
时间:2022-08-31 09:08:59

That Which Makes Us Stronger

Kate’s father was diagnosed[诊断] with Wilson’s disease注 at the age of 46, having lived a happy and healthy life up till then. She’s telling us how she coped with her father’s sudden illness and subsequent[随后的] death.


At 18-years-old I found out my dad had Wilson’s disease. This is a rare genetic[遗传的] disease where copper[铜] builds up in the body and spreads to the liver[肝脏], brain, corneas[角膜] and kidneys[肾]. Without treatment, Wilson’s disease is usually fatal[致命的] by the age of 40, but if treatment begins in the early stages of the disease, sufferers can live a normal length and quality of life. Tragically for my dad, the illness lay dormant[潜伏] for too long and six months after his diagnosis, he’d gone blind and was on the emergency[紧急] liver transplant[移植] list. After three months of waiting, they finally found one.

The operation took longer than expected and he was heavily sedated[镇静的], but he’d come through it! Dad always said he didn’t want us seeing him straight away, so I was going to the hospital that weekend. A day after the operation, my uncle asked me to come home from university and help out my two sisters, aged 14 and 22. I couldn’t understand why I had to leave so soon when I had a ticket booked for the weekend, but when my uncle insisted, a spine-chilling[令人毛骨悚然的] feeling ran down my back. I scribbled[草率地写] out a note to my housemates and sat stony-faced on the train for four hours, unable to imagine the enormity[巨大] of what could happen.

That day my world came crashing down. I didn’t tune into the phone call my sister was having, but when she turned around to face us I saw the colour drain[耗尽] from her face like a photo that had faded in the sunlight. Grey. She said the words, “He died,” and walked towards us in slow motion as we held onto each other in utter[全然的] disbelief, having learnt our father hadn’t recovered from a cardiac arrest[心搏停止] he’d had during the operation.

I can honestly say I never thought we would lose him. Not ever. Three weeks after he died, I remember an evening I thought he was still alive. A friend who came to stay had written herself a note on my pinboard[留言板] to remind herself to ring her dad. I felt like I hadn’t spoken to dad in ages and had loads to tell him.

I couldn’t believe I’d forgotten. Even though every morning I woke up crying after a split second of thinking everything was normal, I’d realise it wasn’t. I’d never forgotten even after the day of the funeral[葬礼], when I walked into the cold hall with my feet feeling unattached[分离] to my body, catching sight of the coffin[棺材] and being held upby unknown arms to get me to the front row of seats. My throat raw[刺痛] from crying, my eyes stinging and my face throbbing[悸动] as the grief[悲伤] poured out of me uncontrollably. Being physically pushed to the front of the crowd of mourners[哀悼者] as dad’s coffin was lowered into the ground forever and walking arm-in-arm back to the car park where I stood in disbelief, realizing that this was the end for my dad.

he next few months passed by in a blur[模糊不清]. I cried most days and there were no days I didn’t feel like crying. I felt so bad for not crying that I cried anyway.Ó

I believed that as the talk of dad’s passing subsided[减退], people would think that I would be getting over it. It was the exact opposite. As time went on it felt worse, I missed him like crazy. I couldn’t even look at photographs of him because I didn’t want to look into his eyes and know at that moment he’d never have known what a short life he had in front of him.

Friends would say how well I was coping and how they would have cracked under it all, but they didn’t see my moments alone. I carried on for the sake of my dad. I felt he was around me all the time and that he would be ashamed[羞耻的] of me if I didn’t finish my degree. I would have conversations with him in my head and at times of deep turmoil[混乱] I would beg for him to come and sit with me and give me a sign he was still there for me, but it never came. Life was moving on tardily[缓慢地]. I just had to hope that there was life after death; that he wasn’t feeling the devastation[摧毁] that we were feeling at his sudden passing, and most of all that he was at peace.









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