
时间:2022-09-11 12:55:14

【前言】赞扬是多多益善吗由文秘帮小编整理而成,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。Is praise bad for kids then? Not really… if it’s done appropriately. For example, research has shown that praising a small toddler4 for having good manners actually does produce more polite teens. But there’s good praise, and there’s bad praise...

I was on my run the other day and stopped at the park to get some water. While there I sat on a bench and drank my water, I closed my eyes and listened. The happiest sounds in the world are listening to kids as they play: their little voices, screams, and bargaining with their parents for more time to play. Also, what I heard were a lot of“Mommy, was that good?” or “Daddy, see me?”“Did you see that throw?” Mommy and Daddy both responded, affirming the good job or the throw their child had naturally thrown. You don’t have to go to the park to hear all of these praises.

Sometimes, you have to question if it has gone too far? Are the parents now raising a generation of kids who expect praise for doing nothing? Have you ever told a kid “I’m so proud of you. Great job!” and gotten nothing more than a bored stare in response? What’s up with that? Isn’t praise supposed to boost1 confidence and make kids happy? Aren’t we always told to praise often? Nearly every successful grown-up—actresses, surgeons, and teachers alike—can tell you a heartwarming story about the time a teacher gave them the compliment that lifted them up.2



The over-praise is cultural and society influenced. It wasn’t done as much when I was a kid, or if it was, I don’t remember it happening in my family. Eastern cultures believe too much praise causes kids to grow up to be self-serving lazy adults with big egos.3 They may have some points there.

Is praise bad for kids then? Not really… if it’s done appropriately. For example, research has shown that praising a small toddler4 for having good manners actually does produce more polite teens. But there’s good praise, and there’s bad praise. “Praising well is a subtle art,” says the author of Talking to Tweens5. “How you phrase it can make a huge difference in whether a child feels encouraged by your comments or, despite your good intentions, becomes anxious or even angry.6”

Praise shouldn’t be limited to compliments on a job well done. One of the purposes of praise is to make children feel noticed and accepted unconditionally. Sometimes a simple “You have a great imagination,” or even, “I notice that you really like tennis,” can do wonders toward making kids feel appreciated. So do get specific.




In short, “Good job!” doesn’t reassure7 children; ultimately, it makes them feel less secure. It may even create a vicious circle such that the more we slather on the praise, the more kids seem to need it, so we praise them some more.8 Sadly, some of these kids will grow into adults who continue to need someone else to pat9 them on the head and tell them whether what they did was OK.

Mary Budd Rowe, a researcher at the University of Florida, discovered that students who were praised lavishly by their teachers were more tentative, more apt to answer in a questioning tone of voice.10 And they were less likely to persist with difficult tasks or share their ideas with other students. Researchers keep finding that kids who are praised for doing well at a creative task tend to stumble at the next task—and they don’t do as well as children who weren’t praised to begin with.11



If a parent or teacher praises kids insincerely, they may think theis trying to manipulate them. Kids naturally will begin building their own internal confidence if they face a challenge and work well with it. Constantly telling them how great they are makes them take less risks and less likely to try the very challenges that will help build their self-esteem.

Why does this happen? Partly because the praise creates pressure to “keep up the good work”. Partly because their interest in what they’re doing may have declined. Partly because they become less likely to take risks—once they start thinking about how to keep those positive12 comments coming. It’s like crack13 for kids: Once they get, they need it, and they want more. And the real world doesn’t praise them for getting dressed in the morning.

But this doesn’t mean that all compliments, all thank-you, all expressions of delight are harmful. People who don’t receive or give themselves pats on the back are much less likely to give praise to others. Learning to praise ourselves will act as a boost and help us to be positive and encouraging. Praise is powerful… use it wisely.





1. boost: 推动,促进,激励。

2. heartwarming: 感人的,温馨compliment: 赞美,赞赏;lift: 受到鼓舞,感到高兴。

3. self-serving: 利己的,自私 ego: 〈口〉自负,任性。

4. toddler: 学步的儿童(通常指一至两岁半的孩子)。

5. tween: 又作tweenager,(十一二岁的)儿童。

6. comment: 评论,意intention: 意图,意向。

7. reassure: 使放心。

8. vicious circle: (疾病等的)恶性循 slather: 〈美口〉大量地花费,挥霍。

9. pat: 轻拍……以示赞赏(或安慰、等)。

10. lavishly: 过度大方地,慷慨给予tentative: 迟疑不决的,犹豫的;apt to: 易于……,倾向于……。

11. stumble: 犯错误,出岔子;to begin with:首先,第一。

12. positive: 表示赞成的,积极的,建设性的。

13. crack: 〈美俚〉精纯可卡因。

上一篇:文化导入在高职英语翻译教学中的重要性 下一篇:湿裤子的尴尬