
时间:2022-07-29 07:13:52


Several weeks before the 1994 Nobel Prize in economics was announced on Oct. 11, two mathematicians―Harold W. Kuhn and John Forbes Nash Jr.―visited their old teacher, Albert W. Tucker, at Meadow Lakes1), a nursing home near Princeton.

When Mr. Nash stepped out of the room, Mr. Kuhn returned to tell Mr. Tucker a stunning secret: Unbeknownst to Mr. Nash, the Royal Swedish Academy intended to grant Mr. Nash a Nobel for work he had done as the old man’s student in 1949, work that turned out to have revolutionary implications for economics. 康复后的纳什

The award was a miracle. It wasn’t just that Mr. Nash, one of the mathematical geniuses of the postwar era, was finally getting the recognition he deserved. Nor that he was being honored for a slender 27-page Ph.D. thesis written almost half a century ago at the tender age of 21.

The real miracle was that the 66-year-old Mr. Nash―tall, gray, with sad eyes and the soft, raspy2) voice of someone who doesn’t talk much―was alive and well enough to receive the prize. For John Nash was stricken with paranoid schizophrenia3) more than three decades earlier.

Mr. Nash’s terrible illness was an open secret among mathematicians and economists. No sooner had Fortune magazine singled him out4) in July 1958 as America’s brilliant young star of the “new mathematics” than the disease had devastated Mr. Nash’s personal and professional life. He hadn’t published a scientific paper since 1958. He hadn’t held an academic post since 1959.

His life, once so full of brightness and promise, became hellish5). There were repeated commitments to psychiatric hospitals. Failed treatments. Fearful delusions. A period of wandering around Europe. Stretches6) in Roanoke, Va., where Mr. Nash’s mother and sister lived. Finally, a return to Princeton, where he had once been the rising star.

Starting Out:

The First Signs of Genius

John Nash’s West Virginia roots are often invoked by people who knew him at Princeton or at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he taught for a while in the 50’s, to explain his lack of worldliness. But Bluefield, the town where he grew up, was hardly a backwater7).

Mr. Nash’s mother, Margaret, was a Latin teacher. His father, John Sr., was a gentlemanly electrical engineer. Nothing was more important to the senior Nashes than supervising their children’s education, recalls the sister, Martha Nash Legg. John Jr. was a prodigy8) but not a straight-A student. He read constantly. He played chess. He whistled entire Bach melodies. “John was always looking for a different way to do things,” said Mrs. Legg, “He could see ways to solve problems that were different from his teacher’s.”

In the fall of 1945, Mr. Nash enrolled at Carnegie-Mellon, then Carnegie Tech, in Pittsburgh. It was there that the label “genius” was first applied to Mr. Nash. His mathematics professor called him “a young Gauss9)” in class one day. Mr. Nash switched from chemistry to math in his freshman year. Two years later he had a B.S. and was studying for an M.S.

His graduate professor, R. J. Duffin, recalls Mr. Nash as a tall, slightly awkward student who came to him one day and described a problem he thought he had solved. Professor Duffin realized with some astonishment that Mr. Nash, without knowing it, had independently proved Brouwer’s famed theorem10). The professor’s letter of recommendation for Mr. Nash had just one line: “This man is a genius.”

Making Waves: Game Theory and More

In 1948, the year Mr. Nash entered the doctoral program at Princeton with a fellowship11), the town was arguably the center of the mathematical and scientific universe. At once eager to prove himself and12) somewhat gauche13), especially compared with older students who had served in the war, Mr. Nash quickly became one of the brilliant young men who performed mental pyrotechnics14) in the common room of Fine Hall15).

Other students found him a loner, odd as well as brilliant. When he wasn’t in the common room talking a blue streak16), he paced. Around and around he would go, following Fine Hall’s quadrangular17) hallways, occasionally dashing into empty classrooms to scribble, with lightning speed, on blackboards. “He was always an unusual person,” said Jack Milnor, an undergraduate at the time and now a mathematician at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. “He tended to say whatever came into his mind.”

Mr. Nash’s Nobel-winning thesis on game theory was the product of his second year at Princeton. Game theory was the invention of von Neumann18) and a Princeton economist named Oskar Morgenstern. Their 1944 book, The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, was the first attempt to derive logical and mathematical rules about rivalries.

Briefly, von Neumann only had a good theory for pure rivalries in which one side’s gain was the other’s loss. Mr. Nash focused on rivalries in which mutual gain was also possible. He showed that there were stable solutions―no player could do better given what the others were doing―for such rivalries under a wide variety of circumstances. In doing so, he turned game theory, a beguiling19) idea, into a powerful tool that economists could use to analyze everything from business competition to trade negotiations. “It wasn’t until Nash that game theory came alive for economists,” said Robert Solow, a Nobel laureate in economics at M.I.T.

Mr. Nash got his doctorate on his 22nd birthday, June 13, 1950. After brief interludes as an instructor at Princeton and as a consultant at the Rand Corporation20), the Cold War think tank, Mr. Nash moved on to teach at M.I.T. in 1951.

The Disease: “It’s All Over for Him”

By the mid-1950’s, Mr. Nash was phenomenally productive. When he got tired of mathematicians, he would wander over to the economics department to talk to Mr. Solow and another Nobel laureate, Paul Samuelson.

And it was during this period that Mr. Nash met his future wife, Alicia Larde, an El Salvadoran physics student at M.I.T. who took advanced calculus from him. Small, graceful, with extraordinary dark eyes, Alicia looked like an Odile21) in Swan Lake. “He was very, very good looking, very intelligent,” Mrs. Nash recalls. “It was a little bit of a hero worship thing.” They were married in 1957, a year Mr. Nash spent on leave at the Institute for Advanced Study.

