Help! I’m Feeling So Bloated!

时间:2022-05-11 09:08:33

You went to sleep skinny. So why does it feel like you gained 5 kilos overnight? “Your weight can change anywhere from 0.5 to 3 kgs in a day due to hormone fluctuations, what you eat, and water retention,” says Melinda Jampolis, MD, a physician in LA. If you’re bloated all the time, see a doctor―if it’s just once in a while... well, that’s what we’re here for.


Use Instagram

“Pull up a favourite pic of yourself on your phone, and look at it during the day,” suggests Ashley Solomon, a psychologist in Chicago. You may feel more preggo than hot chick right now, but the image reminds you how you felt in that moment. Warm fuzzies may ensue.


Run an Errand

You may feel like curling up in a fetal position and avoiding all human contact until, say, the week after your period. But getting your body to move helps relieve stomach discomfort, according to a study in the American Journal of Gastroenterology. Lace up your sneakers, and walk briskly for 30 minutes.


Pamper Yourself

To stop obsessing over your pooch, focus elsewhere―paint your nails with some crackle polish, maybe. And from the so-crazy-it-might-work files: a recent study found people perceived a woman wearing a spicy-floral fragrance as 5 kilos thinner than when she went perfume-free or had on another scent.


Eat a Snack

Water- rich fruits and veggies―think grapes, cucumber―will help flush out excess fluid, says Dawn Jackson Blatner, an RD in Chicago. Or try pineapple: it’s high in bromelain, a digestive enzyme that helps break down food.


Have a Drink

Water is tops, but drink it about 20 minutes before or after your meal, not while you’re actually eating. “Otherwise, you may dilute your stomach enzymes, which can disrupt digestion,”Blatner says.


Try a DIY Massage

Sounds weird, but stay with us: applying gentle pressure to your belly can push out gas and help get things going if your bloat is caused by constipation. Lie down on your bed, and slowly rub your tummy with both hands counterclockwise. Nice, no?


Add Heels

They tilt your pelvis and rotate your hips, pulling in your belly. Plus, science proves stilettos are sexy: men and women rated ladies in heels as more attractive than women in flats, says a new research. But you probably already knew that.

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