
时间:2022-07-22 02:52:42


Rory(Bradley Cooper 饰)虽然一直在努力写作,却从未得到出版社的青睐,时不时还要靠父亲的接济度日。在与新婚妻子Dora(Zoe Saldana 饰)去巴黎度蜜月时,Dora在二手店买了一个书稿包。Rory偶然发现了里面的一份旧小说手稿,内容深深吸引了他。最后他把小说占为己有并出版,终于让他一举成名,成为文学界的新锐。而一个神秘的老人(Jeremy Irons 饰)突然出现,告诉Rory自己才是小说的作者,并给他讲述了一个小说中发生在巴黎的真实爱情故事。面对这一切,Rory有了无法逃遁的负罪感。他会把成功当作理所当然,还是一场道德考验?

《妙笔生花》(The Words)讲述的就是这样一个故事。影片中有三条主线:一是作家Clayton的新书(The Words)的读书会,Rory和老人是他笔下的人物;二是Rory创作路上的困境、成名和困惑;三是老人的爱情故事。三个作家,有着三个不同的故事,却同样面临着人生的选择。的确,生活中抉择容易,难的是承担抉择的后果。

The Distance Between Dreams and Reality



Rory: Working hard?

Rory’s Dad: ①All I do is put out fires. It never stops.

Rory: Listen, ②I know you’re busy, so I’m gonna come at you straight, okay?

Dad: Let’s go into my office. (in the office) How much?

Rory: Just enough for the next month to cover us.

Dad: And then what? You show up again here next month?

Rory: No, I got my book into an agent, says it’s got potential.

Dad: Did they give you any money?

Rory: No, but, Dad, it doesn’t work like that. It’s not like your business, okay? It’s not like you do work, you get paid for it, okay? I gotta pay my dues.

Dad: No, I gotta pay your dues, right?

Rory: Look, I wouldn’t ask you if I didn’t need it. You think I like coming down here like this?

Dad: You think I like saying no? I feel like I’m hurting you more than helping you. You gotta start taking responsibility for your life.

Rory: I’ve been taking responsibility for my life. I’ve had a job since I was 15. I was a 1)busboy. Okay, we decided two years ago that ③I was gonna dedicate myself to being a writer. We had this conversation in the living room. Mom was right there. She agreed...

Dad: But it’s been a while. OK. ④So maybe now this should be a hobby instead of a profession until you get your feet on the ground.

Rory: Come on, thanks for the encouragement, Pop.

Dad: What about Dora?

Rory: What about Dora?

Dad: Well, I mean, you got to have money before you get married.

Rory: You know what? I’m sorry I wasted your time.

(Rory is leaving.)

Dad: Come here! Hey, sit down! Sit down.

Rory: Talking about marriage...

Dad: What are you, 11? This is the last time. You gotta get a job, something steady, support yourself. That’s just part of being a man.

Rory: I’m trying to be a man, Dad.

Dad: Another part of being a man...no matter how painful it might be, is accepting your own limitations. Come here.

Rory: I love you.

Dad: I love you.

Rory: I’m gonna pay you back, you know.

Dad: Yeah. Yeah. Hey, you can always work here.

Rory: Haha. We’d kill each other.






爸爸:然后呢? 你下个月还会再来一次?



罗里:没有,但是爸爸,(出版业)不是这么运作的。它与你的生意不同,对吧?这和你上班干活拿薪水不是一回事,好吧? 我要付这样那样的租金。



爸爸:你以为我喜欢拒绝你吗? 我感觉我不是在帮你,更多的是在害你。你是时候开始承担生活责任了。



















Narrator: The agent had a 2)reputation for 3)impeccable taste and discovering young literary stars.

The agent: It’s good. It’s really good. I mean, it’s a beautiful piece of writing. And the truth is that you should be very proud of yourself.

Rory: Thank you very much, wow. I worked very hard on it.

The agent: The work shows. I look at you, I can’t believe how young you are.

Rory: Well...

The agent: I have to tell you, Rory, I just see so much truth in your work. I... I am... I’m so impressed.

Rory: Wow, I can’t believe this. This is...

The agent: But unfortunately, the nature of the publishing business right now at this particular time is such that I don’t know how to publish a book like this. Look, Rory, no one is gonna support a book like this.

Rory: Book like this?

The agent: From an unknown writer. There’s just no market for it. Now, it’s hard for any writer under any circumstances without a track record to get published. And this book... I mean, it’s so interior.

Rory: Interior? What is that?

The agent: It’s 4)artistic, it’s 5)subtle. It’s... it’s a piece of art.

Rory: So this book, I should just shelve this and forget about it. I just... I spent three years working on it.

The agent: I’m just trying to be honest with you. I’m just telling you the reality of the situation. Have patience. You know, I wouldn’t have brought you in here if I really didn’t believe in you.















