Jr.


Fix-It Felix, Jr. is the hero and the titular5) character of the arcade game Fix-It Felix, Jr., where he saves the Niceland and its inhabitants from being destroyed by Wreck-It Ralph. To every one of the Nicelanders, Felix is the poster boy6) for goodness. Felix himself is very polite and kind to everyone he meets, even Ralph. Felix has a magic hammer that can fix anything and everything, and can even heal an injured character.

“快手阿修”菲利克斯是街机游戏《快手阿修》中的英雄,游戏也以他的名字命名。他是游戏中“好人公寓”及其居民们的救星,使“好人公寓”免遭 “破坏王”拉尔夫的破坏。对“好人公寓”的每一位居民来说,菲利克斯就是善良的化身。菲利克斯本人也很有礼貌,非常友善,对谁都是如此,甚至对拉尔夫也不例外。菲利克斯有把神锤,可以修复一切事物,甚至可以治愈受伤的游戏角色。

Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun


Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun is a tall, beautiful woman wearing heavy, form-fitting black and red armor. In the sci-fi battle zone of Hero's Duty, Sergeant Calhoun is more than just a pretty face. She is the tough-as-nails7), take-charge leader, serving as the non-playable protagonist8) in her first-person shooter, who protects people from a virulent9) Cy-Bug invasion and fights for humanity's freedom.


Vanellope von Schweetz


Vanellope von Schweetz is one of the racers in the arcade game Sugar Rush, where players choose a racer and a candy kart and race the candy kart through Sugar Rush Speedway and compete to the top of the lists! Sugar Rush is an island made entirely out of candy, confections10), and other sugary sweets, treats, snacks. It's the home of various anthropomorphic11) cakes and candies, as well as the various racers of the game.


1. arcade game: 街机游戏。arcade [??ke?d] n. (内设投角子电视游戏机等的)游乐中心

2. antagonist

[?n?t??n?st] n. 对手,敌手

3. demolish [d??m?l??] vt. 拆除,拆毁

4. immense [??mens] adj. 巨大的,极大的

5. titular [?t?tjul?(r)] adj. 被用作标题的

6. poster boy: (海报上的)代表人物形象;典型。原指身为慈善团体所赞助对象之一而出现在募捐海报中的孩童。也作poster girl/child。

7. tough-as-nails: 坚忍的

8. protagonist

[pr??t??n?st] n. 主角

9. virulent [?v?r?l?nt] adj. 剧毒的,致命的

10. confection [k?n?fek?n] n. 甜食(如糖果、蜜饯等)

11. anthropomorphic

[??nθr?p??m??f?k] adj. 拟人的

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