
时间:2022-09-30 09:58:54





No matter how well it begins or ends, every fairy tale has a villain. In my storybook adventure in Sintra, a Portuguese town about 20 miles west of Lisbon, it was the hands of the clock. Roaming the 1)pristine grounds of castles high in the hills, I wished that time would stand still.

Fifty-three minutes was all it took to travel back several centuries. The train that pulled out of Rossio station, a major transportation hub in Lisbon, was filled with the 2)distractions of the modern age. It wasn’t until we had passed the 3)penultimate stop, where the only other passenger in my car stepped onto the platform, that the scenery started to feel 4)otherworldly. Staring out the window in 5)reverie, I marveled at the swirls of color whooshing past.

By the time I stepped off the train, all traces of Lisbon had disappeared. What greeted me were 6)hallmarks of 7)quaintness: a 8)smattering of restaurants and 9)mom-and-pop shops, pleasantly sleepy streets and a street clock as old-fashioned as they come. But despite the pleasant scene, I couldn’t help but stare into the distance, recognizing the steep slopes and explosion of greenery depicted in local postcards.

For centuries, the municipality served as the preferred hideaway for the Portuguese royal family. A heartbeat away from the political and economic center of Lisbon, the lush slopes provided the 10)aristocracy with a quiet, breezy escape from the city air. But it wasn’t until Ferdinand II, king of Portugal, arrived in the mid-1800s that the entire region became worthy of its current Unesco World Heritage status, with sprawling estates that showcase a millennium’s worth of architectural influences.

Sintra remains a crown jewel among the Portuguese regions, but two major developments have broadened its appeal for foreign travelers. Several new hotels, most notably the 18-room Sintra Boutique Hotel, which opened in the heart of town last year, and the return of a summertime 11)tram service from Sintra to Praia das Macas, a budding resort town with steep cliffs that overlook the white sand beaches along Portugal’s western coast.

Shortly after my arrival on a warm June evening last year, after I deposited my bags at the Sintra Bliss House, a well-kept, design-oriented inn, my native New Yorker’s instincts kicked in, and I set out to explore the area on foot. A serene sunset walk took me past a half-dozen 12)ornate statues and sculptures, all part of a public art project 13)reminiscent of a vast private garden.

Walking back to the inn around midnight on empty sidewalks 14)flanked by empty parks ―a situation I would avoid in Manhattan ― I felt safe, as if the town were my own.

The next morning, my alarm clock at the Sintra Bliss House was a horse-drawn carriage clip-clopping past the window. But my ride that day would be a bus. I figured, given Sintra’s layout, a good starting point is the eighth-century Moorish castle, a holdover from Arab rule and the oldest structure in the area. Once inside, a quarter-mile loop formed by walkways atop the castle’s inner walls was none too taxing. “No matter where you start,” a park ranger said of the simple path around the 15)perimeter, “you can’t get lost.”

The knights of old earned their stripes by remaining watchful of enemies. But these days the only enemies are rain clouds. As I stood at strategic vantage points I could imagine the pride of guarding the kingdom. The most memorable panoramas were of Pena National Palace, my next stop, which loomed above on a nearby 16)promontory.

At the palace, gone was the no-nonsense nature of the armed forces, replaced by an unmistakable 17)whimsy. Pena National Palace, a former summer residence of the Portuguese royal family, is a 18)hodgepodge of cheerful colors and towers, generating an understated “Alice in Wonderland”19)vibe that architecture 20)aficionados would attribute to 19th-century Romanticism. If the Moorish castle invited purposeful forward marches, Pena Palace encouraged aimless wandering.

Back in the center of town, I edged my way into Sintra National Palace just before the last entry at 6:30 p.m. Its faded white exterior belied rooms furnished with period pieces and ceilings covered in festive tiles, the most striking of which featured wall-to-wall 21)azulejos, classic glazed white tiles with blue paint that are aligned to depict historical scenes.

But the best was yet to come. The final stop on my 22)regal tour was one that every Sintra resident and visitor I had spoken to said could not be missed: Quinta da Regaleira, a walled park and estate established by 19th-century trading 23)barons. Although smaller than the Moorish castle and Pena Palace, the structures here were luxurious. The real showstopper: the initiatic well, a massive, 24)cylindrical upside-down tower that 25)plummeted deep into the ground, with a spiral staircase embedded in its walls.

Regardless of the direction I wandered, the natural features of the park yielded surprises: stunning waterfalls, serene 26)grottoes, a maze of tunnels. Stumbling onto a cluster of ducks in a pond, my eyes traveled to a lone land-bound bird that quacked uncontrollably. Following its sightline, I spotted the cause for hysterics: In the pond was a tiny duckling that couldn’t paddle in a straight line no matter how hard it tried. Its mother’s loud quacks sounded more like concerned 27)reprimands than coaching.

For all that I had seen, there remained so much more: the bubblegum-hued Montserrate Castle, the lemon-yellow Queluz Castle, the contemplative Convent of the Capuchos, and the charmingly 28)kitschy tram that could whisk me away to the beach along the Atlantic.

Happily ever after couldn’t last forever, though. The final farewell was 29)anti-climactic, with no carriages or fairy godmothers, just a taxi to the train station, driven by an unfailingly polite local who pointed out the building where he had been born. But after several days of playing the princess ― and an independent, adventurous one at that ― the return to real life brought the promise of another adventure.
















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