When Opportunity Comes



Rory: Oh, my God.

Dora: What? What?

Rory: Are you pregnant?

Dora: No, no, no. I want you to listen to me. I was working on the computer today. And I swear to you I’ve never gone through your things before, but your book was on the screen and I started reading one sentence.

Rory: Oh, no. Dora.

Dora: Then I read the second, and I couldn’t put it down. Listen to me. You are everything you’ve always wanted to be.

Rory: Dora, you don’t under...

Dora: Why would you keep this a secret from me?

Rory: No, it’s not a secret.

Dora: These stories, they’re so different from anything you’ve ever done before. It’s as if you stopped hiding. They’re fuller, they’re truer, they’re more honest. There are parts of you in this novel that I always knew were there... but I had never seen before. I’ve never...

Rory: What parts? What parts?

Dora: All of you. All of you, baby. This has to be seen. Just listen to me, okay. You always said that all you ever wanted to do was be a good writer. With this, Rory, you’re a great writer. Baby, take it to work and show it to someone. And if you’re not gonna do it for yourself, then please do it for me.











罗里:什么部分? 什么部分?


Dora鼓励Rory将作品自荐,几个月过去以为石沉大海,却突然得到老板Cutler先生的赞赏,并同意为他出版,最终大获成功,R ory成为了他梦寐以求的作家。

Mr. Cutler (Rory’s boss): Rory.

Rory: Can I help you, Mr. Cutler?

Mr. Cutler: Come on in here for a second.

Rory: You know, I’m in the middle of training...

Mr. Cutler: Yeah, yeah, he’ll find his way back. Shut the door. You know what I did last night? ⑤On the absolute insistence of Debra, and God knows I tried to blow her off. I read your novel last night.

Rory: You did?

Mr. Cutler: Have you shown this to anyone else, anyone outside the agency?

Rory: No, no, you’re the only one that’s seen it. I mean, outside of my wife.

Mr. Cutler: What does she think?

Rory: She was the one that insisted I show it to you.

Mr. Cutler: Well, I can’t wait to meet her and thank her. Rory, I would very much like to represent you and your work. You’ve written a remarkable work of fiction.

Narrator: There was no 6)epiphany. No sign from the gods to point him in the right direction like there had been in all the books that he had loved growing up. All he had to do was sign the contract. The book was a 7)unanimous critical and commercial success. He was the darling of the New York literary world.

Unidentified man 1: The winner of this year’s American Fellowship of Arts and Letters Award... Mr. Rory Jansen.

Narrator: Rory Jansen had made his choice. And then he met the old man.
















A New Choice for Life


Old man: I do have a story. A very good story. Now, I know you get this line all the time, but I think you’ll like the story. If I was to tell you the story and you wrote it…well, then, maybe... you could give me a little credit?

Rory: Well, that wouldn’t be fair, would it? Have a good day.

(Rory is leaving.)

Old man: It’s about a man who wrote a book and then lost it and the 8)pissant kid who found it. You still here? Do you want to hear my story? Or don’t you have the time? So... it’s 1944, and there’s this 18-year-old kid a soldier in the army, never saw any action. He was sent to Paris right at the end of the war. There he is. A 9)dumb kid with a 10)dumbass 11)grin on his face. There he is in Paris. To him, it might as well have been the other side of the 12)goddamned world. It was a joke that his unit was constantly drawing the worst details. Most of the time, they were relaying 13)sewage pipes blown apart by the Germans during the occupation. It was god-awful work.

Unidentified man 2: Street smell. I miss Utah.

Old man: Somehow the kid was happy like a pig in shit. The guys in his unit, most of them were different from anybody he’d known in his neighborhood. They were from all over, little towns he’d never heard of.

Unidentified man 3: Poor kid probably hit a 14)mine. Let’s get the body to the 15)morgue.

Old man: That was the only dead body he saw his whole time in the Army. There was this one guy in his unit real different to him, and intellectual, real bookworm. And over time, he became the boy’s best friend. He lent him some books to read. The first book the kid had ever read about anything. For the first time he saw a world that was bigger than the one he’d been born into. And he wanted more. He wanted to be something more.

(The old man is telling the boy’s story in Paris.[注])

⑥For a time, they tried to patch things up together, but you can’t erase the past, no matter how much you want to.⑦And for the first time, the young man began to long for home. Soon the longing grew so strong he... he left. Never went back to Paris, never saw Celia again. But after he lost those pages, he was never able to set down one word that looked right to him. Maybe he was afraid of going that deep again. ⑧Perhaps he just lost the 16)knack. Anyway, he stopped trying. And after a time, he found a little town up north, settled there. Found a kind of peace.

Rory: How’s that feel?

