
时间:2022-05-22 09:29:51


摘要:对吉林省九站地区2011年大豆食心虫(Leguminivora glycinivorella Matsumura)进行田间观测和诱杀防治试验,研究温度、降雨量与诱虫量的相关性。结果表明,大豆食心虫在该地区发生高峰在8月7日,成虫发生有多峰现象;诱杀防治使用新式通用诱捕器效果较好,其次为水盆型诱捕器。以吉林市2011年观测期当日最低温度(x1)、最高温度(x2)、降水量(x3)为自变量,单日诱虫量为变量(y),采用DPS数学模型麦夸特法建立线性回归模型,得出y=0.618 1x1+0.313 8x2-0.015 9x3(r=0.522 8),说明大豆食心虫单日诱虫量与当日最低温度、最高温度、降水量中等相关。

关键词:大豆食心虫(Leguminivora glycinivorella Matsumura);诱虫量;诱捕器,回归模型

中图分类号:S435.651 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2012)14-2998-02

Trapping and Killing Efficiency of Different Trappers on Soybean Pod Borer and Correlation Analysis of Trapped Amount

PAN Ye-xing1,LIU Yan-chao1,CHENG Hai-min2,JIA Yan-lin2,FAN Wen-zhong2

(1. College of Plant Science, Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology College,Jilin 132101,Jilin,China;

2. Shuangshan Agricultural and Sideline Base of Shenyang Military Region, Nenjiang 161441,Heilongjiang,China)

Abstract: Trapping and killing experiments and field observation were conducted on Leguminivora glycinivorella Matsumura in Jiuzhan regions of Jilin in 2011 to study the correlation among temperature, rainfall and trapped amounts. The results showed that the occurrence of L. glycinivorella reached the peak in August 7th, and adults showed multi peaks. The best trapper was new general trapper, and the second was basin-shaped trapper. With the lowest temperature (x1), maximum temperature (x2), precipitation (x3) during the observation period as independent variables, and trapped amounts in one day(y) as a variable, a linear regression model was established by Marquardt method based on DPS(Data-Processing Station) mathematical model, which was y=0.618 1x1+0.313 8x2-0.015 9x3(r=0.522 8). The regression model indicated that there were correlations among trapped amounts, lowest temperature, maximum temperature, and precipitation in the same day.

Key words: Leguminivora glycinivorella Matsumura; trapped amounts; trapper; regression model

吉林省是东北优质大豆主产区之一,丰富的自然资源、先进的生产技术、独特的生态环境使吉林省大豆生产具有得天独厚的条件。大豆食心虫(Leguminivora glycinivorella Matsumura)是吉林省大豆种植区的重要害虫,近几年发生危害出现上升、蔓延趋势,已对大豆产业构成较严重威胁[1-3]。目前,利用性诱剂防治大豆食心虫在黑龙江省示范,取了较好效果,凸显了安全性、选择性、高效性、持效性、兼容性的特点,符合“优质、高效、高产、生态、安全”的农业发展目标[4-6]。


1 材料与方法

1.1 供试材料


1.2 试验方法

1.2.1 自制无色可乐瓶诱捕器、自制绿色可乐瓶诱捕器 取2.5 L无色可乐瓶、2.5 L绿色可乐瓶,在距瓶底1/4处向瓶口处剪成3个方形开口(20 cm×8 cm),开口上下端对齐且三等分瓶壁。开口下端1 cm处,相对打孔2个(直径0.3 cm),横穿一根细铁丝,铁丝穿过诱芯置于1/2处,将铁丝做成“Π”形,与瓶子直径吻合,铁丝两端从瓶壁外侧两孔穿入并固定。每装置挂1枚诱芯,瓶内盛1%洗衣粉水溶液,诱芯距水面1 cm,用木棍作支架并用细绳悬挂固定。

上一篇:10%乙草胺·苄嘧磺隆WP防除水稻抛秧田杂草效果 下一篇:贵州麻江引种蓝莓品质比较研究