
时间:2022-10-17 01:17:08



【中图分类号】 H313.9 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】 1001-4128(2011) 09-0022-017

国内词汇学专著通常认为,英语typhoon一词系汉语“台风”的音译借词”[1][2][3]。然而美国历史频道2009年出品的《诸神之战》系列片中《宙斯》一集,对于typhoon做了如下解说,“…It is also said Typhon causes destructive wind storms.In fact,his name is the basis for the word typhoon.”这个说法,看起来也不无道理。首先,typhoon与Typhon词形接近;其次,Typhon在希腊神话中是象征风暴的妖魔巨人,这与typhoon所表达的意义也很接近。


1.[< Chin 粤语tai fung大风;受Gr tuphōn whirlwind的影响,原义:mythological father of the winds](《英汉大词典》第2版)

2.partly via Portuguese from Arabic tūfān(perhaps from Greek tuphōn‘whirlwind’):reinforced by Chinese dialect tai fung‘big wind’(《新牛津英汉双解大词典》)

3.The word typhoon, which is used today in the Northwest Pacific,may be derived from Urdu,Persian and Arabic ūfān, which in turn originates from Greek tuphōn,a monster in Greek mythology responsible for hot winds.The related Portuguese word tuf o, used in Portuguese for typhoons,is also derived from Greek tuphōn.It is also similar to Chinese"taifeng"("toifung"in Cantonese) (literally great winds), and also to the Japanese"taifu",which may explain why"typhoon"came to be used for East Asian cyclones.(维基百科)

4.The history of typhoon presents a perfect example of the long journey that many words made in coming to English.It traveled from Greece to Arabia to India,and also arose independently in China,before assuming its current form in our language.省略)

综上所述,typhoon的渊源可说颇具国际色彩,是多种语言相互交融而形成的。具体来说,其词源可分为两条线索。其一,经由希腊语Tuphōn(希腊神话中象征风暴的妖魔,小写可作普通名词表示“旋风”之意)传入阿拉伯语,又由阿拉伯人传入印度,最后通过印度语而进入英语。其二,由汉语广东方言“大风”(tai fung)一词音译而成。



[1] 陆国强编著.现代英语词汇学[M].上海:上海外语教学出版社,1996.

[2] 陈友良,刘明东.英语词汇学[M].成都:电子科技大学出版社,2005.

[3] 杨信彰编著.英语词汇学教程[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2009.

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