The bounded of function associated with divergence form operator

时间:2022-09-28 11:09:05

Keywords: Littlewood-Paley-Stein, divergence form operator, Riemannian manifold.

Abstract. The -estimates of the Littlewood-Paley-Stein function associated with divergence form operator on complete Riemannian manifolds for .


Let be the Euclidean space or a domain of . Let be the sesquilinear form on space , where is a dense subspace of the Sobolev space , given


And are bounded, measurable, complex-valued coefficients which satisfy,


for some constant , and for all ,where are positive constant.

Let be the divergence operator associated with the form in the sense that is the operator in with largest domain which satisfies

for and all test functions . Let be a complete non-compact Riemannian manifold, be the distance on , and be the Riemannian measure. Denote by the ball of center and radius and by its Riemannian Volume . One says that has the doubling volume property if there exists such that

, , .

Let be the divergence semigroup generated by operator has kernel on and

, , , be the Poisson semigroup on .

In this paper we consider the vertical Littlewood-Paley-Stein function associated to defined by


Let be a sublinear operator, defined on ,with values in measurable functions on .We shall say that is bounded on ,for some ,if that exist such that

, ,

and that is of weak type (1,1) if there exists such that

For every and .

The aim of this paper is to prove the following theorem.

Theorem 1.1 Let be a divergence form operator. Then Littlewood-Paley-Stein function is bounded on for , and , is of weak type (1,1).


For , we define the vertical Little-wood-Paley-Stein function associated with the heat kernel semigroup of operator A by


The function is pointwise dominated by , that is, there exists a positive constant such that

By using the following equation


We can write



. (1.1)

Thus, if we prove the -boundedness of , then the same is true for .

Proposition 2.1 There exists a constant such that


Proof It has been shown in [1] for operator acting on , the generalized Riesz transform associated with operator is bounded on , and


Then, for , we have



On the other hand


The proof of proposition is completed.


We can only prove the weak type (1, 1) for , and it is also holds for . The following statement is the main technical tool in [2], it will be instrumental in the proof of Theorem 1.1

Proposition 3.1 Let be a complete Riemannian manifold, with Riemannian measure satisfying the doubling volume property and the heat kernel upper bound

For some and all ,

Let be a bounded operator.

Assume that there exists a kernel such that,

, , for a. e. .


Then is weak type (1, 1).

Weighted estimates of derivatives of the heat kernel .In the next sections, we shall work under the assumptions of theorem 1.1.Our first lemma is standard , so we omit the detail (see [2], Lemma 21).

Lemma 3.2 For


Recall that assumption (3.1), together with the doubling volume property, the corresponding off-diagonal estimate automatically follows ([4], Theorem 1.1),


Lemma 3.3 For small enough, then


Proof , Set



By the result of [3],


We have

And then Lemma 3.3 follows.

Proof of Theorem 1.1 Now we can only give the proof of weak type (1, 1) of and is also true for . The identity operator will be written as .


According to Proposition 3.1 , it is enough to prove there exists such that

. (3.4)

For all , set



For , we write


According to Lemma 3.2, we have





According to Lemma 3.3, for small enough,



Therefore, by (3.5), we have .

Let us now turn to the case .write



We obtain .

Similar to , we obtain the following ,

Following the above argument and lemma 3.3 , one obtains


Following the above argument there is,


Using doubling, we can easily see that the quantity is uniformly bounded form above. Thus and .

Finally, Since and therefore the weak type (1, 1) of , is proved. According to section (1.1),and also has weak type (1,1).

By using the Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem, we obtain that is bounded on for .

This ends the proof.


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square root problem for second order elliptic operators on . Ann. Math. 156 (2002), 633-654.

[2] T. Coulhon and X.T. Duong, Riesz transforms for , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 351(1999),

1151-1169.M.A. Green: High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells (Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland 1987).

[3] X. T. Duong and D. Robinson, Upper bounds of derivatives of the heat kernel on arbitrary

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[4] A. Grigor’yan, Gaussian upper bounds for the heat kernel on arbitrary manifolds,

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第一作者:姓名:朱素婷 1976.6 籍贯:山东郓城 女 调和分析 学生

第二作者:赵凯 1960.1 籍贯:山东潍坊 男 调和分析 教授

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