马可波罗 第9期

时间:2022-10-22 07:34:33

Marco Polo was a boy of seventeen. Once, his father and uncle had just returned to their family in Venice after a long journey. They talked about strange and beautiful lands in the East. They brought back gold and jewels.

Soon, the Polo brothers asked him to take a trip with them to the East. So it was how Marco Polo's journey be- gan. During three years of traveling to the Far East, he saw sights that were almost unbelievable to a boy. He met people who had strange ways of living. Some spoke languages that he did not understand. At last they reached China. This was in the year 1275. The emperor made a great feast in honor of the Polos and asked Marco to live in his court. Marco Polo learned to read, write and speak new languages.

Onee the emperor sent him to distant western and southern part of his empire. Marco Polo was given many soldiers and servants for his journey.

Marco saw paper made by the Chinese. People in China had also discovered how to print on paper; they had many books and even used paper money! They burned little black rocks for heat later called coal.

After three years, he wrote a book about his travels, which most people in Europe did not believe. But many years later the world knew that this man had discovered a great Eastern country.






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