The Humanized Development Trend of Modern Packaging Design

时间:2022-10-11 05:10:39

Abstract:"humanization" design is a modern design, especially the development of a theme of modern packaging design. Over the past twenty years, the designer is not satisfied with the beautiful sex of commodity packaging and quality security, but more to consider the nature of consumer goods more requirements: use convenience, dexterity and packaging for the people and the environment coordination. This kind of pay attention to environmental protection and resource recycling, emphasis on "people-oriented", consider the spiritual needs of packaging design. We call it "humanized design". Convenience, dexterity, safety in commodity packaging design considerations are fully embodies the thought of "people-oriented", and become the dominant trend in the development of modern commodity packaging design.

Key words: commodity packaging design; humanized design; "people-oriented" development trend

中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5312(2014)03-0169-01

Fundamentally, a qualified quality products also cannot be called a goods, the product must pass through the packaging technology and other logistics sales processing, to become popular with the market goods. And the goods will not automatically realize its value in the market, only after consumers buy and use can embody its social value. With the progress of social civilization and improvement of living standards, people's consumption behavior will become more rational and picky. So, in the modern commodity packaging design embodies convenience in life, dexterity, and security is the embodiment of the "people-oriented" thought, also on behalf of the humanized development trend of modern packaging design.

1. Humanized design is necessity of social development

The needs of the maslow's psychological scientists put the people in the United States from low to high divided into five levels, physiological needs, security needs, love and belonging, the respect, and self-realization. When the social and economic development in a lower level, people demand for commodities is simple and practical; When social economic level to a certain height, people will put forward higher requirements to goods. The requirement is more of a psychological and spiritual and cultural aspects. Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is proposed to reveal the humanized design is necessity of social development.

The recovery: material is extremely scarce, and people's life and afflicted. Modernism advocated simple, economic and practical principles, should meet the needs of the development of social economy, become the mainstream of packaging design trend: namely to meet people's physiological needs to give priority to. 50 s Europe, the United States and other developed countries successively in the supermarket, the whole sales industry from the traditional marketing type evolved into free type, packaging design is starting to get people's attention. Sixties and seventies in Europe and the United States the rapid development of economy, commodity production and social wealth increase, many countries into the well-off society. Internationalist style across the globe, the system shall, in the design of considering the attention to the diversity and humanization, lack of design in the relationship with the psychological demand. The nineties, the rapid development of science and technology, abundant social wealth, people's aesthetic idea and value orientation are profound changes have taken place. Packaging design presents the diversified development trend, all kinds of design style has appeared. People advocated on the basis of the guarantee "functionalism" beauty in the form of more meet the needs of people to a higher level. Humanized design began to appear and become conspicuous window, gradually developed into a design trends.

2. Humanized design meet the needs of the development of environmentally sustainable

The sustainable development of the human survival environment, is must consider the development of industries in today's society. Likewise, modern packaging design also emphasizes the protection of environment and resource recycling. When people revel in the industrial revolution for the packaging industry brought about by the various technological achievements, the environmental pollution problem has quietly come into our lives. In this situation, protect the ecological environment, advocating the concept of green packaging design began to spread. Designers start is committed to the harmony of human beings and natural environment, pay attention to humanized design and environmental protection consciousness. Commodity packaging materials from the raw material selection, production and manufacturing, to the use of the products and recycling, every link to save, efficient and pollution-free. Environmental protection material research and development, is the focus of modern packaging design conforms to the sustainable development of environment. At present, the developed countries are stepping up efforts development, the development of biodegradable packaging materials. These packing material has both traditional features and characteristics of natural material, and can satisfy the requirement of people to higher standards of living. As the designers of modern society, we should focus on social and environmental problems, actively advocate harmony with the natural environment, it is also the requirements of the humanized design.

3. Humanized design can improve the product's aesthetic and interesting

With the improvement of living standard, people's consumption ideas gradually changed. When consumer buys a product, not only to meet their material needs, but also to meet their spiritual needs. Therefore, meet the modern pursuit of consumer psychology, relaxed, cheerful, and to improve the product packaging aesthetic and interesting. In recent years, along with the diversity of sales approach, POP packaging design began to get the favour of consumers. POP packaging design exquisite appearance model change rich, stereo sense is strong, has the very good visual effect, can have the effect of self-promotion. This kind of packing form changed the past inflexible, monotonous way of display the carton packaging.

4. Humanized design meet the higher demand of people

Along with the development of the market and maturity, increasing consumer demands for product packaging, not only request product packaging has many functions, convenient to carry, adapt to all kinds of consumer groups, etc., also calls for more humanistic care embodied in the design. Designer in the process of product packaging design, emphasis on design and consumers' emotional communication, reflect everywhere care for consumers. Make ", "human being is no longer an empty slogan, but is deeply rooted in the designer's design. Stylist is in how to make the goods more humanized and suitable for human body size is studied and discussed. As we are familiar with Coca Cola drinks, graceful curve modelling reached the perfect combination of form and function, form and art, also become the classic in the world packaging design work. Human innovation of modern packaging design, can enhance the competitiveness of the products, to attract consumers, and consumers can easily, improve the level and quality of life of consumers. At the same time, the humanized design for the enterprise to promote the product image, enhance the product competition to expand the development space.

5. Conclusion

From the perspective of the history of design, humanization design is necessity of social development; From the perspective of the living environment of people, humanized design meet the needs of the development of sustainable environment; From the perspective of the demand of people, humanized design can improve the product's aesthetic and interesting; From the point of people's psychological pursuit, humanized design meet the higher demand of people. Therefore, human nature is the tide and trend of packaging design, is the inevitable result of human society development.


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