Teamwork on Language Learning

时间:2022-10-26 12:57:23

Abstract: Teamwork is an arrangement where parties agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interests. Students should develop their teamwork during the language learning process.

Key Words: teamwork language learning

Teamwork is an action performed by a team towards a common goal. A team consists of more than one person, each of whom typically has different responsibilities. Team learning can promote the complementary of knowledge and skill, and the team learning accompany by the formation of innovation. Team learning will be accompanied by the communication and cooperation, empowerment and autonomy, as well as the innovation. Meanwhile, team learning is also an important way to develop the partnership in teamwork. Many scholars have already explained that the team learning played an important role in organizational performance.

Team learning doesn't happen automatically. Elements of individual and group characteristics that affect teams learning include empowerment, encouragement, coaching, managerial support, and feedback availability, as well as the local resources like training, the availability of technical consultation, and team rewards. Drawing conclusions from existing research on the factors which affect team learning, one finds that few studies have referred to variables in the national cultural context when we research the theory of organizational learning under the background of cross-cultural, we should take the national cultural as an important variable to affect the process of organizational learning. In practical, the contributions include a better understanding of how to implement team learning in a variety of cultures. Managers must recognize the importance of culture when choosing how to implement team learning. For example, in high power distance cultures members would most likely find the increased authority and responsibility of learning team unsettling and incongruent with their belief in strong leaders and respectful deference to those leaders.

Perhaps the introduction of team pay, peer evaluations, and consensus decision making structures should be made only after time has been allowed for training and acceptance of these highly interdependent components of learning team. Employee in strong uncertainty avoidance cultures would most likely find a rapid move to highly changing and innovative team learning inconsistent with existing values of stable and conservative. Perhaps the material reward and verbal commendation to create the new ideas could encourage innovation and competition within the team. The external management should give less rules and regulations to the team to create the more relaxed atmosphere and help resolve the conflict. If practitioners take into account the powerful influence of national culture on the acceptance of management initiatives, they will likely be much more prepared to handle the inevitable resistance to change that accompanies almost all change implementations. Practitioners could be readily informed on the potential level of employee culture values and the probable cause of the impaction culture. Such diagnostic tools are conspicuously absent from texts and readings that inform and update managers on cross cultural findings.

Teamwork plays an important role in all aspects of social life. Nowadays, few people can accomplish their task without the help and cooperation of others. We should train our ability to cooperate with others, establish harmonious partnership, especially in the development of teamwork, the importance of teamwork is more obvious, everyone has his or her strong points and weak points, it can't be a strong team without teamwork. By cooperation and teamwork, each individual can choose the task for which he is most capable. In this way, the team can become much stronger. Teamwork enables everyone to contribute most to the society; the society develops at a higher speed.

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