Fourth China Xinjiang International Children’s Art Festival Promotes Friendship

时间:2022-10-12 06:27:22

The Fourth International Children’s Art Festival of Xinjiang, hosted by the Xinjiang People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries(XPAFFC) was held in Urumqi, the regional capital, from July 20 to 26.

Eighteen children’s art troupes comprising more than 260 students from eight countries took part, including nine foreign troupes (120 students) from Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, India and Mongolia, and nine Chinese troupes(140 students) from Urumqi, Kashgar, Aksu, Tacheng, and Ili, Changji and Bayingolin prefectures.

The festival started on the morning of July 21. In his speech at the opening ceremony, Muzapar Mijit, Head of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Government of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region and President of the XPAFFC, said the festival was a cultural event for both Chinese and foreign young people. By organizing various activities, the Autonomous Regional Government aimed to strengthen exchanges, enhance mutual understanding and friendship, and promote Xinjiang’s external exchanges and cooperation. He hoped the participants would create a song of peace and friendship with passion and idealism.

In the weeklong festival, the troupes gave four performances and carried out exchange activities such as talent shows in painting, calligraphy, paper cutting, playing musical instruments and making handicrafts. They attended bonfire evening parties, played games and attended lectures. They made a tour of Urumqi, and visited the Xinjiang Science and Tech- nology Museum and the Grand Canyon Scenic Spot in Nanshan Mountain.

The organizing committee hosted a variety show at the closing ceremony on the afternoon of July 23, when both Vice Chairman Erken Tunijaz of the Autonomous Regional Government and CPAFFC Vice President Xie Yuan delivered speeches.

Vice Chairman Erken said the International Children’s Art Festival in Xinjiang took advantage of the region’s geographical closeness to many countries to enhance exchanges and understanding, improve the popularity of Xinjiang, and promote the region’s people-to-people exchanges and cooperation with the outside world with beautiful songs and dances.

He hoped that more platforms would be built to show the achievements and the spirit of Xinjiang and contribute to establishing a peaceful and friendly international environment for the region’s vigorous development and long-term stability.

Vice President Xie Yuan stressed:“Lasting friendship between different nations lies in people-to-people communication and youth exchanges. The Xinjiang International Children’s Art Festival has set up a bridge of cultural communication to enhance understanding and friendship between the young people of different countries.”

He hoped the seeds of friendship would foster the cause of people-topeople friendship for generations. The CPAFFC would continue to support this activity and make the festival even better.

Camilova Sidojatto, Leader of the No.3 Children’s Conservatory Delegation of Tajikistan, said they had participated in the festival on three consecutive occasions, and she considered it very meaningful in providing children with opportunities to broaden their horizons and make good friends through exchanges and conversations about culture and lifestyles.

Dereyghere Corrina, a little performer from the “Berdsk Girl” Delegation of Berdsk Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia, said, “This is my first visit to China. It is so beautiful here and there are lots of people in the streets. Children from Xinjiang are especially warm and hospitable, always talking and playing with us. I also made a few friends from other countries including India and Mongolia. I communicated with them in English and gestures. I had great fun with them despite language barriers. ”

A child from India joyfully told reporters it was his first time to take part in the festival, during which he not only performed on stage, watched brilliant performances by other foreign children, while also studying Chinese calligraphy and paper-cut making, greatly stimulating his interest and learning ability.

In the sitting room for the Delegation of the Secondary Art School Attached to Xinjiang Arts Institute, I learned that girls from the delegation had made many friends coming from different countries. They played games after the performance.

One Chinese girl said: “We taught them to play hide and seek while they taught us games they played in their countries. Indians spoke English with us and we translated it into Uighur language for children from Kyrgyzstan, who then translated it into Russian for our Tajikistan peers. Everyone had a good time despite the difficulties we encountered in our languages.”

The organizing committee presented performance certificates and souvenirs to leaders and student representatives of the troupes at the closing ceremony.

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