《What can you do》教学设计

时间:2022-09-14 06:07:23

《What can you do》教学设计

【摘要】本文为PEP小学英语五年级上Unit4 What can you do? Part A Read and write.部分第一课时教学设计。文章从学情、教学目标、教学重难点、教法、学法、过程等方面对本课进行了分析阐述,同时,从教学实例中为小学高年级英语阅读教学提供了一些切实可行的方法,增强学生的阅读兴趣,提高学生的阅读能力。

【关键词】教学内容 学生和内容分析 教学目标 教学重难点 教学方法 教学手段 教学过程

教学内容:本课时教学内容选自PEP小学英语五年级上Unit4 What can you do? Part A Read and write.


本节课的教学内容为PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit 4 Part A Read and write ,属于一节英语阅读教学课。它要求学生通过学习,能够听,说,认读短文并完成相应练习。五年级学生对英语学习已经有了一定的认识,他们也具备了相应的英语听说读写能力,能够理解简单的英语短文,因此在教授本课时,我更关注学生课本知识向能力的转化,在教学过程中会更加侧重阅读方法的指导。




2.能够听,说,读,写句型:What can you do? I can sweep the floor.

3.能够听,说,认读句子:Mother goat is ill. We can help her. Just do it.






1.重点:阅读Read and write, 听说读写相关句型。

2.难点:1)ill ,just do it!单词与词组的理解。






1.Let’s chant(P44).

2.仿照Let’s chant,做传声游戏。

(设计意图:运用TPR,使学生动起来,有效地组织英语课堂学习,活跃课堂气氛,并让学生复习句型What can you do? I can... )

(二)Presentation and practice

1.Talk with students freely.

2.引入:CAI呈现Mother goat生病的情景。(Mother goat并发出声)

T: Look and listen! Who is that?

S1: Mother Goat.

T: What’s wrong with Mother Goat?

S2: Mother Goat is ill.

T: Yes, Mother Goat is ill, she needs help.

CAI示问题:Q1: Who can help Mother Goat?

Q2: How many animals in the dialogue?

Watch Video and answer the two questions.


3.CAI 示问题:What can they do for Mother Goat?

Encouraging Ss watch the cartoon again and read after it, then answer the question.


4.Turn to page 48, rend the dialogue silently and Tick or Cross.

(设计意图 :通过默读,培养学生获取信息、处理信息的能力。)

5.Read the dialogue loudly and finish the sentences on page 48.

6.Act out the dialogue.

7.Choose the sentence you like best and share with us.

(设计意图:考查学生对文章的理解,在孩子们回答时可以检测他们对文章的把握。同时告诉孩子: “Just do it!”means if you want to do, just do it and never give up!鼓励学生说出这句话,并会在日常生活中使用。)

(三) Extension and Consolidation

T: Our father and mother are busy everyday. As their child, you should help them do some housework. Please write down the things you can do, OK?

Then share the answers in your group.

(四) Ending

T: A helpful man is always happy!

(五) Homework

1.Act the dialogue with your friends.

2.Always help each other.

(六) Blackboard Designing

Unit 4 What can you do?

A Read and write

What can you do?

I can sweep the floor.

I can cook the meals.

I can water the flowers.

上一篇:图式理论视阈下翻译认知本质研究 下一篇:玩转乒乓球