Study on the Phenomenon of High Incidence of Burnout of College Counselors

时间:2022-10-27 11:21:01

Abstract. Professional characteristics, internal and external environment of the college, differences in demographic variables, new changes in college student work and other factors are important reasons for the high incidence of burnout of college counselors in recent years. Developing scientific research type college counselors, reducing working pressure of the college counselors and raising their salary are helpful to alleviate the present situation. Accelerating academic progress of college counselors and promoting their specialization are the fundamental way to solve the problem.

Keywords: College Counselor; Burnout; High Incidence

1. Background

In 1974, the American scholar Freudenberg proposed the "burnout (burnout)". This new concept for a description of the service sector in helping people because of long working hours, work overload, high work intensity caused by fatigue unbearable state. In 1981, Maslach summarized in three dimensions, namely: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, powerlessness or low personal accomplishment. Emotional exhaustion means no vitality, lack of enthusiasm, feeling extremely tired personal feelings in the state, is the core dimensions of burnout, with the most obvious symptoms. Strong depersonalization means deliberately keeping the distance between the object and the work to take the attitude of indifference and neglect of the work object and the environment, to work half-heartedly, personal development stagnation, behavioral quirks, job scheduling application, or have to leave the job wishes. Powerlessness or low personal accomplishment means tend to negatively evaluate him or her, accompanied by a reduced ability to experience the work and achievements of experience that the work will not be able to play to their talent, but also boring tedious things.

Affected by various factors and comprehensive role as a typical college counselors helping industry group, which burnout significantly higher incidence of other educational industry practitioners. The high incidence of burnout in college counselors, not only seriously affected the effectiveness of their own work as the ideological and political education, but also for the work object, that the majority of college students formed personality, mental health, emotional construct, and so has serious adverse effects, and, to a certain extent, the social image of college counselors caused the harm, reducing its assessment of the public and the mainstream media. Therefore, the combination of the nature of college counselors and job characteristics, analyzes the reasons for the high incidence of burnout, the case and could not undergone a fundamental change in the existing framework, seek to reduce its incidence of burnout, the degree of ease, avoid aggravating the effects of hysteria, become gradually rising concern about college counselors for study, research areas continue to expand, increasing the depth on the basis of a wide-ranging impact on both the practical and meaningful research focus.

2.2 Internal and external environment

Compared with the relatively high social status and income of full-time teachers in diverse ways, though counselors are college teachers sequence, but are engaged in sex work is basically dominated by administrative matters less teaching tasks, the lack of scientific research platform, This led directly to the case of two aspects: one, because no class fees and research funding, so that the actual income is significantly lower counselors working groups in various colleges and universities, in view of the overall income level universities and government agencies, other institutions and monopolies of the central state-owned enterprises compared to no advantage, so the treatment is in college counselors in the lower level of society; Second, the university as an academic field, research and teaching work in mainstream colleges, counselors work belongs to the nature of service, do not bear fruit significant and long cycle, combined with the traditional prejudice that counselors working dispensable, engaged students who are working hard to further growth in the academic people or young people entering college it as a temporary transfer station, makes counselor position in the College is not high, are not respected. In the current atmosphere in society, wealth has become an important indicator of whether a measure of personal success, and the status of low-income college counselor put to the social environment, the role of the halo effect of making the community college counselors widespread discrimination groups and do not understand the phenomenon, resulting counselors mental balance, reduce self-efficacy, lack of confidence to cope with stress in the work process, individuals have long been tense, anxious, depressed mood surrounded, and cause emotional exhaustion and weakness feeling. The combined effects of internal and external environment, especially social and family support systems lack, exacerbated high college counselor burnout.

2.3 Analysis of demographic variables

Demographic variables including academic, professional, gender, personality and working hours, marital status, job title and other factors.

In recent years, college counselor’s graduate recruitment basically dominated. Graduate degree-level counselor self-achievement motivation was significantly higher than the specialist, counselor education, and job content and career development counselor can not meet the highly specialized research and graduate training, under the influence of university academic field, doing counseling is expedient counselors with graduate-level education, often transferred to other positions or engage in original research work related to the wishes of teaching, which is not an uncertain future with renewed their job counselors, career commitment is low, especially after having some work experience, may be taken to cope shirk work attitude, it is difficult to avoid. According to studies indicate that the incidence of academic counselor burnout levels and non-linear positive correlation. The specialist counselor education levels, for the value of work and career growth prospects look less than a postgraduate degree level counselors, easier to meet the existing working conditions, corresponding to high achievement, and therefore, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization weaker tendency counselors have graduate degree level, with a postgraduate degree level counselors severe emotional exhaustion has become an important issue Counselors construction process can not be ignored.

University students carried out quickly familiar with the case, easy to carry out related work from the perspective of reserve personnel, etc., in the counselor configuration process, the general requirements of professional and academic backgrounds they have learned working with the faculty coincide, which makes having a education, psychology, management science background counselor relatively small, although counselors generally have a graduate degree different, but the specialty is engaged counselors work with the needs of the ideological and political education in the primary or even just explore stage, work experience mostly rely on traditional, outdated philosophy, methods backward, not a profound understanding of the new situation and the current student work appeared. Faced with new problems may arise due to lack of preparation and can not effectively deal with Error, self-confidence hit, eventually lead to occupational burnout.

