嫁到英国 第9期

时间:2022-03-08 12:21:27




首先要向你表示祝贺!你就要开始人生中最重要的一个阶段了,希望那也是你最幸福的阶段。外国人对婚姻的态度各不相同,本期《Ask Rudi》栏目,我就试着回答你提出的这个问题。希望会对你,也对其他有着相同疑问的读者朋友有所帮助。

Arriving in the West

It is likely that all your new, or soon-to-be relatives will be bursting at the chance of meeting you, so try and prepare yourself when you step off the plane at the airport for what may be a bit of a daunting experience. However, if you think this might be too much for you just having arrived in such a new place, you could ①have a word with your fiancé in advance and maybe have him arrange it so that only the closest relatives are there to meet you. This may be just his parents and brothers or sisters, and will without a doubt be less nerve-wracking than pushing your suitcases towards a huge grinning crowd of people.

Don't forget, this will be a new experience for his relatives too, and they will probably be feeling a little edgy and uncertain. What is certain, however, is that you will be greeted very warmly by them all. Be warned that in this kind of situation, Western people will normally be more tactile than Chinese - the male relatives may all want to shake your hand, and it would not be unusual, especially considering if you will be their daughter-in-law, for the females to lightly embrace you and kiss your cheek. Don't be offended if this doesn't happen though, and they simply all smile or even shake your hand - they will be wondering how to react properly themselves.

Next, no doubt, will be the journey home from the airport. At this stage, to be polite, there is nothing specific to worry about having to do. It would be best to relax and ②try out your English by making polite conversation, and your new companions will surely be able to think of endless questions to ask you if you can't think of anything to say. In this way, Western people can be similar to Chinese people in their curiosity, and will perhaps ask you questions you may find a little intrusive - because they may assume that as you will soon be part of the family, they think they can ask personal questions. Having said this, it is improbable you will be compelled to answer, and if no-one intervenes to help, just smile and say you don't really understand.

Meeting New Relatives

In the time before the wedding you will probably just be given the chance to try and adjust to your new surroundings, but will doubtless meet more relatives either at family gatherings or by chance. If some friends were 'just in the area' and so thought they might 'pop in for a minute or so for a cup of tea' with the express purpose of catching a glimpse of you, they are only behaving the same as they would if their son or nephew were marrying a Western girl whom they had never met.

At the Wedding

The actual wedding and reception will be the time where you will meet all the relatives and friends of the family and, doubtless of their attitudes, you will, as the bride, be treated with respect. However, you may come across some relatives who are a little 'worse for wear', especially at the reception, and who may make some slightly inappropriate comments about your being Chinese. These comments are most likely to take the form of an English joke about Chinese people, of which the crux will, more often than not, rest on some English pun on Chinese pronunciation of English. Try to ③laugh this kind of thing off - as it will certainly not be the last you will hear in this country, and even so, you are unlikely to understand it. Again, the polite smile is usually enough to subdue any 'slightly too jovial' guest, whose head will be aching in the morning and will probably be regretting recounting this 'hilarious' joke.

Adjusting to Long Term Living in the UK

After the excitement of the wedding, and you have ④gathered yourself together after the exhausting task of playing a host in a strange country and meeting your new family (hopefully you will have a relaxing honeymoon to recover from all this), the next task is to adjust to longer term living in the UK, getting used to the attitudes of the normal people who you see on the street and meet everyday. The best opportunity to meet new people and make friends is usually to find a job, but if this is not possible you could join a club or society.

Living in a City

Attitudes towards you and how difficult you find it to forge new friendships will differ in relation to where you live in the UK. In large cities such as London and Manchester, the population is so multicultural that people will hardly bat an eyelid at you in the street. While this may be comforting at first, and you won't feel like you stick out like a sore thumb, cities can be very anonymous places and so it may be harder to make your own friends. Despite this disadvantage, you can be sure of meeting people eventually and won't have to worry about provincial attitudes towards your being foreign. There is always the local Chinese community, which I will mention later in the reply.

