Last Child in the Woods失去山林的孩子

时间:2022-10-14 09:46:26

编 者 注 :

“大自然缺失症(nature deficit disorder, NDD)”指的是现在的青少年到户外、空旷的乡间活动的时间越来越少这样一种趋势。它不是一种需要医生诊断或需要服药治疗的病症,而是当今一种危险的社会现象,即儿童在大自然中度过的时间越来越少,从而导致了一系列行为和心理上的问题,比如抑郁症、多动症、无聊以及孤独等。这个概念最早由美国作家理查德・洛夫(Richard Louv)在他的畅销书《失去山林的孩子:拯救大自然缺失症儿童》(Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder)中提出。21世纪的孩子们不再像他们的父辈那样在大自然里自由玩耍、跟大自然交流了,他们大部分的时间都呆在室内。他们更多的是在看电视、玩电脑或游戏。他们耳边听着世界各地的流行音乐,却从未欣赏过林间小鸟清脆的歌声。其实,他们的生活少了很多乐趣。

“Last Child in the Woods” rarely stays on my bookshelves, primarily because I am always giving it away. This may be one of the most important popular texts written on child development in the last decade. Anyone raising children needs at least to be familiar with Louv’s books that boys and girls today are living in a non-natural (非自然的) environment. Surprisingly, teachers and parents, considering a number of social, political and cultural reasons, are trying their best to keep children away from the natural world.


Louv suggests it is the cause of “nature-deficit disorder”. This is so common among school children in the United States. For example, a young boy is asked to answer a question concerning his favorite place to play, he answered, “I like to play indoors, because that’s where all the electrical outlets (插座) are.”


Thirty years ago it was not uncommon for children to spend their free time playing in creeks (小溪) and woods, building tree houses, or camping out under the stars in a neighbor’s field. Experiences of nature tended to be direct, associated with smells, tastes, sounds and feelings―by ice skating in the winter, investigating pussy willows (杨柳) in the spring, collecting fireflies (萤火虫) and colored leaves in the summer and fall. Now, according to Louv, all of that has changed, and nature has come to be considered as a kind of “bogeyman (妖怪)”.


I happened to be reading his book while visiting relatives in my hometown of Gahanna, Ohio, a place where the landscape (地形;风景) had once been as familiar to me as my sisters and cousins there. Much like Louv, I spent most of my time as a youth building the tree houses. I was also a frequent visitor to the creek that goes through our small village. The creek was a kind of social gathering place for all the kids of my neighborhood.


Last July, with thoughts of recapturing (回顾;再次经历) some of our old experiences, two of my cousins and I decided to put on our old tennis shoes, find a bucket and search the tadpoles (蝌蚪) and crawdads (小龙虾) in the creek―just like old times. Never did I dream that such an activity would generate so much anxiety among the parents of the children who wanted to join us. All kinds of questions appear. Was the water clean? Just to be sure, we should probably not allow the young ones to get wet, and let’s be certain that everyone has a good shower afterwards. Another question is: What kind of bad guys might we expect to encounter (遭遇) when they play in waters so far from the safety of civilization? We were just going wading (涉水) in a creek!


What my two cousins and I encountered in the creek that afternoon was even more disheartening (沮丧的). It was the middle of the summer and kids were having their summer vacation, but apparently they were not interested in spending it along the banks of the creek. I was surprised, and encouraged, to find that the tadpoles and other water creatures were still there in the mile-long stretch of water we waded. The only thing missing was a human presence. Predictably (可预见地), after the shower, the hand-held electronic games came out and the “real fun” resumed (重新开始;占用;恢复) among the kids.


For Louv, the present inability (无能为力) to regard one’s neighborhood as “place” is part of the problem. Namely, nowadays kids know the nature mainly base on the secondary experience (from teachers, books, etc.) rather than face-to-face conversation. Kids cannot value and love what they cannot name, cannot value and love other people, countries and the earth that they cannot feel or know.

对于洛夫来说,当前还不能把邻居家当成“玩耍基地”也是问题的一部分。也就是说,当今的孩子们主要通过(来自于老师,书本等的)二手的经验来了解自然,而不是与自然面对面的对话. 孩子不可能会去珍惜和关爱他们叫不出名的事物,不可能去珍惜和关爱他们感受不到或者一无所知的他人,国家,地球。

Louv advocates (提倡) a return to getting one’s hands dirty when engaging (接触) with the natural world. But in a “culture of clean”, dirty hands seem only to be at an unnecessary risk, and after all, we want to be safe. This means that certain things just have to be given up. For example, the vacant lots (空地) and wooded parks have now been replaced by lined soccer fields and other open spaces. Again, the reason is fear: eliminate the risk. But what else is lost at the same time?


Louv spends much of his time in this text arguing for the therapeutic (治疗的;有益健康的) value of natural experiences. He even goes so far as to suggest that by direct nature experiences, many psychological (心理上的) and social problems can be solved to certain extent.


However, the problem in today’s discussion is: Our children today seem to be losing their ability to “learn the language of their fields” due to the different reasons. And with every birdsong that goes unrecognized, every flower that goes unnamed, every droning (嗡嗡声) cicada (蝉) that gets ignored, our boys and girls take one step further away from an sense of what it means truly to be human.


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