
时间:2022-07-02 06:50:42



“We bought a new house,” my older sister said a few months ago, in one of our rare phone conversations.

“I’m so happy for you,” I said, though I’m sure the octaves1) and intonation were off. “You deserve it.” And she does. My sister has worked tirelessly ever since I can remember. Unlike me, she’s always been responsible, never leaving a job before accepting another, and certainly never leaving a job and then, instead of finding new employment, flying to Southeast Asia and staying for three months.

I apprehensively2) booked a ticket to Los Angeles, paying a little extra so that I could change the reservation, with minimal penalty, if the apprehension became unbearable. When I arrived at my sister’s new home, she was still at work. I was greeted at the door by my 7-year-old niece, Sophie, still recovering from a cold, and the nanny who, I later found out, makes more money than I do.

“Aunt Tobin, come see my room!” said Sophie, grabbing my hand and pulling me up the stairs to her room, which was bright, clean, organized.

“It’s amazing,” I said with a tinge3) of sadness she’s too young to have noticed.

Sophie continued the tour around the home—not ostentatious4) or a mansion, by any stretch, but big and two stories and beautiful. She took me into my sister’s room, a gigantic spread with a king-size bed and large flat-screen TV hanging above a fireplace. Her bathroom has two sinks, the biggest bathtub I’ve ever seen, marble counter tops, and makeup drawers that slowly, quietly close on their own, like the trunk lids on fancy cars.

Even my sister’s lawn rang of a superior life: The grass out back was magic grass. It’s verdant. It’s crisp but never cold, and soft beneath your feet. Meanwhile, my desiccated5) yard in Marfa6) is filled with burrs7) and gopher8) holes. There are several life-size papier-maché9) horses created by an artist.

“When does Lily get home?” I asked the nanny.

“Not until 7. Lily has school, ballet class and then a play date.” My 4-year-old niece has a fuller calendar than I do, I thought, and then I went in the kitchen to get more Pirate Booty.

My sister and I are very different people. She’s two years older than I am, 6 inches shorter, has much softer features I’ve long envied, and, though the oldest of my parents’ three children, has always exhibited the autonomy of an only child. When we were kids, she was generally undemonstrative. If she was upset about something she kept it to herself. I was, and remain, wildly oversensitive and an over-sharer, both traits I’m sure she finds exasperating10).

As adults, the communication between my sister and me has been synonymous with miscommunication. When I’m upset and call her for consolation, she either offers unsolicited11) advice that I translate as judgment; suggests that I read Deepak Chopra12), which I find patronizing; or, says, “If it was meant to be, it was meant to be,” at which point I hang up. But my sister is an incredible mother, who inspires confidence in her girls, tells them she loves them and hugs on them throughout each day, and encourages the type of close sibling relationship that Rachel and I will likely never have.

Meanwhile, I try to be a good aunt in a way that I wasn’t always a great sister.

Saturday was, in my sister’s parlance13), a “big day.” Lily had two birthday parties to go to and Sophie’s coed14) basketball game started at noon.

“Ref, that was a bad call and you know it!” screamed her coach, possibly the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen.

“He’s a Calvin Klein15) model,” explained my sister. Of course he is, I thought. “His kid’s on the team.”

I loved the spectacle of the game, not only because of the coach, but also because I could sit on the front row wildly cheering for my niece. Most of the parents sat on the bleachers responding to what I presume were work-related emails on their iPhones. I’d relinquished16) mine to my youngest niece halfway through the first quarter. She was getting antsy17) so my sister downloaded $10 of applications and handed it over to her 4-year-old. (My app icons now include a pig, an apple, a pretty princess and a smiling flower with petals in primary colors). This was mostly fine because all of the kids on the court were unbearably cute, Lilliputian18) dribblers19) in Lakers jerseys20).

“Which one is yours?” said the man beside me. My mood plummeted.

“I’m number 24’s aunt,” I said. Sophie is a Kobe Bryant21) devotee. “But I’m sure I’ll have children, or a child. I’m just doing things later than everyone else,” I continued, trying to justify my existence22) to a stranger. At least he didn’t ask me what I do for a living.

