The Causes and Countermeasures to the Anxiety of College Students

时间:2022-09-29 03:34:34

Abstract. In the process of China's reform and opening up, college students face a new set of opportunities and challenges, various psychological conflicts and contradictions in the new environment, psychological growing pressure, inevitably encountering some pressure. College students’ academic, interpersonal communication, the ability of the various aspects of culture, friendship and love, as well as employment issues are likely to become college students' anxiety. If you do not attach importance to and correct guidance, it will generate an adverse impact on all aspects of the college students. In severe cases, it may also lead to psychological disorders, and through appropriate science countermeasures, which can defuse the anxiety of college students.

Key words: College students, Anxiety, Causes, Defuse

1. Introduction

With the deepening of China's reform and opening up to promote all aspects of society has been a huge impact, people are faced with a series of new opportunities and challenges, various psychological conflicts and contradictions in the new environment, the psychological pressure is growing wider. The old expensive for the "darlings" of the students, will inevitably have to encounter some pressure in the period of social transition. College students 'academic, interpersonal communication, the ability of the various aspects of culture, friendship and love, as well as employment issues are likely to become college students' anxiety. If you do not attach importance to and correct guidance, will have an adverse impact on all aspects of the college students, and severe cases may also lead to psychological disorders. This paper tries to explore the issue.

2. Causes and Classification of College Students’ Anxiety

Anxiety, suffer psychological conflict or frustration caused by the complex emotional reaction, and it is an unpleasant emotion, usually with anxiety, tension, disappointment, anxiety, panic, anxiety and shame feelings interwoven together. In fact, anxiety is a "double-edged sword" moderate anxiety has a role in early warning. When unpleasant mood, people will instantly generate a strong motivation to want to get rid of the anxiety, and fully mobilize their own potential, in order to effectively deal with the problem or predicament. Therefore, moderate anxiety is not lack of adaptability tools, and real people's distress is excessive or pathological anxiety. Anxiety is an emotional state that is prevalent in the contemporary college students. Institutional transition turbulence, inappropriate family upbringing, growing conflicts, poor interpersonal adaptation, the pressure of the economic burden of self-evaluation of disorders, emotional confusion and frustration will lead the students have anxiety.

2.1 Basic Anxiety

This anxiety is produced due to the lack of basic needs of living conditions, which can be divided into:

2.1.1 Condition Missing Anxiety

As we all know, the basic material needs of each individual, foundation and conditions for survival, this unmet need once will cause the individual to produce anxiety. At present, China's colleges and universities have generally introduced charges school system. Although the fees charged by the school relative to the national culture, a university student cost is very small, but for a particularly difficult part of the students from poor and remote areas, and other family economic students still considerable economic pressure, which often leads them to a heavy psychological burden and anxiety reaction.

2.1.2 Physical Aspects of Anxiety

The individual's physical condition has a certain relationship with the anxiety. In today's visual culture era, concern and attention to the body reached unprecedented levels, especially people than any other age youth are more concerned about the image of yourself to others, especially the opposite sex in mind. This allows some college students own body's inherent weaknesses, such as short stature, looks poor enough charm, anguish and anxiety.

2.2 Vesting Anxiety

2.2.1 Social Anxiety

College students craving a good and harmonious interpersonal relationship, and these high expectations, however, this expectation is often too idealistic, that is too high requirements or expectations of others, and thus the reality of interpersonal dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction in turn has a negative impact on their interpersonal, so eager to indifference exchanges between demand and psychological contradictions rolled into one. In addition, many students in the interpersonal or social cognitive biases exist, or lack the necessary experience of social skills or harbour inferiority closed mental more or less, these factors will cause their alienation from campus communication circle. A large number of facts to prove that the: exchanges condition of college students tends to determine the degree of satisfaction with their college life. Those living in a friendly and harmonious interpersonal interaction atmosphere of college students often exhibit the characteristics of loneliness, anxiety, and difficulty in cooperating.

2.2.2 Emotional Aspects of Anxiety

The students' sexual function has become more sophisticated, gradually strong desire for love, they desire with the opposite sex, the pursuit of beautiful love. College students is not yet fully mature psychological, emotional fluctuations, and personality of college students has not been stereotyped, the ability to withstand setbacks is not strong, the pursuit of love too romantic and unrealistic, emotional problems or suffer setbacks (such as unrequited love, romance, etc.), will feel unbearable anguish anxiety, even frustrated, stumble appetite.