Old man: Wait. It’s not over yet. This is where it really gets interesting. Long after all of this faded into the past, the young man, who was now an old man, wandered into a bookstore. The 17)blurb said that the author of the story is a new fresh voice who had something new to say. I opened the book and began to read your book. And the narrator was standing over a crib. His child was dying and there was nothing he could do…

Rory: Look, a misunderstanding, I...

Old man: …No, no, my friend, there’s no misunderstanding, no…

Rory: …I found…

Old man: ⑨You can’t slide out of it now. These are my words. My stories. What theis Window Tear anyway? I don’t know how you did it. To be 18)brutally honest, I don’t care. I just thought you should know the story behind these stories in case anyone was to ask. Maybe now you’ve got your next book.




老人:是讲一个人写了本书却把它丢失了,之后一个细心的小子捡到了它。你不是走了吗? 现在想听我的故事了吗?或者你还是没空?那么我就说了……那是在1944年,一个18岁的孩子,他是军队里的一名士兵,却从没上过战场。战争一结束他就被派往巴黎。这就是他,一个脸上总是挂着傻傻笑容的沉默小孩,这就是在巴黎的他。对他来说,那不过是位于这该死的世界另一端的一座城市罢了。可笑的是,他所在的小队不断被派去做一些最不得体的小差事,大多数时间,他们都在清理那些德军占领时期被毁坏的下水管道,那真是世界上最糟糕的工作了。














Old man: Over all those years, I thought about her every day. Broken because of what I did to her. And then all of a sudden, there she was. She seemed happy. Well, if I was to tell you that realization didn’t cause me pain, I’d be lying. But, in some ways, it helped me. Helped me turn a corner. Pick up again without looking back all the time. You think I ruined my life because I never wrote again just because I lost a book of stories.

Rory: No, I just... God, you had so much more to do.

Old man: I’ve done enough. Believe me. I’ve done what I can the best that I can. That’s all you can ask of a person. No. My tragedy was that I loved words more than I loved the woman who inspired me to write them. You wanna do something for me?

Rory: Anything at all.

Old man: Walk away, don’t look back. We all make choices in life. The hard thing is to live with them. And there ain’t nobody can help you with that. Go on.

Rory: Sir? I do love your book.

Narrator: We all make our choices. The hard part is living with them. Finally, Rory Jansen knew what he had to do to live with his.

Rory: (to the public) The Window Tears... by Rory Jansen.

Narrator: A few weeks after Rory went to visit him, the old man died. And the secret died with him. Whatever he had to do, whatever he had to lose, he would seal it off. It was as if by locking off the secret of one man’s life forever. He had unveiled another much deeper and darker secret within himself.











Smart Sentences

① All I do is put out fires. It never stops. 我每天的工作就是救急,从来没消停过。

put out fires: deal with urgent problems(救急,救燃眉之急)。例如:

You can’t be putting out fires all the time. That’s bad management.


② I know you’re busy, so I’m gonna come at you straight. 我知道你很忙,所以我就开门见山了。

come at sb. straight: speak candidly to sb.(直截了当地与某人交谈)。例如:

You can come at me straight with whatever’s on your mind. I’m ready.


③ I was gonna dedicate myself to being a writer.把写作当成我的终身事业。

dedicate oneself to sth.: have decided to give a lot of time and effort to sth.(致力于做某事)。例如:

She has dedicated herself to be a caring mother.


④ So maybe now this should be a hobby instead of a profession until you get your feet on the ground. 或许你现在该把它当作一种爱好,在你能脚踏实地之前你最好别把它当作你的主业。

get one’s feet on the ground: have a realistic understanding of one’s own situation, actions, and decisions(注重实际,脚踏实地)。例如:

It’s hard to get your feet on the ground when you suddenly become famous.


⑤ On the absolute insistence of Debra, and God knows I tried to blow her off. 我本想不理会黛布拉,但在她的强烈要求下……

blow off: reject sb., a rather rude usage (拒绝某人,相当无礼的用法)。例如:

They wanted us to come along, but we blew them off.


⑥ For a time, they tried to patch things up together. 他们一度试图把生活修补回原来的样子。

patch (sth.) up: fix something(解决问题)。例如:

Jane tried to patch things up with her roommates after last night’s incident.


⑦ And for the first time, the young man began to long for home. 年轻人第一次渴望回家。

long for sth.: want sth. very much(渴望某事)。例如:

People all round the world long for peace.


⑧ Perhaps he just lost the knack. 也可能他失去了写作技巧。

lose the knack: no longer have the skill for doing sth.(失去做某事的能力)。例如:

Though he had lost the knack, people continued to respect him for his great craftsmanship.


⑨ You can’t slide out of it now. 你现在无法为自己开脱。

slide out of sth.: back off from a situation(退出,后退)。例如:

It’s too late to slide out of the standoff.


上一篇:走进历史迷雾的人类近亲 下一篇:飞在天上的航母