Content―based Storytelling in the EFL Classroom

时间:2022-09-25 07:12:02

Abstract:content-based storytelling enhances learning through creating, shaping and expanding meaning in the efl classroom. Intersubjectivity plays an important role in terms of creating powerful, personal learning and experiences that are socio-linguistically productive. Use experience as a teacher to demonstrate, clarify and exemplify the use of content-based storytelling in the EFL classroom.

Key words:content-based storytelling; EFL classroom; intersubjectivity

中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1578(2016)011-0001-01

1 Content-based Storytelling and Intersubjectivity

A lot of textbooks are content-based. There are different themes in these textbooks, and the themes can be content-constructed. Content-based storytelling plays an important role in creating, shaping and expanding meaning in the EFL classroom.

Intersubjectivity is a shared understanding among individuals whose interaction is based on common interests and assumptions that form the ground for their communication. When the students are aware of their intersubjective meanings, it is easier for them to understand the new theme, such as global warming, health care system, etc. To be specific, through intersubjectivity between teachers and learners, knowledge is shared, skills developed, attitudes shaped and connections between context and substance established. What’s more, through intersubjectivity, the new knowledge is able to fuse with the students’ past experience. Through intersubjectivity, stories become functional and

can be used to provide resolution of issues, clarification of concepts, recognition of alternative approaches and understanding and application of relevant theory.

2 Advantages of Content-based Storytelling

Firstly, Stories can help to place abstract themes such as astronomy or cloning within a known concrete framework. When humorous or dramatic stories are used to explain the theoretical concepts and the application of relevant theory, the new knowledge can be integrated with the student’s existing schemata. Accordingly, connections between theory, application, and affective components are constructed. Secondly, content-based stories reduce the students’ anxiety and uncertainty in accepting the new knowledge. Thirdly, along with the content-based storytelling, questions like what, when, where, and how can be used to encourage reflection and facilitate extensions. By this way, emotional and practical connections are constructed, and the story is understood as completely as possible.

3 Content-based Storytelling in EFL Classroom

On Legal and Moral Implications of Cloning in EFL class at the university level, if the text is read directly in the class, students might become bored immediately because the content-based text contains too many theoretical concepts and practical applications. Cloning is the theme, so it is a good idea to tell stories that relate to the content-based theme. A content-based story about the Cloned Mammal Dolly might be a good choice. Narrate the main plot of a fascinating film The 6th Day about human cloning acted by Arnold Schwarnegger to students. The following situation will be created to expand the meaning. Imagine that one day, you come back home from work but find that there is another “you” in your house. Can you figure out how things will change? This kind of expansion helps students to reflect, and facilitate their understanding on the new theme.

On Protecting Our Environment in the EFL classroom at the university level, Ecological Environment is the theme, so stories that relate to the content-based theme will be told. Brainstorming is necessary, asking students to answer the question What words will you think of when talking about spring? Some one might answer like crystal river, colorful flowers, and green trees. Some one might think of lively sounds, blue sky, and flying birds. A story entitled Silent Spring will be presented. The story is a fable for tomorrow and paints a disturbing picture of an America town suffering from a mysterious series of misfortunes that strike both animals and humans. The students will definitely become absorbed in this kind of fabulous story. Through content-based storytelling, and then explain in a subtle way the significance of protecting our environment and construct connection between environment and human beings.


[1] Jennings, C. Children as story-tellers: Developing language skills in the classroom[M]. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 1991.

[2] Zheng Shutang. New Horizon English: Reading and Writing[M]. Book 3 Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2008.

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