2.3 The Development of Anxiety

2.3.1 Adapt Anxiety

People in each age group will need to complete psychological topics, U.S. educational psychologist Harvey Geest, 1952, the concept of "development tasks". He believes that adolescent development task is essential to solve all kinds of adaptation, including adaptation to the environment, learning to adapt, interpersonal adaptation and self-adaptation. Studies have shown that maladjustment will result in the generation of psychological problems or diseases. Psychological research shows that the great changes of the environment of the individuals, which make individual psychological stress. College students the basic Born after the reform and opening up, they are weak universal life skills and self-reliance can force poor, the changes in the environment for them is not a small challenge. They enter university need to live independently, independently deal with all the trivia of life, which naturally will inevitably lead to many problems, resulting in a sense of irritability, anxiety, frustration will be inevitable. Faced with these changes, if college students lack enough mental preparation and can not make the right adjustments, it is prone to anxiety, depressed, self-denial and other psychological problems, resulting in school failure. In addition, in today's reform and opening, the fast-paced social demand for talent with higher standards and requirements, which makes the competition becoming more intense among college students. They have a stronger competitive force in the community, and some elective learning expertise related courses such as foreign language, computer and car driving, some obtain various types of certificates, and some are still off-campus courses. Many students due to a moment it is difficult to meet the learning requirements of such a high intensity stress problem, feel nervous anxiety, fatigue, restless. College students' self-adaptation is the most important and the most difficult to achieve. The young people at the university level has a strong sense of "self" exist. How to adapt and accept the new environment in their own new role, and how to adapt to and accepted by his mood swings, impulsive youth, how to successfully solve the self-identity crisis, how friendly to each other with their own. All of which constitute a part of adolescent development tasks in the most key. If these problems are not resolved, college students it is difficult to have a good self-adaptation. Self-adapt to bad the other adaptation will be affected, such as social anxiety, test anxiety such negative temperament thread will inevitably produce.

2.3.2 Test Anxiety

This is the fear of failing an exam or desire to get good grades and worries tense psychological state, commonly found in college students. Students due to severe anxiety often to affect its near exam state test scores but not good; poor test scores and it worried, afraid to fail again, the pursuit of the good results of the psychological burden heavier to make it the next time the exam anxiety caught in a vicious cycle.

2.3.3 Employment and Career Anxiety

Social fierce competition for jobs is not only on the overall quality of students the new demands and challenges, and so many college students into employment anxiety. The vast majority of university students for future career choices and job search activities showed varying degrees of anxiety, students in schools are relatively poor and the relatively low education levels, this has been particularly evident anxiety.

2.3.4 Presence of Anxiety

This is a concept proposed by the philosopher Martin Heidegger. Refers to a lack of life goals and direction, and feel happy, do not know what is the meaning and value of life, the heart is filled with confusion, angry, anxious, worried and accompanied by some physical discomfort reaction anxiety state. The presence of anxiety is not uncommon among college students. For example, some students studying in secondary school, the only power is admitted to the dream of college, but suddenly when he really was admitted to the University of feeling lost target and direction; deeply disappointed and not satisfied with some students on their college do not know why they do not know how to live; Some students in learning, living, emotionally frustrated, was a serious threat to the long-term accumulation of values and feel good about themselves. If these students lack the ability to solve the above problems, will be caught in the continued presence of anxiety. Practice proved that anxiety can be controlled. Students can use the self-cognitive strategies, psychological self defence mechanism, the body adjusts strategies and problem-oriented coping strategies to reduce or eliminate the anxiety.

3. Resolve Strategy of College Students’ Anxiety

3.1 Self-cognitive Strategies

Cognitive School psychotherapist Alice: people feel is largely associated with the idea; if people can change the ideas can also change the feeling. Formation of anxiety with this point of view will find: not aroused the anxiety caused by anxiety but events negative interpretation or view. College students should alleviate or eliminate anxiety need to start from the changes, cognitive. First, identify and record the negative automatic thoughts. The so-called automatic thoughts, is the judgment made in the face of environmental stimuli similar to the automatic reaction of thinking and reasoning process. Its main performance always feels that he is a loser, always thought that there is an insurmountable obstacle in the environment, will not have their satisfaction with the results. Students in difficulties or setbacks anxiety these automatic thoughts with the intervening recorded. Second, identify implicit with automatic thoughts behind the irrational beliefs. Unreasonable belief is a basic knowledge of the individual's psychological dysfunction, disposable one interpretation of life events, the formation of a variety of specific automatic thoughts. Makes the mood disorders unreasonable belief absolute, rigid, unconditional "should" and "must". Finally, resource orientation improved reconstruction. Improved refactoring give another explanation, resource orientation refers to the bright side, look at the problem from the positive aspects of a problem. Of any untoward incident from a resource-oriented perspective changed reconstructed. Such as the treatment of the lovelorn can be improved refactoring: "It makes me breakfast end an own romance, and start early re looking for romance.