The main reason, according to relevant statistics, the proportion of female college counselors significantly higher than men, there is the situation: a woman emotionally delicate, strong affinity and good communication skills, is more suited than men in education-related work, especially college counselors cumbersome and complex and monotonous repetitive work; Second, women more longing stable working and living environment than men, college career counselors that may meet the requirements of women. Society, including internal university, expectations and requirements for men than women in general, therefore, female counselors high side of reality, making access to college counselors in the minority men, assumed too onerous tasks and work pressure, Long-term stress and fatigue, as well as personality traits in men unfavorable factors, making male counselors, especially male counselors have a perfectionist personality tendency to personalize significantly higher, lower achievement, more prone to burnout.

Burnout and personality characteristics, but also to significantly associated with some special personality. Research shows that strong-willed, self-control and strong, high self-esteem who are not prone to burnout, and the outer control, low self-esteem often result in burnout. Meanwhile, research shows that individual effort, low self-confidence, avoidant coping strategies, A-type personality, neuroticism five factors with burnout were significantly correlated. Current college counselors in the recruitment process, the candidates rarely seen for psychological, emotional stability, personality types and personality traits test and evaluation, so that part does not necessarily make a person engaged in the profession have access to the team, Because this population is not well adapted to the work, and can still barely cope with short-term, long-term emotional exhaustion bound to happen, such a bad mood will be passed around to the students they are responsible, resulting in a series of adverse effects on the development of students, college counselors will also indirectly affect the image.

Working life, marriage and child rearing, the title of the level of other factors also have an impact on the incidence and severity of burnout, overall, the level of work experience and job title was positively correlated with burnout, unmarried than married people more likely to occur burnout and high degree.

2.4 New changes appeared in college students work

The most important feature of college students in the New Information monopolistic groups of teachers and students' ideology loss increased diversification will manage difficult.

2.4.1 Loss of information superiority

In the information age, information dominance counselors no longer exist, the amount of information obtained by the students and the way to get information is not behind the former, coupled with the implementation of two-way choice of employment, in this case, the counselor position and prestige than ever decreased significantly increase the difficulty of the work.

2.4.2 Features of the work object

With the continued enrollment college students and constitute a further source of complexity, reducing the overall quality of ideas is becoming more diverse. Generally speaking, 90 students of rational thinking ability weak, impulsive, outstanding personality, a strong sense of ownership and rights awareness, counselors due to the special nature of the work, they will be subject to a variety of factors involved in the transaction in the distribution of student interest interference, if the working methods shall not be treated, it is prone to instability phenomena student groups must be careful while speeding to update their knowledge, the most important thing is to optimize working methods to deal with the relationship between the two "up" and "down", only There is so, in order to minimize public opinion crisis may occur at any time, even mass incidents.

3. Intervention strategies

College counselors are the backbone is to carry out ideological and political education, the organizers, perpetrators and mentors daily ideological and political education of college students and management, is the student's mentor and the healthy growth of close friends. The high incidence of burnout group, seriously affecting the growth of the effectiveness of ideological and political work and university students, therefore, need a combination of a variety of measures, building systems engineering, effective interventions to improve work performance and accomplishment counselors realize counseling Dynamic Stability member of the team.

3.1 Training and scientific research counselors

Given that most counselors have a graduate degree, therefore, the fundamental way to solve the school counselor in the low position and the status quo is to build the image of poor research platform, support and professional counselors engaged in related research work, project and task reporting, and other aspects of the project, based on the student counselors to grassroots workers to tilt, or single system policy, strengthen the research team building different research directions, change student work groups research strength weak reality, improving academic influence, research-training instructor, narrowing the gap between full-time teachers and researchers in scientific research strength, influence, and development potential to meet the growing their personal achievement motivation. Meanwhile, in the recruitment process, priority should have relevant academic background and hiring practices of professional master's ability to minimize the recruitment of research-based master's general principle, the existing level of education and access to counselors graduate science degree, should develop highly targeted professional training program, for example, by encouraging doctoral relevant professional counselors to become experts and scholars in related fields, to avoid becoming trapped in transactional work "transactional counselors", "event type counselors "and" versatile counselor "and thus abandoned the profession, should open up career paths, create the conditions for its delivery to the teaching and research positions, with college counselors to implement the policy of teacher identity, not to be regarded only as administrative staff, to avoid counselors with higher education levels appear due to uncertainty and burnout.

3.2 Decompression for counselors

Currently college counselors role is unknown, unclear, ambiguous scope of work has become an indisputable fact, and therefore, it is necessary from a policy level, counselors work to regulate the content, clarify responsibilities, in strict accordance with not less than 1:200 proportional allocation counselor, will be able to share to other departments or part of the task of student work resolutely purged from the system, or can be combined on the basis of China's specific national conditions, drawing on the experience of European countries college students work, some work will be handed over to social institutions , intermediaries, third-party agencies to complete, should not be canceled by the university, especially students work department work undertaken through reforms at all levels to minimize transactional college counselors work to enable them to have more energy to engage in thought own work and political education and other related fields, so that one can improve efficiency, innovative ideas of the original work undertaken in part by the work of counselors, but also help to improve the image of counselors.

3.3 Improve treatment counselor

University leadership and authority departments at all levels must fully recognize the importance and job counselor for the normal operation of the special nature of universities, as a positive, student workers through the establishment of a special bonus, improved bonus calculation coefficient and subsidies to encourage counselors related courses other methods, to build a counselor rights protection system, to make up for full-time teachers or counselors and researchers gap in class fees, research funding, other income and other aspects, reducing economic pressures counselor, from worries, improve the treatment is improve the status of school counselors to reduce the incidence of burnout, the most realistic way to attract high-quality personnel to enter the ranks of counselors.


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