After the game, I opted out of the birthday parties and went home. We ordered takeout Chinese, and afterward, I went to my room and packed for my return flight the next morning. My carry-on felt heavier, weighed down23) by the self-doubt I’d have to sort through when I got home. It’s a tedious process, one that involves revisiting the wild trysts24) and great adventures I would likely not have experienced and the people I’d likely not have met if I’d opted for a more conventional life.

Before I went to bed, I checked my email. I’d been emailing back and forth with a friend who is an uncle. We’ve known each other for 20 years. He lives alone in his modest house with a dog named Brown Dog, stays up late working on a screenplay and reading, and spends his weekends either fixing or riding his motorcycle. He’s more comfortable with being The Uncle than I am being an aunt. I’d been sending him details of my trip throughout my stay.

“Are you jealous of her?” he finally asked. “Do you want all that stuff?” I hated that he asked the question as much as the fact that I really had to think about the answer.

“About some things, yeah,” I finally wrote.

I’m jealous that she’s never been or had to worry about becoming The Aunt. I’m jealous of her family, the dinners and the early morning chaos, and I covet her bathroom, high-tech coffee maker, her endless supply of Pirate’s Booty. But I also understand that my role has given me close friends and adventures—in foreign countries, at local bars—I would not trade, even for luscious25), rich magic grass.

Still, the jealousy I often feel when I’m around my sister nags at me. It also forces me to think about the things I really want, which is not a new history but a controlled future, one in which I have a substantive income; go to Africa; find and get married to a wonderful and wonderfully strange man; have weird and beautiful children (or at least a child); and publish a book that people actually buy. But these are great ambitions, at least some of which, realistically, I may not achieve. A more modest, perhaps more attainable goal should be happiness in Austin26), where I’ll likely stay and buy a house that’s a little more practical than my last one but still has papier-maché horses in the yard.

























1. octave [??kt?v] n. 八度音

2. apprehensively [??pr??hens?vli] adv. 忧虑地,不安地

3. tinge [t?nd?] n. 些许味道(或气息);一丝痕迹(或性质)

4. ostentatious [??sten?te???s] adj. 招摇的;卖弄的

5. desiccated [?des??ke?t?d] adj. 干的;枯竭的

6. Marfa:马尔法,美国得克萨斯州南部小镇

7. burr [b??(r)] n. [植]有芒刺的草

8. gopher [?ɡ??f?(r)] n. [动]囊地鼠,见于北美大草原

9. papier-maché [?p?pie??m??e?] n. 混凝纸浆

10. exasperating [?ɡ?zɑ?sp??re?t??] adj. 使人恼怒的

11. unsolicited [??ns??l?s?t?d] adj. 未经请求的;主动提供的

12. Deepak Chopra:迪帕克·乔布拉(1946~),心灵导师和畅销书作者,同时是美国医师协会成员。他于1984年引介印度草医学到美国,开启了身心医学和全方位愈疗的风潮。

13. parlance [?pɑ?(r)l?ns] n. 说法;用语

14. coed [?k??ed] adj. 〈口〉男女同学的

15. Calvin Klein:美国时装品牌,简称CK,于1968年成立,创始者为同名设计师卡尔文·克莱恩(Calvin Klein, 1942~)。

16. relinquish [r??l??kw??] vt. 交出,让与

17. antsy [??ntsi] adj. 〈俚〉坐立不安的,烦躁的

18. Lilliputian [?l?l??pju??(?)n] adj. 小人国的

19. dribbler [?dr?b(?)l?(r)] n. 运球者

20. jersey [?d???(r)zi] n. 运动衫

21. Kobe Bryant:科比·布莱恩特(1978~),美国职业篮球运动员,自1996年起效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队,司职得分后卫,球衣号码为24。

22. existence [?ɡ?z?st(?)ns] n. 生活方式;(尤指在逆境中的)生活

23. weigh down:压弯,压倒;使心情沉重

24. tryst [tr?st] n. 约会,幽会

25. luscious [?l???s] adj. 令人感官愉快的

26. Austin:奥斯汀,美国得克萨斯州首府

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