
时间:2022-03-13 08:32:12


[摘要] 该文旨在总结中药材GAP实施过程中取得的成果,在分析其存在问题的基础上,就中药材GAP的进一步推行提出建议。

>> 中药材规范化生产(GAP)10年:成果、问题与建议 中药材规范化种植GAP几个关键问题商榷 中药材GAP物料管理的探讨与实践 恩施州中药材GAP实施现状及建议 中药材取消GAP认证 略谈中药材GAP模式的发展 中药材规范化生产质量管理 烤烟良好农业规范(GAP)认证探索与实践 实施中药材GAP促进地道药材的有效管理 试论GAP主要分为环境条件和中药材内在质量探讨 GAP标准下蕲春县中药材基地发展对策研究 药材道地观与中药材生产 Gap问题出在哪儿? 酵素生姜GAP规范化种植技术 我国农产品贸易中良好农业规范(GAP)的执行力问题 10年来我国科技成果信息化发展之现状与评估 江西金融发展三十年:成果、问题与对策 道地药材黄栀子GAP栽培技术规程 中药材生产及其管理规范 现代中药企业科学种植,严格执行GAP管理 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

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Good agricultural practice (GAP) of Chinese materia medica (CMM) for

ten years:achievements, problems and proposals

GUO Lan-ping1,2, ZHANG Yan1, ZHU Shou-dong1, WANG Gui-hua3, WANG Xiu3, ZHANG Xiao-bo1,

CHEN Mei-lan1, HE Ya-li1, HAN Bang-xing4, CHEN Nai-fu4, HUANG Lu-qi1,2*

(1.National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;

2. State Key Laboratory of Dao-di Herbs, Beijing 100700, China;

3. China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100075, China;

4. Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering of West Anhui University, Lu′an 237012, China)

[Abstract] This paper aims to summarize the achievements during the implementation process of good agricultural practice(GAP) in Chinese Materia Medica (CMM), and on basis of analyzing the existing problems of GAP, to propose further implementation of GAP in TCM growing. Since the launch of GAP in CMM growing ten years ago, it has acquired great achievements, including:①The promulgation of a series of measures for the administration of the GAP approval in the CMM growing; ②The expanded planting area of CMM; ③The increased awareness of standardized CMM growing among farmers and enterprises; ④The establishment of GAP implementation bases for CMM growing; ⑤The improvement of theory and methodology for CMM growing; ⑥The development of a large group of experts and scholars in GAP approval for CMM production. The problems existing in the production include:①A deep understanding of GAP and its certification is still needed; ②The distribution of the certification base is not reasonable; ③The geo-economics effect and the backward farming practices are thought to be the bottlenecks in the standardization of CMM growing and the scale production of CMM; ④Low comparative effectiveness limits the development of the GAP; ⑤The base of breeding improved variety is blank; ⑥The immature of the cultivation technique lead to the risk of production process; ⑦The degradation of soil microbial and the continuous cropping obstacle restrict the sustainable development of the GAP base. To further promote the health and orderly GAP in the CMM growing, the authors propose:①To change the mode of production; ②To establish a sound standard system so as to ensure quality products for fair prices; ③To fully consider the geo-economic culture and vigorously promote the definite cultivating of traditional Chinese medicinal materials; ④To strengthen the transformation and generalization of basic researches and achievements, in order to provide technical support for the CMM production; ⑤To deepen the understanding of GAP, to vigorously promote ecological planting and precision agriculture, in order to overcome the continuous cropping obstacle. The authors think that despite the fact that we are still facing with a huge array of management and technological problems, the GAP in the CMM growing has already enjoyed widespread support and showed great potential. In the future, with people's deeper understanding of GAP and the great progress of the science and technology, the GAP will constantly be fused with the theory, methodology and technology in the modern agriculture like precision agriculture, eco-agriculture and etc.

[Key words] Chinese materia medica(CMM); good agricultural practice (GAP); standardization; ecology agriculture; precision agriculture


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