
时间:2022-09-20 09:59:28


Cynthia: Good morning, Jackson! You’re up early.

Jackson: ①The early bird gets the worm, Cynthia! But apparently, you know that, as well. Why are you up at this hour?

Cynthia: I’m going to a job interview.

Jackson: Ah, no wonder you’re looking so 1)snazzy. ②The clothes make the man, they say!

Cynthia: Or woman.

Jackson: Ah, right. But why did they 2)schedule your interview so early?

Cynthia: Oh, they didn’t. I’m going in without an appointment.

Jackson: Wait, what? You’re 3)cold-calling a company and asking for an interview?

Cynthia: That’s right! ③I’ve been sending out my resume for a while, but since I haven’t heard back from anybody, I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands.

Jackson: I didn’t know you were such a 4)go-getter!

Cynthia: In this day and age, you have to be! ④The job market is so 5)swamped with qualified 6)candidates, you have to do something to make yourself stand out of the crowd, find some way to show that you’re serious about the job.

Jackson: That’s true, but are you sure this is a good idea?

Cynthia: ⑤Well, let’s hash out some pros and cons. Why wouldn’t it be a good idea?

Jackson: For one, companies usually have hiring systems in place. If you show up with no appointment, they might think you don’t know how to work within a system.

Cynthia: That’s a good point. It’s good to be a 7)maverick at times, but you also have to know how to be a team player.

Jackson: On top of that, they might mistake your 8)assertiveness for being 9)na?ve, as if you never thought that they might be too busy to drop what they’re doing and 10)humor you.

Cynthia: Also a good point. If I’m too eager, I might come off as inexperienced.

Jackson: Exactly. Now that we’ve talked it out, I’m not sure that this is a good idea at all.

Cynthia: ⑥Not so fast. All of those obstacles can be overcome.

Jackson: You already have answers ready and waiting, eh?⑦OK, then, convince me that you’re on the right track.

Cynthia: The thing to remember is to be 11)courteous, professional, and patient. If they say that they don’t have time to see you, be respectful and ask when you can come back.

Jackson: That’s a good way to strike a balance between being assertive and understanding, I suppose.

Cynthia: Exactly. Cold-calling shows that you’re willing to face challenges 12)head-on, but being courteous and patient shows that you can also be a team player.

Jackson: Indeed. But I imagine lots of companies would still be pretty put off by someone just showing up out of the blue, no matter how courteous he is.

Cynthia: Of course. It won’t work every time, but then again, I don’t need every company to like it. I only need one job, after all.

Jackson: Wait, you mean you’re going to more than one company? How many are you going to today?

Cynthia: I’ve planned three in the morning, then four more in the afternoon.

Jackson: Wow, you really are playing the field!

Cynthia: The more chances I take, the better chance I have of success!

Jackson: One thing I don’t understand, though. Why not just call ahead of time and let them know you plan on coming?

Cynthia: There’s a higher chance of getting rejected over the phone, I think. But that’s not the real reason why I’m not calling ahead.

Jackson: Oh? Then what is?

Cynthia: My phone is broken!

































Smart Sentences

① The early bird gets the worm, Cynthia! 早起的鸟儿有虫吃,辛西娅!

The early bird gets the worm: if sb. wants to be successful at sth., he/she should do sth. immediately(早起的鸟儿有虫吃)。例如:

―I didn’t expect to see you here at this hour of the morning.


―Well, the early bird gets the worm, right?


② The clothes make the man, they say! 人们都说:男人靠衣装。

The clothes make the man: people will judge you according to the way you dress, a proverb(人靠衣装,谚语)。例如:

Jane was always careful about how she dressed because she believed that the clothes make the man.


③ I’ve been sending out my resume for a while, but since I haven’t heard back from anybody, I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands. 我投了简历好长一段时间了,但是由于没有接到任何人的回复,我决定自己主动出击。

take matters into one’s own hands: deal with a problem by oneself(自己动手解决问题,自己处理)。例如:

My parents and I have always disagreed about my major, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.


④ The job market is so swamped with qualified candidates, you have to do something to make yourself stand out of the crowd, find some way to show that you’re serious about the job. 求职市场到处都是合格的候选人,你必须做点事让自己从人群中脱颖而出,找到方法来显示你对这份工作的重视。

stand out of the crowd: to be very obvious or unusual(与众不同,突出)。例如:

Our company tries to stand out from the crowd by introducing custom-made tour packages.


⑤ Well, let’s hash out some pros and cons. 好吧,让我们讨论下这样做的利弊。

hash out sth.: carefully discuss sth.(详细商讨某事)。例如:

We will hash out the details of the conference plan this afternoon.


⑥ Not so fast. 别这么早下定论。

not so fast: used to tell sb. to stop reaching any conclusion or taking action(用以告诉他人不要急于下结论或者采取行动)。例如:

―With what we heard from the witnesses, I think we can tell who is responsible for the accident.


―Not so fast. What about asking the people who are actually involved?


⑦ OK, then, convince me that you’re on the right track. 好吧,那么,说服我你这样做是对的。

on the right track: act or progress in a way that is likely to result in success(方向正确)。例如:

From today’s meeting, it is widely believed that the company is on the right track for a recovery from the recent food poisoning incident.


上一篇:着力改进值班工作 创新值班服务格局 下一篇:企业信用信息在银行信贷的应用