
时间:2022-09-15 06:47:47


【摘 要】论题以目的论为依据,对南山景区景点名称和宣传文本中的翻译错误进行分析并提出修改意见。


0 引言

据2013年三亚旅游官网统计,仅春节头5天,来三亚旅游的游客达10.41万人。仅南山接待的游客就达3.8万人次, 在三亚各景点游客接待量中名列前茅。本文在目的论的指导下对南山的景点名称和旅游文本英译进行调查,对其存在的问题进行探讨改正。

德国功能主义学派汉斯・费米尔(Hans J.Vermeer)(1987)认为翻译的目的决定翻译的方法和策略。(罗媛媛,2012)旅游文本作为一种交际型文本,其目的就是让外国人了解本土文化习俗,所以英译时,重点考虑读者的接受度的同时,在忠实和连贯的基础上,进行英译的异化和归化。

1 三亚南山景区景点名称翻译

1.1 三亚南山景区景点名称翻译现状


表1 南山景区名称英译

从以上总结分类中,关于南山的英文名称有7个,重点区别在于佛教这个词是否译出,如Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone 和Nanshan Buddhism Park。关于108米海上观音的英文称呼有9个,区别重点在于三面海上观音中“三面”被处理为three-sided,three-aspect和3-faced;“南海”被分别译为South Sea和the South China Sea;“观音”的翻译上有音译上的Guanyin和Kwan-yin之分。而金玉观世音名称的英译也有5个,区别主要表现在“观世音”的称呼,到底是Guanyin, Kwan-yin还是Avalokitesvara?

1.2 三亚南山景区景点名称翻译改进


表2 108米海上观音景点名称英译

表3 金玉观世音景点名称英译

根据目的论的原则,在翻译景点名称上,要实行归化和异化的统一。让外国游客便于理解的同时,又尽量保留本土佛教的文化内涵。南山文化旅游区,可用直译和意译相结合方法译为Nanshan Buddhism Cultural Tourism Zone。108米海上观音,观音的音译Guanyin 和Kwanyin中,前者已被纳入有道词典成为一个专名指观音菩萨,而后者没有。而三面并非翻译处理的重点,为了减少游客的信息处理量,故可以采用减词法,只需译成108m NanHai Guanyin Statue. 金玉观世音的译名,“观世音”梵语的专名为Avalokitesvara,可直接这样翻译Gold and Jade Avalokitesvara Statue会让游客缺乏亲近感,可译成Gold and Jade Mercy Buddha Statue.

2 三亚南山景区旅游文本翻译

2.1 三亚南山景区旅游文本翻译现状


2.2 三亚南山景区旅游文本翻译改进

2.2.1 佛教中的“永住世间”“弘扬佛法”和“烦恼”的翻译

例1 十八罗汉(Eighteen Arhats)为了使众生有听闻佛法的机缘,释迦牟尼佛嘱咐十六罗汉永住世间,分布各地弘扬发佛法,利益众生。佛教传到中国后,十六罗汉演变成为十八罗汉。罗汉,是指断除烦恼,达到涅磐境界,修行圆满,又能引导众生向善的圣者。(译文)In order to let living beings have chances to learn Buddhism, Buddha Sakyamuni asked the sixteen Arhats to dwell permanently in the world to teach Buddhism and work in the interest of living beings. Since Buddhism spread to China, the number of Arhats has evolved from sixteen to eighteen, Arhats, saints who are enlightened and get on the stage of nirvana, can show the way to Buddhism.

“dwell” 为书面语,表短期居住,可换为“reside”,表合法的永久性居住。“世间”一词“world”增词改为“mortal world”更合适。“弘扬佛法”只译为“teach Buddhism”不妥,增加“develop and expand”更恰当。改译为:Buddha Sakyamuni asked the sixteen Arhats to reside permanently in the mortal world to develop and expand Buddhism. Arhats, saints who have been enlightened by Buddha and have reached the stage of nirvana, can guide human being to Buddhism. After Buddhism was spread to China, the number of Arhats had evolved from sixteen to eighteen.

