
时间:2022-09-24 05:58:35



Miley Cyrus 麦莉·赛勒斯

Although Miley Cyrus seemed to be quite popular as a teen, her pre-fame years in Tennessee were a completely different experience. At school, there was an "Anti-Miley Club" full of "big, tough girls" who were "fully capable of doing [her] bodily harm" and went above and beyond1) in their bullying pursuit. Cyrus was once locked in a bathroom during class: "They shoved me in. I was trapped. I banged on the door until my fists hurt. Nobody came." Other incidents included challenging Cyrus to a fight, which only ended when the principal stepped in. And when Cyrus wasn't being physically abused, she was being teased, with classmates telling her, "Your dad's a one-hit wonder2). You'll never amount to anything—just like him." Fortunately for her, Cyrus did not listen to nay-sayers, scoring the role of Hannah Montana and a ticket to fame and fortune.

虽然麦莉·赛勒斯在少年时代似乎就已小有名气,但在成名之前,她在田纳西州经历的却是一种截然不同的人生。她的学校里有一个“反对麦莉俱乐部”,其成员都是“身材又高又壮的女生”,她们在享受欺凌他人的过程中,“绝对有能力[给麦莉]造成身体上的伤害”,并做出更过分的事情。有一次,赛勒斯在上课期间被反锁在了厕所里:“她们硬把我推进来,我被困在了里面。我使劲地砸门,拳头都砸疼了,可没有一个人过来。”赛勒斯还遇到过其他欺凌事件,比如,有人向她发出挑战想要跟她打一架,最终因为校长的介入,这事才算结束。而且就算没挨揍,她也会被人取笑。她的同学总会对她说:“你爸就只有一首歌红了,你也不会有什么出息,就像他一样。”(编注:麦莉·赛勒斯的父亲威廉·“比利”·雷·赛勒斯[William "Billy" Ray Cyrus]是美国著名乡村歌手,以一曲“Achy Breaky Heart”走红。) 幸运的是,赛勒斯并没有把那些否定她的声音放在心上,她成功饰演了汉娜·蒙塔纳一角,获得了通往名利殿堂的门票。

Bill Clinton 比尔·克林顿

President Bill Clinton was once the leader of the free world3), but this iconic politician came from humble beginnings. As a junior high schooler, he was picked on relentlessly for being a "fat band boy" with bad taste in clothes. Their taunting culminated in4) an incident at a junior high dance: one older student teased Clinton about his carpenter's jeans5), and even hit Clinton in the jaw. But Clinton did not give the bully what he wanted, choosing to stand his ground rather than fight back or back down6). Clinton shares in his memoir, My Life, "I had learned that I could take a hit7) and that there's more than one way to stand against aggression." He survived the incident, and his status as a band geek paid off8), with Clinton becoming a talented and celebrated saxophone player in addition to his life in public service.


Michael Phelps 迈克尔·菲尔普斯

Although Michael Phelps has been called "amazing", "incredible", and even "the most decorated Olympian of all time", he was branded with much different terms as a kid. He was taunted for his "sticky-out ears" and lisp9), as well as his long arms, which ultimately took him to greatness. It seems that the taunting Phelps experienced encouraged his greatness as well, with coach Bob Bowman reporting, "Michael is the motivation machine—bad moods, good moods, he channels10) everything for gain." Including, we presume, childhood taunting. Phelps is apparently able to take any adversity and turn it into a reason to train harder, going so far as to train during Christmas. His story is one of particular inspirations to bullied kids everywhere, showing that you can not only survive taunting, but turn it into motivation to be amazing.


Emma Watson 艾玛·沃特森

Bullying doesn't just happen in grade school; even the rich and famous take hits now and then. Emma Watson, one of the stars of Harry Potter, is the unfortunate proof of that. In 2011, Watson dropped out of Brown University claiming that she wanted to focus on her acting career, but it is widely believed that she left due to bullying. According to fellow students, Watson was frequently mocked in classes, with students chiming11) in, "Three points for Gryffindor!" and other taunts when she answered questions in classes. But Watson has decided to return to Brown University for the 2013 winter semester.


Tom Cruise 汤姆·克鲁斯

Tom Cruise, the star of Top Gun and Mission Impossible, is beloved for his talent and looks worldwide, but as a kid, he wasn't so appreciated. Cruise's childhood was spent on the move, as his father constantly uprooted12) the family to find a new source of work and support the family. As a result, he was always establishing himself over and over again at new schools: "I was always the new kid with the wrong shoes, the wrong accent. I didn't have the friend to share things with and confide in." And at each school, he faced the same experience over and over again. He was small for his age and easily pushed around13). Eventually, he learned to stand up for himself14), but at every new school, he had to fight over and over again. Cruise found strength and inspiration in his mother, who he says, "rose to the occasion15)", supporting the family on her own with three jobs. On seeing her success, Cruise turned a corner16), deciding, "I'm going to create, for myself, who I am; not what other people say I should be."


1. above and beyond: 超过

2. one-hit wonder: 一曲成名的乐队(或歌手)

3. free world: 自由世界,冷战时期美国及其盟国的自称,与共产主义国家相对立。

4. culminate in: (形势、过程或行动)结果成为……,以……告终

5. carpenter's jeans: 木匠裤,一种宽松的牛仔裤,裤子上通常有很多口袋,可供放置各种工具。建筑工人和木匠常穿这样的裤子。

6. back down: 打退堂鼓

7. take a hit: 受到损害

8. pay off: 取得好结果;带来好处

9. lisp [l?sp] n. 口齿不清,发音不清

10. channel [?t??nl] vt. (为某种目的)引导(或集中) (钱、情绪、想法等)

11. chime [t?a?m] vi. 抑扬顿挫地说话

12. uproot [??p?ru?t] vt. 离开居住很久的地方

13. push around: 粗鲁地命令(某人)

14. stand up for sb.: 支持(或维护)某人

15. rise to the occasion: 成功处理棘手的情况

16. turn a corner: 达到转折点

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