By the time the Nashes returned to M.I.T., John Nash had been awarded tenure. Mrs. Nash went back to graduate school and worked part time in the computer center. In the fall of 1958, she became pregnant with their son, John Charles Martin Nash. “It was a very nice time of my life,” she recalled.

It is just then, when life seemed so very sweet, that John Nash got sick. Within months, at age 30 in the spring of 1959, Mr. Nash was committed to McLean Hospital, a psychiatric institution in Belmont, Mass.

In the months leading up to his hospitalization, Mr. Nash became another person. He skipped from subject to subject. Some of his lectures no longer made sense. He fled to Roanoke at one point, abandoning his classes. He wrote strange letters to various public figures.

“It was very sad,” said Professor Shapley at U.C.L.A., who ran into Mr. Nash from time to time. “There was no way to talk to him or even follow what he was saying.”

In any event, Mr. Nash’s paranoia intensified and he could no longer work. After resigning his M.I.T. post, he went to Europe, wandering from city to city. He feared he was being spied on and hunted down and he tried to give up his United States citizenship. His wife and colleagues began to receive postcards with odd messages, many concerning numbers. Eventually, the Nashes separated and he moved to Roanoke to live with his mother.

The Abyss: Two Decades of Darkness

For most of the next 20 years, Mr. Nash divided his time between hospitals, Roanoke and, increasingly, Princeton.

In 1963, Mrs. Nash divorced him but eventually let him live at her house. Mr. Nash was hospitalized at least three more times. Mrs. Nash, who never remarried, supported her former husband and her son by working as a computer programmer, with some financial help from family, friends and colleagues.

Mr. Nash became a sad, ghostly presence around Princeton and a mysterious character, the Phantom of Fine Hall. “Everyone at Princeton knew him by sight,” recalls Daniel R. Feenberg, a Princeton graduate student in the 1970’s and now an economist at the National Bureau of Economic Research. “His clothes didn’t quite match. He looked vacant22). He was mostly silent. He was around a lot in the library reading books or walking between buildings.”

Alicia Nash believed very firmly that Mr. Nash should live at home and stay within Princeton’s mathematics community even when he was not functioning well. Martha Legg applauds her decision. “Being in Princeton was good for him,” said Mrs. Legg. “In a place like Princeton, if you act strange, you’re special. In Roanoke, if you act strange, you’re just different. They didn’t know who he was here.”

Some former colleagues at Princeton and M.I.T. tried to help with jobs on research projects, though very often Mr. Nash couldn’t accept the help. Professor Shapley at U.C.L.A. succeeded in getting a cash mathematics prize for Mr. Nash in the 70’s. There were other forms of kindness, like getting Mr. Nash access to university computers or remembering to invite him to seminars when old friends turned up on campus.

Coming Back: Finally, a Remission

Still, the people who stayed in regular contact with him eventually came to believe that his illness would never end. Then came what Professor Kuhn calls “a miraculous remission.” And as happens, for reasons unknown, in the case of some people with schizophrenia, it was not, according to Mrs. Nash or Mrs. Legg, due to any drug or treatment. “It’s just a question of living a quiet life,” said Mrs. Nash. The most dramatic sign of that remission, perhaps, is that Mr. Nash was able to do mathematics again.

And now Mr. Nash is a Nobel laureate. The story of his prize is itself testament not only to his survival but to the fierce loyalty and admiration he inspired in others. During the 20-plus years of Mr. Nash’s illness, game theory flourished and it is hard to find an important article in the field that doesn’t refer to his work. “The truths Nash discovered were all very surprising,” said Simon Kochen, another Princeton mathematician. “Nash is a man who surprises people.”



































1. Meadow Lakes:梅多湖养老院,美国一个持续照料退休社区(Continuing Care Retirement Community,简称CCRC),为老年人提供自理、介护、介助一体化的居住设施和服务。

2. raspy [?r?spi] adj. 声音嘶哑的;刺耳的

3. paranoid schizophrenia:妄想型精神分裂症

4. single out:(从一群人中)选出,挑出

5. hellish [?hel??] adj. 地狱般的

6. stretch [stret?] n. 一段时间;一阵子

7. backwater [?b?k?w??t?(r)] n. 穷乡僻壤;落后地区

8. prodigy [?pr?d?d?i] n. 奇才;天才;神童

9. Gauss:即约翰.卡尔.弗里德里希.高斯(1777~1855),德国著名数学家、物理学家、天文学家、大地测量学家,近代数学奠基者之一

10. 此处指布劳威尔不动点定理,是拓扑学里一个非常重要的不动点定理。

11. fellowship [?fel????p] n. (发给大学研究生的)奖学金

12. at once … and …:既……又……

13. gauche [???] adj. 不善交际的;笨拙的

14. pyrotechnics [?pa?r???tekn?ks] n. 出色的表现;(本领的)炫示

15. Fine Hall:此处指普林斯顿大学的数学系大楼。

16. talk a blue streak:滔滔不绝地讲话

17. quadrangular [kw??dr??j?l?(r)] adj. 四边形的

18. von Neumann:即约翰.冯.诺依曼(1903~1957),20世纪最重要的数学家之一,在现代计算机、博弈论和核武器等诸多领域颇有建树,被称为“计算机之父”和“博弈论之父”。

19. beguiling [b??a?l??] adj. 迷人的

20. Rand Corporation:兰德公司,美国著名智库,一家独立的、非营利性的研究和咨询服务机构

21. Odile:即黑天鹅奥黛尔,经典芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》中的角色

22. vacant [?ve?k?nt] adj. (表情等)茫然的;发呆的

上一篇:找回昔日的星光等 下一篇:学术出版中的图表数据问题及其编辑加工