例2 吉祥钟亭(Lucky Bell Pavilion)闻钟声烦恼清,智慧长菩提增。每逢节庆时,这里都要举行盛大的祈福撞钟仪式。(译文)May the sound of the Lucky Bell eases you of your trouble, makes you wiser and enlightens you on Buddhism. The ceremonies of prayer often take place here in festivals.

原文中“烦恼”译成trouble值得商榷。Trouble 根据朗文高阶英语词典的解释:a problem that make something difficult,指外界环境发生变化,使事情变糟的问题,麻烦。显然和人心里自生的烦恼不是同一个意思。“智慧长” 原译文理解为吉祥钟声或许能使人变得更聪明,然而智力增长和听钟声之间应无因果关系,实指钟声可以清除烦恼,赶走心中愚蠢的念头和认识,从而帮助人提高佛性。改译为:The sound of the Lucky Bell may ease your worries, dispel your foolish obsession and enlighten you on Buddhism. What’s more, the grand bell-ringing ceremonies are often held here in festival.

2.2.2 佛教中“聚宝盆”的翻译

例3 三十三观音堂(temple of thirty-three Guanyin)主要供奉观世音菩萨三十三种应化法身群像,人间第一财神神龙五爷,天下第一聚宝盆。在这里参禅悟道,使人思想升华,心灵净化!“世界规模最大三十三观音群像”和“天下第一聚宝盆”已被载入吉尼斯纪录。(译文)There are thirty-three kwanyin statues in different image enthrined in the temple, and also the Buddha of Wealth and the world largest inkstone. The Thirsty-three Kwanyin Statues has been put in to Guiness-record as the largest cluster of Thirty-three Kwanyin Statues in the world, and also the inkstone in Guiness-record.

原译中enthrined一词在字典中并不存在,inkstone原义为砚石,译为聚宝盆,会令人产生歧义,宜用替换法,用在西方表示富裕富饶的丰收羊角的cornucopia,用来替代佛殿中的聚宝盆。改译为:Thirty-three Guanyin statues in different images, the Buddha of Wealth and the world largest cornucopia are enshrined in the temple. This is the place to enlighten the Buddhism and Sublimate the thought. The Guanyin statues and the cornucopia are the biggest in the world, and both have set Guinness Record.

2.2.3 佛教中“超越生死的涅磐境界”的翻译

例4 佛教有八万四千法门,不二法门是最高境界。入得此门,便进入了佛教的圣境,可以直见圣道,也就是达到了超越生死的涅磐境界。(译文)There are eighty-four thousand Dharma-doors in Buddhist practice. Among those, The Dharma-Door of Nonduality is considered as the highest stage. Only entering this door, may one elucidate the teaching of the entrance into the principle of nonduality and attain the enlightenment of Nirvana.

法门为入法之门,也是入佛的途径或方法。天上的法界有84,000个坎,不二法门被认为是至高境界中的最后一道坎。过了这个坎,便能够超越生死,获得重生。原译文中的“最高境界”,和“超越生死的涅磐境界”的翻译不够完整,需改译为:Among eighty-four thousand Dharma-doors in Dharma Realm, the Dharma-Door of Nonduality is considered as the last one at the highest state. Only by entering this door, may one elucidate the principle of Non-duality and attain the enlightenment of Nirvana of tolerance of the birthlessness of things and beings.

3 结语




[2]罗媛媛.从德国功能主义理论看佛教景点旅游文本的英译[D].苏州大学, 2012,5.


[4]乌永志.文化遗产类旅游景点名称汉英翻译规范研究[J].外语教学,2012(33): 93-97.

[5]桑龙扬.旅游景点名称翻译的原则与方法:以庐山等江西数个旅游景区(点) 为例[J].英语研究,2011(4):41-44.

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