
时间:2022-08-12 12:59:04


[摘要] 目的 了解0~36月龄婴幼儿超声骨密度的状况及影响婴幼儿骨密度的因素。 方法 选取2010年1月~2012年1月,来本院儿科门诊进行体检的500名婴幼儿作为测定对象,采用TM7000超声骨密度仪对声波在受检婴幼儿左腿胫骨中段的传播速度(SOS值)进行测定,同时测量受检者的体重、身高情况,并作出发育情况评价。 结果 (1)0~36月龄的男女童骨密度阳性率无明显差异;(2)0~24月龄婴幼儿随年龄的增长,骨密度阳性率明显下降;(3)婴幼儿的生长发育水平与骨密度阳性率密切相关。 结论 0~36月龄的婴幼儿加强合理喂养、搭配膳食并适当进行户外活动,使儿童良好发育,能够降低骨密度阳性率。

[关键词] 超声;骨密度;生长发育;婴幼儿

[中图分类号] R195.2 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)07(c)-0204-02

Influencing factors in infant ultrasonic bone density

XIE Lianhua

Child Health Division, Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Heyuan City in Guangdong Province, Heyuan 517000, China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate ultrasound bone mineral density status of 0-36 month-old infant and factors that affect the bone density. Methods Five hundred infants and young children were selected as a measurement object from January 2010 to January 2012, the TM7000 ultrasound bone mineral density on the propagation velocity of sound in the middle of the subjects of infant and children left leg tibia (SOS) determination of the simultaneous measurement of weight, height, the situation of the subjects. Results (1)0-36 months of age, the boys' and girls' bone mineral density positive rate were no significant difference. (2) 0-24 months of age infants increase with age, bone mineral density were significantly decreased. (3) Infant growth and development levels and positive rate was closely related. Conclusion 0-36 month old infants to strengthen the rational feeding, with meals and outdoor activities appropriate to make a good children's development can reduce bone mineral density positive rate.

[Key words] Ultrasound; Bone density; Growth and development; Infants and young children


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 方法

选用由Sunlight公司的TM7000超声骨密度仪进行骨密度测定,所有仪器的测量误差低于0.1%,由经过严格培训的专职人员,对声波在婴幼儿左腿胫骨中段传播时的速度(SOS值)进行测定。骨密度通过Sunlight提供的亚洲地区0~6岁儿童的标准SOS值进行界定,若P≤20%为阳性(低骨密度组),P > 20%为阴性(骨密度正常组)。通过Excel进行数据统计处理,计量资料用χ2检验。

2 结果

2.1 不同组别婴幼儿低骨密度表现为阳性的比例

按照测定结果,0~24月组的婴幼儿随着年龄增加,骨密度阳性比例明显下降,其中 13~24月组最低,而25~36月组又呈上升趋势,不同年龄组存在的骨密度差异有统计学意义(χ2=52.13,P < 0.05),不同组别的低密度阳性率见表1。

上一篇:住院药房口服摆药常见问题及建议 下一篇:临床常见抗菌药物不合理应用分析