
时间:2022-08-12 11:08:45

合肥工业大学 常韦娜 编译

小黑猩猩,亦称为倭黑猩猩(pygmy chimpanzee)。 外形及生活习性酷似黑猩猩,但上肢更长更细,身体细长,面部不那么向前突出。小黑猩猩在野生环境中的数量在减少,主要原因是人类破坏其森林栖息地以及非法捕猎。

In the great ape family, bonobos are the cheeky, easy-going members. Not for them aggressive, chest-pounding displays of dominance. They are lovers, seldom fighters. In their female-dominated societies, individuals copulate to settle conflicts. Bonobos also engage in communal sex to ease strains at a new feeding site. To help save this singular and endangered primate, found only in the rain forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the DRC government and U.S.-based Bonobo Conservation Initiative have created a vast sanctuary. Larger than the state of Massachusetts, the 11,803-square-mile Sankuru Nature Reserve likely harbors several thousand bonobos out of an estimated population of 50,000 (Number is inexact, as a decade of civil war has kept researchers out of the area). To make the reserve work, local communities have vowed to stop killing bonobos for meat, the chief threat, in return for development aid. Sankuru is the first part in a network of planned reserves to be called the Bonobo Peace Forest.



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