How “Stalker Sarah” Takes Thousands of Selfies with Stars 追星狂人萨拉的追星之路

时间:2022-09-11 09:15:42


If you're famous, "Stalker Sarah" waits for you in your hotel lobby or outside your favorite nightclub, or approaches you in a restaurant or backstage at your concert. Each time, she asks you for a picture.

She's collected almost 6200 of them in a Flickr2) account under the name Sarah M Online, which she started when she was 12. Each photo has two subjects: a member of Hollywood's elite class—everyone from Justin Bieber and Brad Pitt to virtual unknowns—and Sarah, positioned in the right of the frame. She turns her head 45 degrees. She wears a black leather jacket and a classic rock T-shirt. She smiles the same calm, practiced smile.

After five years of striking this pose again and again, Sarah M Online, now 17 and a senior in high school, has achieved her own level of celebrity. She has fans (and haters), passes to movie premieres3), a manager, and an invitation to Perez Hilton's4) 35th birthday party. She and Miley Cyrus are friends.

"I go to events now and I'll just get absolutely swarmed5) by kids," she tells me. "I'll sign hundreds of autographs and take hundreds of pictures ... Miley Cyrus said one time, 'When they touch you, they feel like they've touched Justin, they feel like they've touched One Direction. Meeting you is like an indirect way to meet their idols.'"

Her fans always ask how she does it. How does the home-schooled teen meet celebrities? How does she do it several times a day? "I just approach them," she told me. "If it's not the right time, I won't go up to them. I'll just stay back and watch if there are a lot of paparazzi6)."

Though she often embeds7) herself among those photographers, Sarah doesn't consider herself one, preferring to be thought of as a collector. She doesn't make money. And while she isn't the only stalker of this kind, sarah is definitely the best. She knows where to wait, where to hide, and how to follow.

"When Harry Styles8) was here, my friends and I had to figure out, 'Okay, what time will he have to land?' We had to figure out the time difference, what time his plane will fly out, how much time he would need to sleep before a concert." And though she tends not to approach celebrities walking their dogs, for instance, or playing with their kids at the park, the gallery contains as many photos snapped in supermarkets and Hollywood parking lots as at red carpet events.

One of the earliest pictures shows her posing between Nickelodeon9) star Vanessa Hudgens and Hudgens's then-boyfriend, Zac Efron10). She was 12 or 13, a shiny, round-faced kid in an oversized white T-shirt and black hooded11) sweatshirt12). Her caption13) reads:

Zac, Vanessa, and I at the California Pizza Kitchen a week after Zac got out of surgery. They were SOOOOO nice! Vanessa is my idol, and Zac is one of my favorite actors. I was so nervous but they were so nice!!

The omission of last names might suggest that Sarah and the couple were actually friends. But what kind of friend calls her friends idols? Videos of Sarah on YouTube show her bowling with a Jonas14) brother one minute and waiting in the shadows outside Chateau Marmont the next. And even if her behavior is stalkerish, stars still call her a sweet kid. "Oftentimes now, the celebrities will approach me because they know that I'll say something nice about them," she says. Sarah also protects their fame: in response to negative online attention the Jonas Brothers were receiving, she decided to include them on her site 80 times in one year.

But she's not immune to her own hate mail: "Stalker Sarah", which she's reclaimed as her moniker15), started out as an online insult. She once read some of the letters she gets in a YouTube video. "Stalker Sarah scares me, to be honest," one said. Another: "If I get famous and she asks for a picture, that biotch16) ain't gettin' one!" But even as she laughs at these in the clip, Sarah purposely doesn't share her last name for fear of online predators17).

She shares limited biographical info on Twitter, Instagram18), and in occasional interviews. She is home-schooled per19) an agreement with her father that, if she got straight A's, he would drive her to "as many events as he possibly could".

Production companies have noticed her—and even offered TV shows—but she knows she's not truly famous. Sarah's rise happened accidentally, when she started posting her photos on Flickr for her family. Before that, she would keep them in a book. "I had this big purse that I'd carry everywhere with me, and when I'd see celebrities, they'd say, 'So who have you seen lately?'" She'd pull out her book and show them.

Soon, she started noticing her Flickr hits go up. She wasn't sharing the photos herself; she didn't have a Facebook or a Myspace20) account. But some of her earliest fans were passing them around. "One day, over 24 hours, I got a million hits." So she decided to build up her Twitter following. Four years ago, when she started her account, it was private; now she has 70,000 followers. "Justin Bieber requested to follow me!" she remembers.

Once she finishes high school, she wants to work in the entertainment industry. At this point, she's already dipping her toe into21) the work of a publicist; if she's at an event and sees a paparazzi that she knows likes to print negative stories, "I'll be like, 'Let me call and get this person out here. I know who to call because I know who's going to write a good story.'"


萨拉在Flickr上有一个名为Sarah M Online的账户,里面上传了她从12岁起就开始收集的她与明星的合影,到现在(编注:本文写于2013年)差不多都要有6200张了。每张合影中都有两个人:一个是好莱坞的精英人士——从贾斯汀·比伯、布拉德·皮特到实际上不怎么知名的人;另一个则是照片中站在右侧的萨拉,她穿着一件黑色皮夹克和一件经典摇滚风格的T恤,头倾斜45度,笑容始终淡定而老练。














1. stalker [?st??k?(r)] n. 跟踪者

2. Flickr: 一个图片分享网站

3. premiere [?premie?(r)] n. (戏剧、电影的)首次公演

4. Perez Hilton: 佩雷斯·希尔顿(1978~),美国知名博主、著名电视工作者

5. swarm [sw??m] vt. 挤满

6. paparazzo [?p?p??r?ts??] n. 跟踪偷拍名人照片的摄影者,狗仔队员。其复数形式为paparazzi。

7. embed [?m?bed] vt. 把……嵌入,放入

8. Harry Styles: 哈里·斯泰尔斯(1994~),英国超人气组合单向乐队(One Direction)的成员之一。

9. Nickelodeon: 尼克罗顿国际儿童频道,于1979年4月1日开播,是美国有线电视里一个主要给儿童和少年观看的频道。美国演员、歌手瓦妮莎·赫金斯(Vanessa Hudgens, 1988~)参演的首个电视剧就在该频道播出。

10. Zac Efron: 扎克·埃弗龙(1987~),美国电影演员,以出演迪士尼《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)系列电影而知名。

11. hood [h?d] vt. 给……罩上兜帽(或风帽等)

12. sweatshirt [?swet???t] n. (从头上套穿的长袖圆领的)厚运动衫

13. caption [?k?p?n] n. (图片的)说明文字

14. Jonas: 指Jonas Brothers,即乔纳斯兄弟,由大哥凯文·乔纳斯(Kevin Jonas, 1987~)、二哥乔·乔纳斯(Joe Jonas, 1989~)以及弟弟尼克·乔纳斯(Nick Jonas, 1992~)所组成的美国摇滚乐队。

15. moniker [?m?n?k?(r)] n. 绰号

16. biotch: 相当于bitch,常用于网络上的俚语。

17. predator [?pred?t?(r)] n. 造成破坏的人(或事物);损人利己者

18. Instagram: 一个免费提供在线图片及短视频分享的社交应用

19. per [p?(r)] prep. 按照,根据

20. Myspace: 一个社交网络服务网站,提供人际互动、使用者自定的朋友网络、个人档案页面、部落格、群组、照片、音乐和视讯影片的分享与存放。

21. dip one's toe into: 开始做某人不熟悉的(或觉得新奇的)事情

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