
时间:2022-10-13 01:39:19



When the manga Nodame Cantabile[如歌的] started running in Kiss in 2001, its author, Tomoko Ninomiya, most likely never imagined what a huge hit it would be.

The popular manga was made into a live action TV drama broadcast in October, 2006. Some had assumed[猜测] that audiences might find the topic of classical music boring, but the show unexpectedly[想不到地] attracted a huge number of viewers. “lt surprised me when my kids started listening to Beethoven’s Seventh symphony[交响曲] and Rachmaninoff注1. They used to call the works noisy when I listened to them,”an engineer and amateur[业余] musician said.

Daisuke Mogi, principal oboist[双簧管手] of the NHK Symphony Orchestra[管弦乐队], said he was astounded[大吃一惊] when he heard pedestrians[行人] whistling Beethoven’s Seventh on the street. A conductor himself, Mogi said: “This is probably the first time the piece was used as a theme song for a TV series. It had a huge impact.”Nodame Cantabile is a comedy set in a music conservatory[音乐学校]. It stars offbeat[非传统的] piano student Megumi Noda, nicknamed Nodame, and her pianist-turned-conductor Prince Charming Shinichi Chiaki, as well as their friends and teachers. The story is alive with sparkling[闪闪发光的] oddballs[怪人]. For example, Nodame is a slob[懒鬼] who lives in a dump[垃圾场]-like apartment, and Chiaki, the genius conductor-to-be, is terrified of flying.

Ninomiya met a young piano student who contacted her via[通过] her homepage. Ninomiya became fascinated with the girl, a sloppy[邋遢的] oddball, just the opposite of her stereotyped[老套的] image of a classical musician. Acquainted with[认识] more musicians through her, Ninomiya decided to create a manga featuring music students.

Although the manga was initially[最初] targeted at women in their 20s and 30s, Ninomiya’s editor said the story turned out to be very attractive to people from all age groups. “Many fans say they have become interested in classical music or that they want to start playing instruments,”she said.

This is not something really new. In Japan, manga and anime are always leading the trend. When Hikaru’s Go注2 first became well-received, thousands of teens rushed to institutes to learn the game of go[围棋]. However, in this case, the TV drama has greatly enlarged the effect. For example, an orchestral album made for the show named Nodame Cantabile LIVE! that was released in November, 2006 sold 53 thousand copies in its first week on sale and finally ranked No. 7 on the charts, breaking the record for highest ranked classical music album.

Despite the fact that the series was put to an end in 2006, Nodame and her story continue to boost the classical music scene in 2007, because the anime has been on TV. Struggling Japanese orchestras are more than happy to hop[跳] on the bandwagon[流行]. If it takes a sloppy and imaginary[虚构的] manga character to fill seats in their auditoriums[会堂], so be it.









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