
时间:2022-10-10 06:04:42


摘 要:国际货币基金组织在处置此次全球金融危机中没有起到应有作用,根本原因是其不公平的份额与投票权制度。只有实质性地改

>> 投票权的文化 投票权改革:IMF的自我救赎 不要放弃人生的投票权 IMF改革的困境与中国对策 IMF增加发展中国家投票权只具象征意义 世界银行投票权改革的微妙性解读 解读世行投票权改革新突破 IMF份额改革的利与弊 一股一票原则与不同投票权股的发行 中国在IMF中投票份额将显著增加 投票权征集中的博弈 学生评教的“廉价投票权”问题及治理 分类表决VS.征集投票权 浅析IMF份额改革受阻原因及我国对策 股东征集投票权委托书之主体资格探析 调查显示台湾7成民众赞成18岁有投票权 法拉利签约两股东 投票权合计近50% 中国投票权提高到4.42%成世行第三大股东 IMF改革与中国角色 农村“三权”抵押贷款的困境与对策研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:(Accessed February 6,2013).

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[6]IMF. The IMF’s 2008 Quota and Voice Reforms Take Effect. Press Release No.11/64. (March 3,2011)http:///external/np/sec/pr/2011/pr1164.htm(Accessed February 6,2013).

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[9]William N. Gianaris. Weighted Voting in the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Fordham Inter-national Law Journal.Vol 14,Issue 4. 1990:920.

[10]David Rapkin,Jonathan R. Strand. Refroming the IMF’s Weighted Voting System. The World Economy. Volume 29. Issue 3. March 2006:317.

[11]James M. Boughton and Domenico Lombardi. Finance,Development and the IMF. Oxford University Press. June,25 2009. p.249.

[12]Edwin M. Truman. International Monetary Fund Reform: An Overview of the Issues. Institute for International Economics. September 23,2005:37.

[13]IMF. Quota Formula Review—Additional Considerations. IMF Policy Papers. September 4,2012:5.

[14]IMF. IMF Executive Broad Approves Major Overhaul of Quotas and Governance,(November 5,2010).http:///external/np/sec/pr/2010/pr10418.htm(Accessed February 6,2013).

[15]IMF Finances. http:///external/fin.htm(Accessed Feb-ruary 6,2013).

[16]IMF. Where the IMF Get its Money. (August 24,2012)http://www. IMF . org / external / np / exr / facts / finfac . htm (Accessed February 6, 2013).

[17]Desmond Lachman. How Should IMF Resources Be Expanded? In Reforming the IMF for the 21st Century ed. Edwin M. Truman. Washington: Peterson Institute for International Economics. 2006:478.

[18]Edwin M. Truman. Reforming the IMF for the 21st Century. Institute for International Economics. Special Report 19. April 2006:75.

[19]What is the GEF. (December 1,2011). http:///gef/whatisgef (Accessed February 6,2013).

[20]Global Environment Facility. GEF Structure and Organization.http://www. thegef . org / gef / archived/country _ su. pportprogram/140 (Accessed February 6,2013).

[21]International Seabed Authority. http://.jm/en/about(Acces-sed February 6,2013).

[22]International Seabed Authority,Composition of the Council. http://www . isa . org . jm//en/about/members/council/composition(Accessed February 6,2013).

[23]IMF. IMF Governance-Summary of Issues and Reform Options. IMF Policy Paper. Washington,DC. July 1,2009:15-18.

[24]International Monetary Fund. 2005a:29.

[25]International Monetary Fund. External Review of Quota Formula. (2000a,2000b,and 2001a).

[26]International Monetary Fund. Reform of Quota and Voice in the International Monetary Fund——Report of the Executive Board to the Board of Governors. March 28,2008:2.

[27]International Monetary Fund. Rethinking the Governance of the International Monetary Fund. IMF Working Paper. WP/06/273. December,2006:16.

[28]Ralph C. Bryant. Governance Shares for the International Monetary Fund: Principles,Guidelines,Current States. Brookings Institution. 04/13/2010:10.

[29]李博. IMF份额公式的评估与优化[D]. 上海:上海交通大学,2010:47.

[30]What is WTO.http:///english/thewto_e/whatis_e/wha-tis_e.htm(accessed February 6,2013).

[31]Richard N. Cooper,Edwin M. Truman. The IMF Quota Formula: Linchpin of Fund Reform. Policy Briefs in International Economics 07-01. Washington,DC: Peterson Institute for International Economics. 2007:5.

[32]IMF. Quota formula Review—Addtional Considerations,IMF Policy Paper,September,2012.p.5.http:///external/np/pp/eng/2012/090412.pdf(accessed February 6,2013).

[33]G-20 International Financial Architecture Working Group Report,7.

[34]Edwin M. Truman. Making Sense of the IMF Quota Formula,Perterson Institute for International Economics,Real Time Economic Issues Watch,August,2012. http:///blogs/realtime/?p=3080(acessed February 6,2013).

[35]QFRG. Report of the IMF Executive Board of the QFRG 2000:51.

上一篇:利率与正规金融农户信贷关系的实证研究 下一篇:美国中小学迎接电子课本时代