
时间:2022-09-23 10:34:41


翻译:芥子 Once upon a time there was a poor farmer named Crab who drove a 1)cord of wood into town with his two 2)oxen and sold the wood to a doctor for two 3)talers. When the farmer went inside to get his money, the doctor was just about to sit down to dinner, and the farmer admired the fine food and drink at the doctor’s table. His heart 4)yearned for something like that, and he thought how nice it would be if he were a doctor. He 5)lingered there awhile and finally asked if it was possible for someone like him to become a doctor.

“Of course,” said the doctor. “In no time at all.”

“What do I have to do?” asked the farmer.

“First, you must buy yourself an 6)ABC book, the kind with the picture of a rooster in it. Second, sell your 7)wagon and your two oxen, and buy some clothes and other things that doctors tend to need. Third, you must have a sign painted with the words ‘I am Doctor Know-All’ and nail it above your front door.”

The farmer did everything he was told, and when he had 8)doctored for some time but not very long, a rich and 9)mighty nobleman was 10)robbed of some money, and had heard about Doctor Know-All, who was living in such and such a village and would probably know where the money had gone. So the nobleman had his carriage 11)hitched up, drove out to the village, and 12)inquired at the farmer’s house whether he was Doctor Know-All.

Yes, that was he, the farmer answered. Then the nobleman asked Doctor Know-All to come with him and help him get back his stolen money. The farmer agreed, but added that Greta, his wife, had to come along too. The nobleman agreed. He offered them both a seat in his carriage, and they drove off together. When they came to the nobleman’s house, the table was already set, and Doctor Know-All was to eat with the lord, but he wanted his wife Greta to eat with them too. So they all sat down together at the table.

Now, when the first servant arrived with a dish of delicious food, the farmer 13)nudged his wife and said, “Greta, that was the first,” and he meant that that was the man with the first 14)course. But the servant thought he meant “that’s the first thief,” and since he really was the thief, he got scared and went out to tell his 15)accomplices, “The doctor knows everything. There’s trouble ahead. He said I was the first.”

The second servant did not even want to go in, but he had no choice. When he entered with his dish, the farmer nudged his wife and said, “Greta, that’s the second.” This servant too got scared and hurried out. The third 16)fared no better. Again the farmer said, “Greta, that’s the third.” The fourth had to carry in a covered dish, and the nobleman asked the doctor to 17)demonstrate his skill and guess what lay under the cover. Crabs were being served. When the farmer looked at the dish, he had no idea what to say. “Poor Crab!” he finally cried.

When the nobleman heard that, he 18)exclaimed, “There, he knows! I’m sure he must also know who has the money.”

The servant was frightened to death and 19)winked at the doctor to step outside for a moment. When he got outside, all four servants 20)confessed to him that they had stolen the money. They 21)proposed that he take charge of it and offered a large sum in addition if he would not 22)expose them. Otherwise, they would all be hanged. Then they led him to the place where they had hidden the money. The doctor was satisfied, went back inside, sat down at the table, and said, “Sir, now I want to look in my book to see where the money’s been hidden.”

In the meantime, the fifth servant had 23)crawled into the stove to see if he could hear what else the doctor knew. As the doctor sat there at the table, he opened his ABC book and turned the pages 24)back and forth looking for the rooster. Since he could not find it right away, he said, “I know you’re there. I’m 25)bound to find you.”

The servant in the stove thought that the doctor was talking about him, and he jumped out of the stove in 26)fright and said, “That man knows everything!”

Then Doctor Know-All showed the nobleman where the money was, but he did not 27)reveal who had stolen it. As a 28)reward, he received money from both sides and became a famous man.














上一篇:爱的赠礼 第8期 下一篇:定向运动:在寻觅中作乐