洛阳纸贵 第10期

时间:2022-06-02 02:44:05

This idiom comes from History of Jin・The life of Zuo Si. Zou Si was a famous writer in the Western Jin Dynasty. Because of his serious attitude to writing and not concentrating on quantity, he could write excellent articles.

Capital of Qi Rhapsody, which took him one year to write, was an article about the capital of State of Qi. As the book coming out, Zuo Si displayed his remarkable talent on the literature.

Later he moved to live in the capital, Luoyang and was appointed to be "Zhu Shu Lang" (an official of writing books). Since then,Zuo Si concentrated all his attention on writing books.He began to write Three Capital Rhapsody (Three Capital refered to the capitals of the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu) describing the history, culture, people and customs of the three capitals.

Because he always thought about the plot of the book, he put pens, paper and ink everywhere in his house even in his bathroom, so as to write some useful words or sentences which he just thought out. After ten years' painstaking efforts, he finished Three Capital Rhapsody at last.

After it was published, it was highly praised by the leading literary figures of his time. The content of the bookandthewritingtechniquehadreachedthe unprecedented level, and the article skill was also very high. Soon it became so popular that almost all the high officials and the rich families tried to be the first to buy paper to copy it. It made paper in short supply and the price rose day by day.

From this comes the idiom "Luoyang Zhi Gui"――paper is dear in Luoyang.

Now we use it to praise good writings which are so excellent that they become fashionable for a while and are spread far and wide.







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