
时间:2022-08-08 10:31:58


摘 要:在简要介绍气候变化对欧洲的影响、欧盟的气候变化适应举措的基础上,分析了欧盟水资源管理、海洋与渔业、沿海地区、农

>> 国际气候变化适应政策发展动态及其对中国的启示 欧盟气候变化政策的演变 欧盟的气候变化政策 中国适应气候变化政策评价 欧盟应对气候变化政策的进展及影响 中国应对气候变化的政策与行动 适应气候变化的分析框架及政策涵义 适应气候变化的认知与政策评价 中国适应气候变化政策现状、问题和建议 欧盟与气候变化作战 欧盟气候变化多层治理机制 欧盟气候变化政策的能源安全利益驱动 应对气候变化,宁夏在行动 面对气候变化,宁夏在行动 适应气候变化空间的挑战 论气候变化的适应 《国家适应气候变化战略》公布 “后视镜”中的气候变化政策 气候变化移民:极端气候事件与适应 应对气候变化的林业行动及其对就业的影响 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:, 2013-04-16[2013-04-20].

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EU Climate Change Adaptation Policy Actions

and Its Implications

ZENG Jing-jing, QU Jian-sheng

(Lanzhou Branch of the National Science Library / Scientific Information Center for Resources and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China)

Abstract: Based on the brief description of climate change impacts on Europe as well as the EU's climate change adaptation initiatives, the paper focused on the climate change adaptation policy actions of EU’s nine key field, which stood for the sectors of water management, marine and fisheries, coastal areas, agriculture, forestry, biodiversity, finance and insurance, disaster prevention and reduction and human health. The characteristics of the EU climate change adaptation policy actions were summarized, namely, "top-down" government level initiatives combined with "bottom-up" vulnerable economic sectors’ responding strategies, taking a phased way forward, and paying attention to the development and application of the relevant platform tools. Finally, the suggestions were put forward for strengthening China’s climate change adaptation policy actions, such as: timely development of national climate change adaptation strategy; enhancing the construction of scientific infrastructures and platforms for climate change adaptation; accelerating the improvement of institutional mechanisms for climate change adaptation; strengthening capacity building for climate change adaptation.

Key words:climate change adaptation; EU; policy actions; key field

上一篇:基于文化资源的沿海港口地区创意产业发展研究 下一篇:奥林匹克王国第九任“国王”