Famous Left—Handed Authors著名的左撇子作家

时间:2022-10-01 01:51:38

Famous Left—Handed Authors著名的左撇子作家

原文作者:robin lamb

popular thought has it that left-handers are somehow more artistic and creative than right-handers, and that they are better at tasks involving geometry1) or spatial2) analysis. this is because they are supposedly right-brain dominant, and the right brain is the hemisphere that controls certain types of creative thinking. unfortunately, people don't really use their brains that way, and a left-hander is just as likely to be a manual3) laborer or great writer as the rest of the population. the following authors, who are all left-handers, have made an indelible4) mark on the literary landscape.


hans christian anderson


he was a danish author of plays, essays, and poems, but best known for more than 100 fairy tales that he published from 1835 onwards. anderson was born to a very poor family, and entertained himself as a child by making up stories and songs and crafting his own toys. many of his tales contain thinly veiled autobiographical details. his wonderful stories, which include the little mermaid, the emperor's new clothes, the ugly duckling, and the little match girl were immensely5) popular in his own lifetime and are likely to always be so. [论文网]

lewis carroll (1832~1898)

born charles lutwidge dodgson in cheshire, england, he was the eldest son of a clergyman. although he excelled at mathematics as a child, he found an outlet6) for his imagination in telling stories to his ten siblings. charles was always fond of children, whom he found he could talk to without his customary7) stammer8), and he was famously inspired to write alice's adventures in wonderland through his close friendship with young alice liddell. in 1871 he created a popular sequel, through the looking glass, while continuing to lecture in mathematics.

h. g. wells (1866~1946)

english novelist, essayist and historian, wells is regarded as one of the fathers of science-fiction. his great and prophetic9) works include the time machine, the island of doctor moreau, and the war of the worlds. wells also wrote several books on contemporary political issues and on history, including a short history of the world.

mark twain (1835~1910)

the author of the adventures of tom sawyer and huckleberry finn was born samuel langhorne clemens in a small town on the banks of the mississippi river. twain was an outspoken critic of slavery, and many of his essays and books are cut through with sardonic10) comments on the subject. although there is some debate on the matter, it is widely believed that twain was the first writer to submit type-written manuscripts.

franz kafka (1883~1924)

kafka was a czech born jewish writer of enigmatic11) novels such as the trial (published posthumously in 1925), the castle, and the metamorphosis. although czech was his native language, kafka soon mastered the more elitist12) german tongue and wrote all of his fiction in german. the term "kafkaesque" has come to refer to anything marked with a surreal sense of disorder or danger.






h. g. 威尔斯(1866~1946)






1. geometry [d?i???m?tri] n. 几何学

2. spatial [?spe??(?)l] adj. 空间的,与空间有关的

3. manual [?m?nj??l] adj. 体力的

4. indelible [?n?del?b(?)l] adj. 难以去除的;擦不掉的

5. immensely [??mensli] adv. 广大地,巨大地

6. outlet [?a?t?let] n. (思想等的)表达途径

7. customary [?k?st?m?ri] adj. 通常的;习惯性的

8. stammer [?st?m?(r)] n. 口吃,结巴

9. prophetic [pr??fet?k] adj. 预言的;预示的

10. sardonic [sɑ?(r)?d?n?k] adj. 讥诮的;冷嘲热讽的;鄙夷的

11. enigmatic [?en?ɡ?m?t?k] adj. 谜一般的;难以理解的

12. elitist [??li?t?st] adj. 上等的,高级的

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