Living in a Smaller Town or Village

People often say that the smaller the place, the more friendly the residents are. Whilst this may contain an element of truth, there is the slight drawback that people in smaller places don't have such cosmopolitan attitudes as those in larger cities. This is not to say walking down the street of a small town in England you will attract stares - people all over the UK are more than used to seeing people of different ethnicities, and (as a woman) usually you can interpret the stare of a man as a compliment and a stare from a woman as maybe a hint of jealousy. Still, it's always best not to stare back at people. People in these smaller places are often more nosy, and (in small villages) may know of your arrival before you do, but should in the majority of cases be civil and friendly. In smaller places you may also find it easier to make friends, as you will ⑤bump into the same people in the same shops and start conversations, and maybe start chatting to familiar people on the street. Your ethnicity in a smaller place may attract the odd question, but usually nothing more.

Chinese Communities in the UK

In the late 1960's, a huge growth in the Chinese catering industry started by the first generation immigrants to Britain, led to a constant need for more workers. The Chinese who ran establishments in the UK found it cheaper for them to bring family members over to work for their businesses.

This means in every place in the UK you can find a Chinese restaurant and community - from the small village community to the massive Chinatowns of Manchester and London. If you feel ⑥cut off from your countrymen there is always this possibility, and if you wished you could immerse yourself completely back into a Chinese speaking world. Needless to say this is not recommended if you wish to get on with your family and relatives, and also very importantly, normal British people will not see this as an attempt to integrate into British life and culture - which is where problems with racism seem to often begin.


















daunting /`d5ntiM/ adj.使人畏缩的

nerve-wracking /`n/v,r2kiM/ adj.非常伤脑筋的

grin /Grin/ v.露齿而笑

edgy /`e_i/ adj.紧张焦虑的

tactile /`t2ktail/ adj.触觉的

intrusive /in`tr6siv/ adj.打扰的

intervene /,int9`v1n/ vi.干预

express /iks`pres/ adj.明确的

reception /ri`sepH9n/ n.婚宴

crux /kr7ks/ n.症结

pun /p7n/ n.双关语

subdue /s7b`d(/ v.使平静

recount /ri`kaunt/ v.讲述

forge /f5_/ v.锻造

whilst /wailst/ adv.虽然;在……同时

cosmopolitan /,k4zm9`p4lit9n/ adj.见闻广大的

ethnicity /eF`nisiti/ n.种族划分

hint /hint/ n.迹象

nosy /`n9uzi/ adj.好打听别人事情的

civil /`sivl/ adj.有礼貌的

countrymen /`k7ntrimen/ n.同胞

immerse /i`m8s/ vt.沉浸;使陷入

① have a word with与……商谈

② try out练习

③ laugh off用笑摆脱

④ gather oneself together

恢复 ;打起精神来

⑤ bump into偶然碰见

⑥ cut off断绝


1. 文中提到,当你与女性亲戚见面时,她们通常会轻轻拥抱你,然后亲亲你的脸颊。但如果她们只对你简单地笑笑,甚至与你握手,你也不要不高兴。可能大家会产生疑问:为什么握手反倒没有微笑显得亲密呢?原来在西方,只有在商务场合等少数几个情形下,女性之间才会握手,而朋友间微笑则是正常的,因此在女性之间握手要比微笑显得更为疏远。

2. 文中,在 “At the Wedding”一段中,用到了一些词组和词语:“worse for wear”、“slightly too jovial”和“hilarious”。其中,“worse for wear”是一种委婉的表达方式,意思是“喝醉了”;第二个短语中的“jovial”也是一种委婉的表达方式,意思也是“喝醉了”;而“hilarious”本意是“欢闹的”,在文中则被用来表达一种“讽刺”的意味。

3. 文中,在“Living in a City”一段中,用到了一个词组――“to stick out like a sore thumb”。其中,“stick out”是“伸出”的意思,“sore”是“肿胀”的意思,“thumb”是“大拇指”,所以字面意思就是“像一个肿胀的大拇指一样伸出来”。不难想象,这样的大拇指在五个手指当中是多么的显眼和引人注目,因此,整个词组就有了一层引申的意味――指那种不同寻常、引起别人注意的情况。

上一篇:走,咱们露营去! 下一篇:街头冲浪 第9期