
时间:2022-06-01 02:21:30



Abstract:For not oral intake of patients, through the feeding to complete nutritional support can maintain intestinal mucosal cells and their function, prevent enterogenic infection caused by the bacterium group maladjusted, on human health is extremely important role. Through observation and nursing of patients with nasal feeding, reduce the risk and incidence of aspiration. To find out the reasons causing aspiration, formulate corresponding measures, to prevent misinhalation, improve the clinical treatment of nasal feeding nursing quality, reduce the incidence of related complications. In the early detection of aspiration, has important clinical significance for the treatment of patients, nursing of patients with nasal feeding, formulate effective measures to prevent aspiration, to improve the nutritional status of patients with systemic, promote early rehabilitation of patients.

Key words:Feeding; Aspiration; Causes and Prevention


1 鼻饲患者易发生误吸的原因

1.1意识状态改变 往往此类患者处于意识昏睡或昏迷状态,这种状态使咽部感觉迟钝,咳嗽反射减弱或消失,无力吞咽反流至口腔的胃肠液从而导致将液体吸入气管,增加误吸的可能性或严重度。

1.2胃管及口腔插管的影响 由于气管插管经口腔插入气管,及经鼻咽腔,食管内有胃管,鼻饲患者原有消化道环境被改变[1]。一方面,异物的刺激使呼吸道和口腔分泌物增加,吸痰的刺激使之易发生呕吐而反流至开放的气道内导致误吸,另一方面,胃管的留置使食管相对关闭不全,进一步减弱反射。

2 预防误吸的措施

2.1确保鼻饲管位置正确 防止插管时误入气管,X线拍片可确认胃管是否在胃内的最有效方法。

2.1.1三种证明胃管在胃内的传统方法 第一种:抽取胃液法;第二种:将胃管末端置于水杯中,无水泡出现即可;第三种:用针筒注入10~15mm气体若听到气过水声即可。

2.1.2测量鼻外胃管长度 通过观察穿出鼻孔或皮肤外标记的变化,以及早发现胃管的移位。

2.2减少胃残余量 一般研究认为内容物量不应大于100ml,因胃内残余量过多可增加反流和误吸危险。

2.3采取合适的 鼻饲时应抬高床头30~40°,利用地心引力作用减少胃容物从扩大的胃向食道反流还可使口咽部分泌物向咽部聚积,以刺激吞咽,减少口咽部感染的机会。

2.4及时发现误吸 少量误吸可引起吸入性肺炎,表现为呕吐、剧烈咳嗽后有喘息加快,大于18次/min,胸部平片示有新的渗出,体发热体温高于38℃,昏迷患者尤应注意观察。

3 结论




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