
时间:2022-10-19 07:50:28




Xiǎochū Jìngcí Sì sòng Lín Zǐfāng

宋――Sòng 杨万里――Yáng Wànlǐ

毕竟西湖六月中――Bìjìng Xīhú liùyuè zhōng,

风光不与四时同――Fēngguāng bù yǔ sì shí tóng。

接天莲叶无穷碧――Jiē tiān lián yè wúqióng bì,

映日荷花别样红――Yìng rì héhuā bié yàng hóng。


净慈寺 Jìng Cí Sì the name of a famous Temple

林子方 Lín Zǐfāng name of the friend of the poet

毕竟 bìjìng however......in the end

六月中 liùyuè zhōng mid June

四时 sìshí four seasons, year round

同 tóng the same

接天 jiētiān connecting the sky

无穷 wúqióng boundless

无穷碧 wúqióng bì green leaves everywhere

映日 yìngrì reflecting sunlight

别样 biéyàng Song Dynasty’s Idiom special, different

别样红 biéyànghóng particularly red


An early morning farewell to Lin Zifang at the doorsteps of Jingci Temple

What sets the West Lake in Mid June apart,

From the rest of the year? This amazing view does;

To the skyline, Emerald lotus leaves endlessly spread,

Among which, the flowers under the sunlight present vivid red in contrast.


杨万里(1127-1206),吉州吉水(今江西省吉水县)人。南宋杰出诗人、政治家和爱国人士,与尤袤、范成大、陆游合称 “南宋四大家”。

About the Poet

Yang Wanli(杨万里yáng wàn lǐ)(1127-1206)was born in Jizhou county, Jishui city in today’s Jiangxi Province. Yang is a famous poet of Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1279), and had a good reputation both as an official and a patriot.

Yang Wanli, together with You Mao, Fan Chengda and Lu You, are called "four master poets of mid Southern Song" in the history of Chinese literature.


诗的第一句“毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同”没有直接描写西湖的自然之美,而是从季节的独特性上引发读者的兴趣。接下来,诗人用强烈的对比手法生动地描写了净慈寺外的西湖美景 “接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红” :湛蓝的天空、覆满莲叶的湖水、明媚的阳光和白里透红的莲花,渲染出无垠的时空感。而更大的对比则是眼前的美景与送别友人的悲伤,在内心深处,诗人期望眼前的如画美景能改变友人远行的决定。


【 Analysis and Appreciation】

毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同 Instead of the West Lake's nature beauty, the poet took a new approach to put his feeling about uniqueness of the season in the first sentence of the poem to arouse readers' interest. What follows is a vivid depiction of the beautiful view of the West Lake outside the Jingci temple, which is picture full of contrast: 接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红Blue sky and lake covered by endless green lotus leaves, bright sunlight and red lotus flowers, a sense of endless time and space met up and a world full of life. A bigger contrast is the natural beauty in front of the eyes set against the sorrow felt for a departing good friend. Perhaps deep inside, the poet hope what they see and feel at that moment can change his friend's mind and giving up the idea of going away.

There are a series of metaphors hidden inside the poem. The lotus leaves and flowers can only show their vivid colours in the context of sun and the sky, which means the Emperor and the royal court. The poet's friend, how has decided to leave the capital, will certainly lose the favour of the Emperor, just like the leaves and flowers will lose their colours without sun and sky. The poet is actually suggesting his friend stay at the centre of stage and give up the idea of going off. Obviously, his friend only appraised the literature value of the poem without figuring out the hidden meaning and went straight to Fuzhou which is far away from the capital.

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