The influence of Puritanism on American Culture

时间:2022-08-02 11:34:10

【Abstract】America is one of the best powerful countries in the world, although it only has a short history.However,American culture has contributed a lot to the prosperity of America. It is well-known that America has a diverse culture, generally speaking, integrated by the large-scale of immigration from many different European countries throughout American history.American culture always strongly boosts the Notions of freedom,liberty,and individualism,mainly put forth by the puritans.Actually,the notions of Puritanism are deeply rooted in Americans’mind.Although many thoughts of puritans have been changed and become less meaningful today,it is still clear that some influential principles such as individualism, the separation of church and state,and self-government stay with American consciousness culturally,socially,and politically.This paper focused on how the main principles of Puritanism have influenced America culture.

【Key words】America,Culture,Individualism,Puritanism

【中图分类号】 G0 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】 1001-4128(2011) 09-0006-02

When it comes to the impression of American culture,these words,such as liberty,equality,democracy,and freedom,may come suddenly to people’s mind.America is indeed a country of equality and liberty.In fact,these notions were put forth by Puritans,who played a dominant role in American history and laid the basis of American culture.The values and principles of Puritans are called Puritanism.

As we all know that the U.S is an immigrant country with diversity.Not until the European colonies set foot on American continent more than 200 years ago, did the culture emerges. No one could imagine that America has become the most powerful country in the world,with a prosperous culture,absorbing the creams of various cultures.Puritanism,actually,would be a factor, contributing to the prosperity of American culture.

1 Individualism

Generally speaking,individualism,the core of the world outlook of capitalist class and the fundamental principle of bourgeois morality,means the rights and freedom of the individual are the most important rights in a society.Individualism in the U.S, deriving from Puritanical principles and the pursuit of individual freedom,constitutes the basic characteristics and main content of American culture models.In the process of developing culture,it gradually has become the starting point and the destination of the democratic ideas in America.

The earliest Anglo-Saxon Protestants immigrated into North America to establish colonies were not in the mercy of Kings and governments in European societies.The earliest settlers,found a new nation called America,where all power belongs to people, drafted the Constitution,and limited the power of the church. Therefore,the strong awareness of individual and thoughts of anti-autocracy laid the foundation for the emergence of individualism in America.What’s more,the puritans held a view that all men are sinful in front of God,so all men are equal without any difference in statute.Human can communicate with God by the power of belief,rather than via the church,leaving more freedom and independence for people, which emphasized the value of individual.Last,the dissemination of the thoughts of Calvinists and the religious reform of Martin Luther pushed the development of individualism furthermore.Also, that made some virtues,such as,industriousness,self-discipline,self-improvement and introspection etc.implanted in the hearts of Americans.

2 Democracy and Liberty

America is a successful country of democracy.In 1776,the US Declaration of Independence was born,which asserted people’s natural rights in the form of constitution.America had lots of advantages of being the pioneer of democracy and liberty,including the conditions of history and geography and etc.Among those,Puritanism contributed a lot to the developing of democracy.

2.1 The influence of Separation of Church and State

The idea of the separation of church and state is another more specific contribution to later American culture.As is known to all that most of the ancestors of Americans,who suffered from religious persecution,were immigrated form Europe in seek of the freedom of religions.They strongly objected establishing the Church of State in the U.S,for fearing the persecution to followers of other religions.As a result,there were different religions in America,instead of a state-controlled religion. By limiting the power of the government and churches and eliminating a formal aristocrat,people created a climate of freedom.The idea of the separation of church and state was put forth in this time.However,to some extent,it was contributed by Roger Williams,an outcast among his peers because of his somewhat radical religious and political views.He suggested that the church and state should be kept apart because the church is too sacred to be mixed up with the state.This was an important thought,even if the separation eventually was for the reason of keeping power balanced and without interference.Also,the separation of church and state left enough room for people to do what they wanted to do,especially to found a nation that all men were created equal,and avoid the bad influences brought by political power.From this point, it is very obvious to know why the separation of church and state played an important role in the development of democracy in America,laying the basis of American politic and culture.

2.2 The existence of self-government

When the early colonies swarmed into the continent of America, no government governed them.However,what bound them together is the common expectation that everyone has a chance to succeed in the U.S.,and the common religion belief.Puritans elected their own vicars and governed themselves, which was a demonstration was of seeks for liberty and democracy.Besides this, many people think the seeds of liberty are found in the behavior of the colonies.Before immigrants set their foot in America,the earliest immigrants signed the Mayflower Compact.The main spirits of this compact was to found a republican self-government and make sure each member have the rights of equality,freedom,election and democracy.

Self-government is one of the best examples to show the democracy in the U.S.‘From the beginning,American culture was defining itself against confederations of big government in favor of self-government.There is an evidence to indicate that the early period (1600s),before the American Revolution,was filled with cultural emphasis about self-government.The Dominion of New England included Massachusetts,Maine and New Hampshire with a single governor by the name of Andros.In 1686,he became Governor and raised taxes,jailed persons who did not abide by his autocratic rule,and by 1688 the colonists had had enough.They revolted and threw the system out.Colonists also threw out Ben Franklin’s Albany Plan of Union in 1754.This plan

was rejected by all the colonies (Wood,2000).5’

After Plymouth established their self-government, some colonies in New England began to get rid of the control of their British companies.In the light of the long distance from England and America,and the internal political battle in England.The British government ruled the North American colonies loosely.So the immigrant ancestors took full adva ntages of this kind of freedom to put their ideal into practice.

3 Conclusion

Looking back the history of America,Puritanism indeed played a predominate role in forming America culture,not only in the aspect of politics and society but also in the aspect of the whole national character and spirits.Religion is a major force to maintain the public order of America.As the main immigrants in the colonial times,puritans made a great contribution to America.Although the importance of the puritan theology in 18th,19th had gradually disappeared,its moral and political principle still has influence until now.Puritanism is not just a doctrine,but also a culture atmosphere.Its profound impact is rooted in American values so that we can reach a conclusion that Puritanism is the basis of American culture.


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