3.2 Self-Psychological Defence Mechanism

Psychological defence mechanism means person unconscious layer in an automatic effect, irrational cope with anxiety and the psychological process of adaptation. The psychological defence mechanism used properly, can effectively reduce the psychological pain improve affordability of frustration, and help to find their own way to bail out. Negative psychological defence mechanisms such as repression, alternative, degenerative, projected, mostly showing the retreat, an escape feature also can play a role relieve anxiety and ambivalence, but often prevents individuals face reality aggressive, excessive use of You may also cause mental disorders. Therefore, the promotion of college students uses positive self-defence mechanism. Which comprises:

3.2.1 Actively Sublimation Method

Refers to the individual setbacks, they are not recognized by the Society of motivation or behaviour into motivation and behaviour to meet the expectations of society. Such as Goethe lovelorn writes, "The Sorrows of Young Werther.”

3.2.2 Need Compensation Law

Means the individual cannot be successful in one respect, in the other hand, play to their strengths and achievements. The so-called "lost and Gains" talking about what happened compensation role.

3.2.3 Rationalization of Law

Referring to the individual to find some favourable grounds to relieve nervousness inner anxiety, these reasons are often not very clear, is powerless in the face of reality taken to avoid or deny the strategy, so this method is not appropriate to use.

3.2.4 Humorous Law

A difficult personal situation or in an awkward position, you can use the same method to save the day, to ride out the storm, or use the potential intention to express through this method, dealing with the problem in an innocuous situation out of the woods.

3.2.5 Reasonable Catharsis Law

Human psychology in a depressed state, there should be restrained vent, playing sandbags, running, or looking for their relatives, friends tell their own sorrow and anxiety to let it out.

3.3 Physical Conditioning Strategy

The body and mind is a unified whole, both interrelated and influence each other. Recreational activities, physical exercise self-cultivation, college students beyond the psychological barrier are very beneficial. German intelligence trainer, therapist Thomas Delage very high regard for jogging. He said: "Jogging is not physical, mental and spiritual Fountain filled with anxiety, fear and tension a few minutes before the brain in breathing and movement, but soon dissipated Scots all." In addition, deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation can effectively alleviate and eliminate anxiety and simple. Deep breathing points: as slowly as possible evenly inhale exhale, the slower the better, the more the better. Progressive muscle relaxation points: let each part of the body muscles tense up, and then it slowly relaxes. Tension to relax so that repeated alternately process not only helps anxiety master muscle relaxation, but also enable it to learn to recognize the symptoms of anxiety - muscle tension and stiffness.

3.4 Problem-oriented Coping Strategies

Problem-oriented coping through centralized organization and arrange a variety of resources to cope with a way to deal with the anxiety condition or event. It points directly to the problem itself, with respect to reduce or get rid of the painful emotional spirit directed coping style, which is more conducive to fundamentally solve the problem.

The most unbearable is "uncertain". To identify anxiety clues to anxiety "labeling", so many obscure things clear, allows college students to reduce stress, enhance the sense of emotional control. In addition, also help students to focus on the solution to the problem, to help them to take constructive action and not fall into the inexplicable anxiety and unable to extricate themselves.

In general, the first incident attributed to the outcome of the action an objective, then the success or failure attributed to control internal factors, such as the level of effort, knowledge mastery, rather than the success or failure of too much due to uncontrollable external factors, such as luck, ability, task difficulty. But it should be noted that not simply evaluate what kind of attrition model of good or bad (because of various factors in the success or failure of reality are objective existence), in different contexts for different attribution has its own positive meaning, as long as it is a relatively objective reflection should be meaningful. For example, the success is due to the confidence phase is desirable for the lack of self-confidence of students; failure is unlikely to complete the task, due to the task too difficult to avoid the anxiety and worries of the people into hopeless being.

Social support includes three dimensions: One objective support that objective, visible or practical support; subjective support that subjective experience emotional support; utilization of support, namely the use of social support how much. Social support, especially the subjective support a vital impact on the mental health of college students. Good social support not only meet the needs of college students love, interpersonal needs, but also help them to get information from all sides with their own understanding of cognitive abilities, and the distance between the reality and the relationship between the actual self and the ideal self. At the same time, the social support can provide college students with effective problem-solving strategies to alleviate anxiety and pain of the college students. However, many college students are not good at the use of social support to solve the problem, awareness, habits, lack of social support, especially male college students, they use less social support. Social support is a potential support; the key is that students actively take the initiative to use. The extremely wonderful ability to regulate their emotions, college students can effectively stimulate the desire for self-awareness and self-regulation, and good at using external and internal resources they have, can be effective in improving their emotions, and thus avoid excessive anxiety destroy their mood, reduce their quality of life. Of course, when college students into a morbid or excessive anxiety and unable to extricate themselves, we must as soon as possible to seek professional help.


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