奶奶笑了 第2期

时间:2022-10-11 10:16:33

奶奶笑了 第2期

That day Grandma was ill. My parents were both out. I was very worried.

I went to Grandma's bed. She looked very ill. I looked at her white face and white hair, tears came into my eyes. ① I sank into deep thought.

Once when Mother and I were ill, Grandma took good care of us all day and all night, then she became very thin and very tired, and looked even older.

Today she got ill herself, and my parents were out, so I ought to look after her, too. I asked my grandma, "Grandma, would you like some hot water?" She said," My good little girl, you are too young. You needn't do that for me." "Yes, I can. Grandma,"I said. "I will do it for you right now. " " Then be careful. "②

I came to the kitchen, and began to heat up the water. I turned on the cooker care- fully, and put the kettle (水壶) down on it. Ten minutes later, the water boiled.

I took a glass of water to Grandma. She saw me and began to smile. Seeing her smiling, I smiled too. ③

I stayed with her till my parents came back.

All of us should respect (尊敬) the old people.










这是一篇短小精悍的记叙文,作者记述了父母不在家,祖母又病倒在床,自己主动去照顾祖母的事,还回忆起自己有病被祖母照看的情景。叙事清楚,感情深厚,表明了尊长爱幼的温和的家庭气氛。语言流畅,中心突出。在文章中使用极好的词语和句型有:both out,look at,tears come into one's eyes, sink into deep thought,take good care of,ought to,look after,turn on,take...to等。此外,还用了till引导的从句,也很恰当。这些都值得初学写作者学习。

注意:①第二段第三句应改为“When I looked at her white face and white hair tears came into my eyes.”才符合英语句法原则。②此句应改为“Be careful,then.”才符合习惯用法。因为“then”在句中其前加上逗号(,),其意为“那么”;没有逗号作“当时”讲。因此,应译成“那么,你要小心。”③若too当“也”讲,置其句尾时,其前常常要加逗号(,)。

上一篇:只是一个普通人 下一篇:暑假中我将做什么