
时间:2022-10-23 02:21:54









Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and comment on parents’ role in their children’s growth. You should write at least 120 but no more than 180 words.

简析:这道题的写作话题与2010年12月四级写作的话题“How Should Parents Help Kids to Be Independent?”十分类似,都是关于家长在孩子成长中扮演的角色问题。不过2010年12月的考题给了三个汉语提纲,本次考试则没有给出提纲,且整道题以全英文的形式出现。

考生首先要注意审题,全英文形式的作文审题应关注三个方面:①体裁―essay (议论文);②话题―parents’ role in their children’s growth (父母在孩子成长中扮演的角色);③内容要求―a brief description of the picture and comment (对图片进行简单描述并评论)。值得一提的是,本次考试的题目不要求写作文标题,因此考生没写标题也不会被扣分。针对“父母在孩子成长中的作用”这个话题,考生需要结合图画的信息来做出正面或负面的评论。


范文:This is a simple but enlightening cartoon: A youngster informs her mother of a good piece of news, “Good news mom! I was accepted by the college of your choice.” Apparently, the girl’s mother is exceedingly delighted to hear this piece of news.

Though parents can offer support to their kids for their success, it is not advisable for parents to be overprotective. In contemporary society, it has become a trend for a host of young people to excessively depend on their parents. Meanwhile, an increasing number of teenagers find it quite comfortable to be indulged by their parents. A case in point is the girl in the picture. However, it is the parents’ protection that does not enable kids to build up adequate independence and competence to face society on their own.

As a college student, I am convinced that it is of great necessity for youngsters to grow by learning to make choices independently. Do bear this in mind: Parents cannot make choices for kids for the rest of their lives.

点评:范文的首段首句摒弃阅卷中多数考生所写的“As is vividly described/depicted … ”或“From the picture, we can see … ”这两种结构,以简单清晰的介绍开篇,然后再结合图画内容进行描述。第二段首句则直接点明主题,指出父母不应该过分保护自己的孩子;第二至四句则重在从描述现象、孩子对这种保护的反应以及举例等角度来进一步将图画与现实结合;第五句则使用强调句式指出这种现象的危害。而尾段则联系自身提出建议并发起号召。

此外,这个范文多处选用书面表达来替换口头表达或考生作文中反复用到的陈旧表达。比如,用it is not advisable for parents to替换parents should not,用an increasing number of替换more and more,用a case in point替换for example,用I am convinced that替换I think that,用it is of great necessity替换it is very necessary等。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and comment on this kind of modern life. You should write at least 120 but no more than 180 words.



范文:This is a simple but thought-provoking cartoon: A man uses his computer during work time, at home and when he plays; what’s more, when he is sleeping, he even dreams that he is sitting in front of the computer.

This picture can be naturally associated with people’s addiction to this invention. In contemporary society, it has become a trend for a host of people to spend most of their time on PCs and tablets, either in life, at work or study hours. A case in point is the person in the picture. On the one hand, an increasing number of individuals find it convenient to work, entertain or kill time with computers. On the other hand, large numbers of intelligent people have come to realize the negative impacts of this trend―some people have become slaves to computers. It is computers that do not enable people to spend adequate time caring for friends, family members and other significant issues.

Do bear this in mind: Computers are just our tools. Thus, we should remind our classmates and friends to be sensible when using computers.

点评:比较真题一与真题二的范文,考生会发现里面有很多重复的句型和表达,这说明考生在写作其他话题时可以灵活使用这些句型和表达。就写作思路而言,这篇作文与真题一的写作如出一辙,仅在二、三段略有调整,使用了on the one hand和on the other hand的逻辑关系来比较计算机的利弊,然后使用“it is … that”强调句式的否定形式指出具体危害。第三段首句提出号召,随后提出建议。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and comment on kids’ understanding of going to school. You should write at least 120 but no more than 180 words.

简析:2013年12月四级作文考到了话题为“网络对教育的影响”的图画作文,本次考试这道真题的话题与那道题类似。笔者阅卷时发现,在三道考题中,这道题的跑题率最高,原因依然是考生审题不周。不少考生只写了手机对学生的影响,但忽略了Directions对话题的限定,即kids’ understanding of going to school (孩子对上学的理解),考生应围绕孩子对教育意义的片面看法展开讨论。就写作思路而言,考生仍然可以延续前两个范文的思路来展开写作。

范文:This is a simple and funny but enlightening cartoon, in which a mother is telling her son to go to school. To her surprise, however, the youngster responds, “Why am I going to school if my phone knows everything?”

Apparently, this picture can be naturally associated with kids’ incorrect understanding of going to school. Many teenagers are convinced that it is of no value to them to go to school, because it has become a trend for a host of students to acquire useful information using cell phones or computers. Furthermore, an increasing number of teenagers find it convenient and efficient to learn with the help of phones. A case in point is the kid in the picture. But, it is also cell phones that do not enable many students to understand the essence of education.

If youngsters intend to acquire talents, it is advisable for them to not only acquire knowledge, but also cultivate their own spirits of cooperation and diligence as well as communication skills. Thus, parents and teachers should educate and encourage their kids to cultivate these qualities. Do bear this in mind: Education does not merely mean “knowing everything.”








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