
时间:2022-06-23 08:48:46


摘 要 基于考察信息时代职业技术人才的能力需求及培养特征,参照当前国内外有关高等教育学生信息素养的能力标准及指标体系的

>> 高职“多学期、分段式”教学组织模式的研究与实践 高职畜牧兽医专业分段式顶岗实习模式探索与实践 高职“多元分段式订单”人才培养的探索与实践 分段式模式下医学生专业理论与临床思维结合培养的研究 高职院校会计专业“分段式”实践教学体系的构建及运行模式研究 高职食品类专业课“多学期、分段式”教学模式探讨与实践 高职建筑工程技术专业施工类课程分段式教学模式研究与实践 “两主体、三段式”人才培养模式的构建与实践研究 高职《连锁经营管理》课程“校企交替分段式”教学模式改革实践研究 应用型本科院校“分段式”人才培养模式探索 3+2高职本科分段式培养模式下大学英语教学方法 高职与应用型本科分段培养的实践教学体系构建与实践 “3+2”高职本科分段培养模式下实践教学体系构建研究 萧山三中“分段式模块教学”的设计与实践推进研究 《包装造型设计》分段教学模式的构建与实践 高等美术教育本科“两段式”人才培养模式理论与实践 酒店管理专业“四段式”人才培养模式探索与实践 “定岗双元、三站互动、分段轮换”双元制本土化人才培养模式的构建与实践 高职与本科分段培养的实践教学课程体系构建 对高职《连锁经营管理》课程构建“校企交替分段式”教学模式的探讨 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l,2013- 09-04.





Construction and Practice of Cascade Segmented Information Literacy Training Model

――Taking Shanghai Institute of Tourism as an Example

CHEN Ling-ling

(Shanghai Institute of Tourism,Shanghai 201418,China)

Abstract Combined with the ability demand and cultivation features of vocational and technical personnel in the information age,referring the current researches about higher education student information literacy competency standards and the index system at home and abroad, taking Shanghai Institute of Tourism as the object,the article constructed the sectional information literacy ability target system as “basic information literacy popularization,strengthen the professional information ability and comprehensive information ability practice” for cascade goals,designed a specific training program around training objectives,training contents and training methods, and carry out information literacy practice under the guidance of the theory.

Key words cascade segmental model; talent training mode; information literacy; higher vocational education

上一篇:受众本位论视角下农民田间学校发展定位探析 下一篇:4G移动通信技术的特点与实践探讨