Unit 2 What should I do?教学设计及反思

时间:2022-09-26 05:44:10

Unit 2 What should I do?教学设计及反思


1.内容分析:本课是人教版八年级(上)的第二单元,主要内容为学习情态动词should的用法,主要体现在句型What should I do?里,内容上并不难,但是需要大量的口语练习来强化该句型及相关句型的操练。

2. 地位和作用分析:本课属于section A的第二课时,难度和强度上较上一课时大,是本单元的核心,同时能够为下一课时的学习扫清障碍。PS:根据教材分析,确定教学策略。






1.知识目标:学会用could, should讨论问题,并使用恰当句式:Why don’t you...和 What about...来给出建议。




重点:知识目标中要求的生词及句型:What should I do?










Step1. lead-in

After greetings, I will show them a short film.

T: A girl has an unhappy thing. We’ll watch a film and think: Why is the girl unhappy?

Ss: (Students watch the movie .)

T: A funny film! So why is the girl unhappy?

S: She is very fat/ too heavy.

T: Yes. She is fat and the boys laugh at her, so she is unhappy. Do you have unhappy things?

S: Yes.

T: Ok. The problems in our life will make us unhappy. When your friends say you’re 猪头,Are you happy or unhappy?

S: Unhappy.

Step2. Write down your problems

T: Now write down your unhappy things on the paper in English. For example, I can’t watch TV every day.

Ss: (Students discuss and write.)

T: Ok. Time is up. Can you tell me your unhappy things?

S1: I always have too much homework to do.

S2: My teacher often calls my parents.


T: Yes. Good. Please put your problems into this box.

Step3. Find Peter’s problem

T: My student Peter also has a problem. Look at this picture. What can you see?

S: Two boys.

T: Yes. This is Peter, my student. And this is Jim. What are they doing?

S: They are fighting.

T: Good. We can also say they’re arguing. Do you want to know their problem? Peter wrote a letter to me to tell me their problem. Please read this letter and put these sentences into right order, then you’ll know the answer.

A. Last week, he borrowed my maths book and didn’t return it.

B. My best friend Jim is really nice, and we get on well each other.

C. I don’t want to lose the friend, what should I do?

D. But he always borrows my things and doesn’t return it.

E. I was so angry that I had an argument with him.

F. So I couldn’t do my homework and the teacher criticized me.

Ss: (Students read and discuss.)

T: Ok. Who’d like to answer?

S1: The right order is BDAFEC.

T: Well-done! Now let’s read the letter together.

Step4. Listen and match

T: After the argument, Peter was very sad. His friend is giving him advice. Do you want to know what it is?

S: Yes.

T: Listen carefully and circle “could” or “should” you hear.

(Then check the answer, let students listen again and fill in the blank.)

T: After listening, we know Peter wants to buy a ticket for his friend. But he doesn’t have enough money, what should he do?

S1: He could get a part-time job.


Step5. Give advice

T: Do you remember the problems in the box? Now it’s time for us to solve our problems. (Design a fruit chart for students to choose problems to give advice.)

T: Group1, which fruit do you like?

S: Apple.

T: OK. Problem 6 is for your group...You can give as many suggestions as you can.

Ss: (Students discuss and give advice in a group.)

T: Who’d like to be the first to tell us problems and your advice?

Ss: (Students answer.)

T: Then put it on the blackboard.

Step6. Conclusion

T: Do you remember the boys and the girl at the beginning? Some days later, they get on well with each other. Watch a short film and think what makes them get on well again?

S: (Watch the film.) Then students present their ideas.

T: Now let’s play a word game, and then you’ll know the answer. There are four words here. The first letter of each word can make a new word. Do you know what it is?

S: Love.

T: Yes. Love makes them get on well again. If we can learn to love people around us, we can get on well with everyone and solve any problem well. Do you agree with me?

Step7. Homework

Make a survey of problems between parents and children in you class, write it down and give some suggestions.


unit 2 what should I do

Give advice:You could/should do...Why don’t you do...?What/How...about



优点1:以学生为主体,教师为主导。本课虽然是新授课,但教师讲解的时间没有超过15分钟, 这一做法主要借鉴洋思中学的教学模式。学生的主体地位凸显了,教师发挥了主导地位的巨大作用。比如,我在本课中大量使用了引导性话语:为什么这个女孩不高兴?在图片中你能看到什么?她应该怎么办?在教师的引导下,学生逐步开展小组活动,解决实际问题,增强了自学能力,提高了合作意识。







问题3:虽然本课将三维目标中的情感目标已经纳入了教学目标当中,并且在教学环节中进行了渗透,但是还远远不够。课程标准指出:祖国意识和国际视野也是青少年应该积极培养和发展的情感态度。本课中没有体现出这一点。通过反思,我发现,本课中完全可以做到祖国意识和国际视野的培养。比如在活动中设计这样的话题:If a foreigner comes to our school, what should I say to him or her? 这样,就须要了解中西方问候礼仪方面的差异,在进行情感教育的同时,又增进了语言文化背景知识的学习。


问题5:法国著名的生理学家贝尔纳曾经说过:良好的方法使我们更好地发挥运用天赋的才能,而拙劣的方法则可能阻碍才能的发挥。本课在学习策略方面处理得还是不够完美。主要体现在没有引导学生对知识进行对比分析上。比如,本课的中心话题:What should I do? 没有学生提出质疑,能否用What can I do? What will I do? 这样的句子替换。而教师也没有对这一部分进行对比分析。这样一来,不但本课的知识容量小,学生的才能也没有得到最大限度的发挥。解决方案是:今后教师的教学应注意知识的对比分析,加强学生的学习策略的树立和培养。

上一篇:从美国作文课学到的 下一篇:帮助凯文的关键在于降低焦虑