American Superstitions 美国民间迷信

时间:2022-09-21 01:23:03

【前言】American Superstitions 美国民间迷信由文秘帮小编整理而成,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。It was once believed that a person with hiccups was possessed by the devil. Many remedies are supposed to stop hiccups, such as scaring the person or having the person hold his nose while drinking water. 过去,人们认为打嗝的人是被魔鬼缠住了。据说有...

American Superstitions 美国民间迷信

If you sing before seven, you will cry before eleven


There’s an old belief that the morning is too early to be happy. Happiness has to be earned each day otherwise, you are sure to have bad luck.


Stopping hiccups[打嗝] 止嗝忠告

It was once believed that a person with hiccups was possessed by the devil. Many remedies are supposed to stop hiccups, such as scaring the person or having the person hold his nose while drinking water.


An itchy[发痒的] nose predicts a quarrel


There are many superstitions about itching. For example, an itchy nose means youe going to have a quarrel with someone.



People once believed the soul could escape from the body when a person sneezed. To stop this from happening, people ask God to bless and so protect the person who sneezes.



An old superstition says that yawning is caused by the devil and that evil spirits enter the body when your mouth is open wide. Covering your mouth stops them from entering. Now, it is simply considered rude not to cover your mouth when you yawn. It is also believed that watching someone else yawn will cause you to yawn too.


Spitting on your hands for strength 唾手掌获取力量

Seeing animals licking[舔] their wounds caused people to believe that saliva[唾液] had some magical healing power. Even today, the first thing someone does when they hurt their finger is put it in their mouth. Nowadays, when we spit on our hands, we are asking for added strength.


上一篇:电影院里的对话 下一篇:奇闻怪事 第8期