Study on Strategies to Manage Verbal Aggressiveness

时间:2022-09-21 01:51:16

Abstract:Whether you feel prone or nor to such behavior, every one will have to in face of verbal aggressiveness in life, especially in future workplace. Uncontrolled verbal aggressiveness can lead to interpersonal difficulties. Therefore, being wise to handle and manage different kinds of verbal aggressiveness is of great significance and it does require many strategies and tactics. This paper aims at exploring some efficient strategies in the perspective of a business manager, for dealing with subordinates and peers and superiors in order to improve business communication in future work environment.

Key Words: verbal aggressiveness, conflict, business communication

1. Introduction

Controlling verbal aggressiveness is a multistage process which means that multiple strategies are necessary, especially when the conflict changes course. Suppose that a Chinese manager is confronted with verbal aggressiveness by his subordinates, peers and bosses, he will match different strategies to different situations, because there are a few key variables like physical environment and time orientation that define conflict management situations and determine which strategies are likely to be effective.

2. Strategies Application

R. Blake, J. Mouton put forwarded a framework of “the Conflict Grid” to provide some possible style and strategies which are useful in managing conflicts arise from business communication.

2.1 Strategies for Dealing With Subordinates

Confronting with verbal aggressiveness by a subordinate, as a manager, it will be better for him to adopt a competing style (Robert K. Wrede , 2003) at the beginning stage by using his power to stop this conflict. Then, a thorough analysis need to be conducted to find out how and why the two parties are engaged in such a conflict. When his subordinate is calm down, he can initiate a discussion with him/her personally. During the process they can talk with each other while putting aside temporally their superior-subordinate relationship. That is to say, he will use “I-message” to share with the subordinate his own perception, needs and beliefs rather than criticizing or threatening him/her. Then, listening to the subordinate about what makes him/her feel dissatisfied is equally important. By assuming a fair process may help them strike a balance to remove the misunderstanding or get the problem solved. (Robert K. Wrede, 2003)

2.2 Strategies for Dealing With Peers

Being involved in verbal aggressiveness with a peer, concession will be the first choice in order to prevent the conflict from escalation. Considering that poor camaraderie is destructive in an organization, as a manager, he had better apply some positive strategies like compromising or collaborating to deal with verbal aggressiveness. (Robert K. Wrede, 2003). To be specific, if his peer is angry or extremely excited at that time, he should not fight back, instead, he should try to distract his/her attention on this issue, and conciliate he/her to consider from another rational point of view, so that both of them can refocus on the issue itself. If necessary, he could consider turning to help of a third-party mediator to maintain effective communication.

2.3 Strategies for Dealing With Superiors

When facing verbal aggressiveness from boss, here the manager has changed his role into a subordinate. Therefore, avoiding confrontational communication with his boss is comparatively reasonable. In China, the hierarchy layout of position in an organization underlies that it is hard for a subordinate to offense his boss. So if you work for a typically Chinese-style company, accommodating style will be the most frequently adopted strategy to downplay this kind of conflict, because harmony is significant in China. If the conflict is over an unimportant issue, you might as well take it as a minor sacrifice for long-run gains. However, if it concerns your future work development, you can consult your boss in a right time to see if you do something wrong or is there any misunderstanding between you.

3. Conclusion

In conclusion, the conflict grid put forwarded by R. Blake, J. Mouton in 1970 is useful for demonstrating the various communication possibilities available for people engaging in conflict. However, there is no an absolute standard for which strategy is perfectly correct. When involved in verbal aggressiveness, the most efficient tactic is to be flexible, and adopt different strategy in specific situation. Keeping learning from daily errors and experiences is also a good way to accumulate efficient tactics to manage conflicts in future workplace.


[1]R. Blake, J. Mouton. (1970). The fifth achievement. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 6, 418.

[2]Robert K. Wrede. (2003). Communication and conflict: managing verbal aggression in mediation. Mediation and Mediator. Retrieved from www.省略/articles/wrede_R.cfm#bio

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