
时间:2022-07-09 11:23:46


【摘要】目的 总结我国十年载人航天主着陆场航天员医疗保障的经验,针对“神舟九号”载人交会对接的技术状态,优化直升机救护平台,确保“神九”航天员安全。方法 调研国内外有关航天员发生的意外伤害资料,结合“神舟五号、六号、七号“航天员医疗保障的经验,针对“神九”的任务特点,提出系列的组织、预案、设备配置以及有效的救治方案。结果 优化了直升机ICU及可以进行控制性手术的救护平台、通讯联络平台。医疗直升机可在草原沙漠上大范围的机动,确保意外情况下航天员的快速救治和后送。航天员意外伤害的医疗救护预案科学、合理、实用,适合野战环境。结论 “神九”主着陆场区航天员医疗救护的空中救护平台,快速、灵活、可操作;空中救援方案、直升机救护平台的构建以及组织实施,对野战及灾害等特殊环境中的空中医学救援有参考价值。


Experience in first—aid and rescue for the ‘SHENJIU’ astronauts in the landing site LIU Zhi—guo, NIU En—xi, JIA Fu—kun, CHANG Hong, CUI Shao—jie, LI Lu, GAO Tie—shan FANG Wei—wu, WU Ji—gong, YANG He—ming, WANG Rui—juan.Center for Special Medicine,The 306 Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100101,China

【Abstract】Objective To discuss the experience of medical treatment and rescue of the ‘SHENZHOU’ astronauts in the landing place in the past 10 years, and to establish more effective mobile ICU in medical helicopters to ensure ‘SHENJIU’ astronauts safety. Methods The data collected from foreign nations and our country was reviewed. Formerly experience in first—aid and rescue astronauts of our team was summerized. The important reasons of accidental injuries of astronaut during aerospace flight were listed. More effective and reasonable prophylactic measurements and clinical treatments of the accidental injuries of astronauts were brought forward. Results we established three effective mobile ICU that could ensure the safety of the astronauts. The carriers of the ICU were helicopters, and damage control surgery can be performed there. Fine armature made us more effective. Conclusions Reasonable and effective prophylactic measurements and clinical treatments were the important aspect of the successful manned aerospace flight. The first—aid system in helicopters could realize the destination of swift response and first—aid.

【Key words】Astronaut; Injury; First—aid; Air transportation; Medical service; Medical safeguard

载人交会对接是我国载人航天三步走战略的第二步,“神舟九号”交会对接的成功标志着载人航天第二步的完成。3名航天员飞行13 d,完成与天宫一号的自动和手控交会对接,有女航天员参试并开展一定规模的空间科学实验。这些新的任务特点,给主着陆场航天员的医疗救护保障提出了更高的要求。3架医疗救护直升机,加载了ICU医疗救护平台。针对各种可能出现的伤情细化了各种方案预案,确保意外情况下航天员的救护和后送。

1 资料与方法

1.1 国外载人航天发生的主要事故



1.2 航天员已发生过的疾病


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